Mr. Fang's Feisty Mistress

Chapter 292 Eyes On Snacks

After the conversation with her mother, Zhang Liling left for Mr. Fang's study to look for him, but didn't find him there.

Next, she went to his bedroom, but was empty.

Going downstairs, she found out from the butler that he had already left for somewhere.

Since she couldn't find him, she returned to her bedroom and went directly into her walk-in closet.

Glancing at the dresses neatly arranged in the wardrobe, her brows furrowed slightly as she sank into contemplation.

"Where should I start from?" She mumbled to herself.

She had wanted to talk to Fang Bingwen concerning her business as her mother had suggested, but as he was not home at the moment, she figured that she could start parking her things little by little.

Even after an hour later, there was still a lot of things for her gather, but she was far too tired to continue.

A yawn fell off her lips as her lashes fluttered lightly. With that sign, she picked up her phone and left the for her room.

Going straight to her bed, she let her body sink into the sheets and shut her eyes Immediately without bothering to put her phone away.

With her phone in hand, she slept off.

A few hours later...

Mr. Fang was on the phone with someone as he stepped into the house dressed in a plain shirt and trousers.

But he looked slightly different from before, all thanks to his haircut which Zhang Liling noticed immediately she walked away from the kitchen and was going towards the dining room when she saw him.

"Mr. Fang!" she called out immediately and walked over to him as her eyes shone brightly, but then, she saw that he was on a call and quietened down.

Fang Bingwen raised a questioning brow as his gaze moved from her face to the plate in her hand.

"Mmmm..." he hummed in response to the person at the other end of the phone before stepping closer to her.

Moving the phone away from his ear as he used his left hand to cover the speaker, he asked in a low tone, "What's in there?"

"Snacks. Are you interested?" Zhang Liling asked while blinking her eyes like a cute doll.

She was a bit taken aback that he would show interest in what she had in her hand while he was still on a call.

Was he hungry?

Maybe he was after being away for a few hours.

Fang Bingwen nodded before placing the phone back on his ear to continue with the conversation over the phone.

Seeing that he had gone back to the conversation, she mouthed "Alright, follow me," before turning to lead them to the dining area.

"That is a good one. Confirm the sales report once more before sending them to me. Good."

Finally, Mr. Fang put the phone away as they walked toward the dining table.

"Did you request for a special order?" He asked as he pulled the chair at the head table before sitting down in anticipation.

Knowing how well Zhang Liling would not let an opportunity skip by without ordering the chef to make something sweet for her, he couldn't help but guessed that she did the same this time around.

Placing the plate on the table, she removed the cover to reveal the traditional snack that was sitting on the white ceramic flat plate.

"Satay?" his lips uttered in recognition.


"What made you crave for grilled meat this evening?" He asked as he pulled the plate this his side.

Ignoring his question, her eyes flew wide in alarm. "Mr. Fang, why are you taking the meat for yourself?" she asked, not caring if she should have answered his question first before throwing her own question to him.

"This can't be the only snacks you ordered, go and bring the rest here," Fang Bingwen replied as he picked up the fork inside the plate without replying to her question.

"Y-You..." Zhang Liling stammered, not knowing what to say to him.

Was he even listening to what she was saying? She doubted that, given how his eyes were only on the grilled meat she had brought over.

This was the first time she was seeing this side of him, and knowing that he would probably start eating without waiting for her, she hurriedly said to him,

"Mr. Fang, can you at least wait for me to come back with the other snacks?"

She looked helpless while pleasing with him and fortunately, Fang Bingwen decided to out down the fork.

"Be quick. You look like you are about to cry," he said as his gaze shifted to her face.

Instantly, a smile turned up on her face as she quickly ran back to the kitchen as her response echoed after her.

"Thank you!"

Fang Bingwen's gaze followed her till her back disappeared from his view, leaving only the rushed heavy sounds of her retreating footsteps.

Glancing back to the food before him, he picked up the fork again.

"If I eat a piece, will she cry?" he mumbled to himself. Then without waiting to think more about it, he stabbed a piece of the best with the fork.

"Let's see about that."

Immediately, his lips parted as he brought the delicious piece of beef to his lips. Without a moment of hesitation, he sent it into his mouth as his teeth bit on it.

Nodding in approval as his tongue relished the flavours taste of the grilled beef, he muttered to himself.

"This is nice,"

Zhang Liling who ran back into the kitchen to get the other plate of snacks, returned a minute later.

Just as she stepped a happy foot into the dining space, she froze in her step as the man chewing something in his mouth cane into her line of vision.

'H-He actually tasted it...'

"Mr. Fang!" she cried out immediately, almost frightening the man.

Hearing his name from that angry tone, Fang Bingwen quickly raised his head.

Meeting her heated gaze head on, he said, "Oh! You're back? That was fast. I didn't expect you to return before I could swallow the piece in my mouth."

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