My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 160 Curving

Anna shook her head and reassured Madam Layla, "No need to apologize to us. We too lost track of time due to our conversation."

"You're too kind, Miss Anna. Anyway, let's conclude our discussion for today. It's quite late, and we can continue tomorrow," Madam Layla suggested with a smile.

Julie and Ava exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between them. It was as if they were engaged in a personal competition, both determined to win their affections.

In the next moment, the sisters approached Yuan with a subtle blush on their cheeks. A shy smile adorned their lips as they drew nearer to him.

'Given that my big sister has already captured Yuan's heart, I can't afford to back down out of shyness. I need to outshine Julie, even though she's older than me...' Ava resolved inwardly, determined to win Yuan's affection before her elder sister.

'Let the competition begin, my dear little sister. As the older sibling, I'll show you your place by winning his heart before you do, Ava...' Julie thought with a sidelong glance at Ava, both sisters acting in tandem.

However, Yuan promptly discerned their unusual behavior and guessed their intentions. Shaking his head, he smiled knowingly, aware of their attempts to gain his attention.

'How endearing! They're both putting in effort to become my lover as quickly as possible. Maybe they're feeling envious of Rose, but their shy smiles are truly charming,' Yuan mused internally.

Approaching Yuan, the sisters, Julie and Ava, wrapped their arms around him from either side. Julie embraced him from the left, while Ava hugged him from the right.

This sight surprised both Rose and her brother. They hadn't anticipated their sisters being so forward in openly vying for Yuan's affection. This marked the second time they had witnessed their sisters' audacious behavior.

'Sigh! I can't blame them. They're engaged to Yuan as future wives, just like me. Their jealousy might be driving them to such actions. It's understandable; Yuan's charm is hard to ignore,' Rose thought with a sigh, empathizing with her sisters.

'Why is this guy so incredibly fortunate? Weren't his  wives and big sister Rose enough for him? Why did Mother arrange for all three of my sisters to be engaged to him? Why has luck forsaken me?' James lamented inwardly, glancing at Yuan as Ava and Julie hugged him from both sides.

Meanwhile, Yuan smiled at the two sisters who were evidently trying to gain his attention. Addressing them, he teased, "You two mischievous girls, are you attempting to seduce me now?"

Upon hearing his words, both Ava and Julie blushed crimson. They quickly buried their faces in his chest, hiding their shy expressions.

Amused and touched by their actions, Yuan found their behavior both cute and endearing.

'They're unexpectedly shy, quite a change from our initial encounter. But they're truly endearing...' Yuan reflected inwardly, noting his wives gazing at him with knowing smiles. Xi Meili, however, only regarded him with a loving gaze.

He smiled at his wives and motioned for them to wait a moment, which they understood, realizing he wanted to address Julie and Ava's affections properly.

Yuan returned his focus to Ava and Julie, who were still hugging him tightly. "I've unintentionally neglected both of you, and it's quite late to hold a proper conversation. How about the three of us go on a date tomorrow?" he proposed with a warm smile.

Busy with Rose and the unexpected turn of events, Yuan hadn't found the chance to engage with Ava and Julie as much as he'd liked. The idea of a date was his way to compensate for his previous negligence.

Both sisters were taken aback. Go on a date with Yuan? Wasn't this the perfect opportunity to win his heart?

"Really?!" Ava and Julie exclaimed simultaneously, their excitement evident.

"Why, of course, yes! Or do you two not wish to go on a date with me?" Yuan responded, feigning disappointment.

"We definitely want to go on a date with you, Yuan!" Julie answered quickly, her face flushed with enthusiasm.

"Same here! I'd love to go on a date with you, Yuan! Let's make plans for tomorrow then," Ava added, a sweet smile gracing her features and her cheeks tinged with pink.

"Then it's settled... Tomorrow at noon, we'll go on our date," Yuan confirmed with a nod.

The two sisters shyly nodded in agreement, their faces tinted with a blush. They were receiving encouragement from their mother, brother, Yuan's wives, and, of course, their elder sister, Rose.

'Sigh! I didn't expect them to secure a date with Yuan before me. They've outpaced me in this aspect...' Rose sighed internally.

'How could he so openly ask them on a date together? And to think they agreed so readily? This is beyond belief!' James lamented internally, seething with jealousy at Yuan's romantic success.

Noticing the expression on James' face, Madam Layla shook her head in exasperation. She felt truly unfortunate to have such an inept son who struggled to establish even a single romantic connection.

Leaning close, she whispered in James' ear, "If you want to be successful with women, you need to be more confident and proactive. You can't even hold a proper conversation without stammering. Work on your social skills or you'll remain a virgin forever!"

'Die as a virgin?' The words echoed in James' mind. The phrase struck him deeply, hitting a nerve.

'Will I really die without experiencing intimacy? I can't allow that to happen! I won't pass away a virgin; I need to experience the pleasures of physical intimacy! I refuse to accept this fate; I must succeed!' James thought, his determination renewed. 

He decided to put more effort into winning a woman's heart within the village, considering the number of beautiful young women around in Pinebrook village.

'My goodness, I only intended to encourage him slightly. I didn't expect it to work so effectively... I'm genuinely surprised!' Madam Layla marveled at the newfound determination in her son's eyes.

Yuan then slightly bent and placed gentle kisses on Ava and Julie's cheeks, leaving them taken aback by the unexpected affection.

They were rendered speechless! Had Yuan really just kissed their cheeks? Did this mean Yuan might be developing feelings for them too?

'Wait, did Yuan really kiss me just now?' Ava glanced at Yuan in disbelief.

'He kissed me... he actually kissed me! Is this real?' Julie stared at Yuan with wide eyes, utterly shocked.

However, Yuan wasn't surprised by their expressions; he had anticipated their shocked reactions, given how abrupt his gesture had been. He had a feeling they had dreamt of such a moment.

"I hope that's enough to satisfy you both for now..." Yuan said with a warm smile directed at Ava and Julie.

"It's more than enough!" Julie blurted out, her cheeks flushing.

"Agreed..." Ava nodded, her own face blushing as well.

"Since it's getting late, we should retire for the night. Good night to both of you," Yuan bid farewell to Ava and Julie.

"Good night, Yuan!" they responded in unison, smiles full of affection lighting up their faces.

Yuan then turned his attention to Rose, who seemed somewhat perturbed. He moved closer and enveloped her in an embrace. "Is my dear Rose feeling a tad bit jealous of her sisters?" he playfully inquired.

"Hmph! I'm not jealous at all. You're jumping to conclusions," Rose retorted with a dismissive snort.

'So she's not willing to admit it? How adorable!' Yuan thought to himself.

"I see... Then let me compensate with a kiss," Yuan said, a playful grin on his lips as he leaned in toward Rose.

Before Rose could respond, Yuan's lips had already met hers in a gentle kiss. Surprisingly, she didn't pull away; rather, she seemed to have longed for this kiss, especially since she felt a bit envious of her sisters getting a date with Yuan.

The two of them wrapped their arms around each other, their passionate kiss forgetting the presence of Yuan's wives, Madam Layla, and the others in the room.

After breaking the kiss, Yuan softly whispered, "Good night, my dear Rose..."

"Mmm, good night..." Rose replied with a quiet voice, her face flushed.

With that, Yuan returned to his wives' side, wearing a content smile. "Apologies for the wait. You must have been a bit bored."

"Not at all. After all, they also deserve some of your attention. We can't be selfish around our future sisters, can we?" Emma remarked with a smile.

"Exactly. We want them to feel comfortable with us," Yuan's mother, Anna, chimed in.

"We can continue our conversation later. For now, let's head to the bedroom; there's a lot to catch up on," Yuan said with a suggestive grin. His wives immediately understood his implied meaning.

"Let's go, let's go! My body's craving your love, darling! I can't control myself now that you've mentioned it. You need to take responsibility," His mother Grace exclaimed with an excited voice, hugging her own body passionately while sporting a suggestive expression.

"Pervert..." Anna rolled her eyes at Grace's antics.

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