Mr. Fang's Feisty Mistress

Chapter 293 His Playful Side

The man didn't even care about being caught red-handed.r

He was very proud to admit to cheating without trying to pretend.r

"Mr. Fang, you are too much!" Zhang Liling said angrily as she walked over to his side.r

Putting the second plate down, she sat on the chair at his right before pushing the plate in front of him to his side.r

Fang Bingwen's gaze followed the plate of Satay until it stopped in front of her.r

"I only took a piece," he said looking up at her.r

"You promised not to eat any until I returned with the other snacks, but you shave proved that your words can't hold a cup of water." r

"Did I ever promise you anything? I only agreed to your words, nothing more." Saying up to this point, he stretched his hand to pull the new plate of snacks to his side.r

"I thought you would have been crying by now, but here you are ready to woof down the entire plate of Satay."r

For this statement he made, Zhang Liling out down her fork and snatched the plate from him.r

"I really should have listened to my mother when she said nobody should be trusted. But look at the foolish innocent me, I was busy defending you. Not anymore," she said in a time laced in regret.r

"You discussed about me with your mother?" Fang Bingwen asked as his gaze narrowed to her.r

'When did this happen?'r

​ 'What did they talk about?r

Pointing at the plates before her with her fork, she retorted. "You couldn't even prove that you love me. You broke your promise and now you're trying to cover up. Mr. Fang, please remind me not to trust you anymore. I should even compose the reminder into a lullaby."r

Shifting her gaze back the plate of beef before Herz she stabbed her fork into a piece before sending it into her mouth as her gaze returned to him once more.r

"Who said I don't care for you? I was going to comfort you if you cried, but see what happened next. You flared up with not even tear threatening to drop from your eyes," Mr. Fang replied without breaking his gaze as he watched her busy mouth chew on.r

"I see..." She trailed off, nodding in understanding. "You were going to comfort me after making me cry."r

Ignoring her question, he pulled the second plate containing three pieces of Vadai (a traditional snack made from moulding legumes and potatoes into five) and knowing that she was going to snatch the plate from him soon with the way her eyes were latched on him like a hawk, he quickly picked up a piece.r

"There is love in sharing," he said as he quickly brought the Vadai to his mouth and took a big bite as Zhang Liling rolled her eyes at him.r

The couple's loving banter lasted through out the time they finished eating their traditional snacks specially prepared by the Chef.r

Going over to the living room to sit and chat over a glass of red wine under Fang Bingwen's guidance, Zhang Liling brought up the matter about moving places.r

"I would have loved to move out in the next two days, but I'm very lazy to pack my things out. I don't want anything weighing me down, so I will take my time."r

"You literally moved I to my place with a your belongings. You should have asked the maids to help you out. Don't come and cry to me if you don't feel well," Mr. Fang cautioned while giving her the side glance.r

"Bleehhh..." Zhang stuck out her tongue to him, and right when she was about to take it back inside her mouth, she saw something in line of vision as she as she instantly felt a pull on her tongue.r

The next moment, she saw Fang Bingwen's face almost about to enter her eyes. r

"I dare you to talk again!" he said as his brows knitted tightly.r


"Ehn?" Mr. Fang echoed as he turned his ear to her mouth. "I can't hear what you are saying. Can you talk like a human?"r

Zhang Liling was so mad at him as she glared daggers at him. r

He was the one holding her tongue. How was she going to stick her tongue back into its cave and be able to speak like the human he expected?r

He was really having fun teasing her.r

Unable to bear the gloating, she tried to hit his arm away. Well, she succeeded because her tongue was wet with her saliva, so his fingers slipped out, but she ended up hurting herself a little as he did was forced to let go.r

Putting down her glass of wine immediately, she covered her mouth with her hand as she turned to glare at him with blame visible in her eyes.r

"Don't look at me like that, you are the one hitting people and hiring yourself at the same time," Mr. Fang said defensively as he shifted his gaze away from her.r

Who was she glaring at?r

As he tried to drink from his glass, he only managed to take a gulp when a hand pushed the bottom of his glass, instantly pouring more liquid than required.r

This caused the wine to overflow to his nose and down to his shirt, immediately staining the snow-white shirt. r

But he was lucky to be very quick to hold his breath as the wine came pouring down, so although a little wine flowed into his nose, it didn't get to his head because he had held his breath right on time.r

Seeing the mess she had caused, her heart froze in her chest as she thought, 'I think I'm in trouble. I didn't mean to that. What is Mr. Fang going to do next? Will I be getting scolded?'r

As she rambled on and on in her head, Fang Bingwen out down his glass of wine before dabbing the little red stain at the space between his nose and his upper lip with his sleeves.r

When he was done, he glanced at her from the corner of his eyes as his gaze squinted at her.r

Afraid that he was actually going to deal with her, and not knowing what he was going to do next, she tried to escape form him, but the result was unexpected.r

He ended up pulling a little too hard on her shirt why she was trying to escape, forcing the top buttons of her shirt to rip off and fall to the tiled floor as her full chest came into his line of sight.r

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