Marvel Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 685: “The Avengers Came”

Chapter 685: “The Avengers Came”

I mean, you know. Which man doesnt want to be strong and big?

As a playboy, Quill knows how important power is for men. Men and women fall in love at first sight mainly based on looks, but whether or not he is strong has nothing to do with the impact and influence of their marriage life.

Facing Gamora, who was strong, Quill hoped that he could be strong enough on his side.

Hearing this, Jerry did not agree to Quills request. Instead, he patted him on the shoulder, Quil, when Egg chatted with you before, he should have introduced you to his power.

Ego has talked about the nature of that power before, but what does this have to do with now? Quill was confused.

Jerry leaned closer and explained, Ego can use the power to create himself a body; he can use that power to create planets. He can also use that power to change the size and strength of his bodys organs.

Meaning you have the same power as Ego. If you want, you can do it yourself without my help. Be as big as you want, as strong as you want. Even if Gamora wanted to, you can also use that power to change her body to a certain extent.

If you have time, it is better to study more about the power in your own body. Alright?

Although Jerry erased Egos soul, he retained Egos planet and Egos power, so the power in Quills body remains. What he just told Quill is indeed true, but if he really wants to do what he said, it will not be possible in a short time unless Quill trains hard enough.

He also hopes that Quill will have more motivation for his power. In the future, Quill will take the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy on adventures in the universe, and he will inevitably encounter various unknown beings. Having control over that power will give you more ways to protect yourself.

Hearing Jerrys words, Quills eyes suddenly lit up, and they looked at Gamoras chest. Gamora was comforting Nebula over there and moved her ears slightly. For some reason, there was a slightly different expression on her face.

At this point, Quill no longer asked Jerry for help but left Jerrys room with the others.

Since this kind of thing can be solved by himself, of course, it would be best for him to do it himself. It will not be embarrassing later, and he can do whatever he wants. He cant wait to get into his room to study his power.


Quil, why are you standing there? Didnt we agree to go downstairs for a drink together? Drax was standing next to Rocket and Groot, looking at Quill, who was standing still in confusion.

As they were going upstairs, they noticed that the fifth floor of the most luxurious hotel in Knowhere had an entertainment venue like gambling, bars, and beast fighting.

At that time, Quill suggested that he wait for the others to have fun after everything was done. After all, Tivan will cover up their expenses.

I think I should go back to my room to get more familiar with the power that I just got so that it can be used later when I face Thanos. You guys can go and have fun. Quill waved his head and ran towards his room.

He felt that his relationship with Gamora was not far away from the final step, and maybe there would be something in the next two days. Based on his many years of experience in picking up girls, when Thanos is killed, it may be the perfect time to propose to her.

Because like Nebula, Thanos is also someone that Gamora fears most in her life. However, Gamora was not physically transformed because Thanos valued her.

When Thanos is killed, the shackles in Gamoras mind will be broken. It will be easy for him to do anything with her at that time.

Therefore, he must hurry up and become familiar with the power in his body and use the power to strengthen himself before that moment, as this is the most important thing he must do beforehand.

Seeing Quill running back to his room, everyone present, except Gamora, felt that they were seeing things.

Seeing Quill return to his room to prepare for Thanos is weird. He always has either no plan or the best plan he will come up with on the spot. This is simply not in line with his usual behavior.

He is definitely not Quill. He must have been swapped with someone else! Drax pointed at Quills back and said firmly.

I am Groot! Groot pointed to Jerrys room.

Rocket jumped onto Groots shoulders and laughed, Groot is right. With Jerry here, there is no way another person can change Quill. I think he may have called some special services and doesnt want us to know. Gamora, I suggest you check it out later.

Its none of my business if he calls for that kind of stuff. Nebula and Mantis, lets go to the top floor and have a look. They said that there is a good artificial beach there. Gamora said coldly; Nebula and Mantis went into the elevator to the top floor.

She noticed that Quill was asking Jerry about something when she was in the room. She didnt hear all the specific content, but she got the gist of it. She had already guessed why Quill was acting like this and wanted to be familiar with the power, but how could she publicly tell those things?

I guess well just have a drink.

Rocket, Drax, and Groot also took the elevator to the fifth floor.

Jerry heard clearly what was going on outside. He smiled, shook his head, and waved his hand to open the portal to the Earth. He has to go back to Earth to gather all the Avengers and bring them to Knowhere.

Its not that they are expected to deal with Thanos and his army, who will arrive in two days, but it is to allow them to come over and know the environment.

Knowhere is the future Avengers base in the universe, and they must know about them. If all of them were not famous, they would not be troubled by other forces in the universe after Jerry leaves.

Thanos and his army are nothing to Jerry now; he will mainly play the role of just watching them and finishing it later when they have a problem.

He still needs to let the Avengers show their strengths and let the major forces in the universe know that the Earth has a powerful organization called the Avengers. Not only did they defeat Thanos, but they also acquired Knowhere, and the Wizard was also one of them.

In this way, nothing will happen here, even if he goes to another place to do something.

Early the next morning, a portal appeared again in Jerrys room.

Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, Mahjong Girl, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, War Machine, Black Widow, and other Avengers members appeared in the room one by one.

Finally, Jerry closed the portal and looked at everyone, Welcome to Knowhere, the largest black market in the universe and the future Avengers base!

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