Marvel Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 684: “New Nebula”

Chapter 684: “New Nebula”

As long as Thanos and his fleet are dealt with, there will be no more The Snap in the future, and he will have more red stars. It does not matter who kills Thanos in the end. He agrees to Nebulas request.

As for the source of Nebulas pain, her semi-mechanized body is something that Jerry could deal with as well. He can help Nebula remove the machines from her body, grow new flesh and hair, and become a normal person.

Checking my body? Nebulas expression suddenly stiffened, and Quill, Gamora, and others widened their eyes at the same time.

Jerry nodded in surprise,

Yeah, Im wondering if I can use magic to help you get rid of those machines on your body and restore your original appearance. Hey, why do you look at me like that?

Oh, yeah. I thought it was something else. Quill immediately laughed to cover up the awkward atmosphere.

Thats not what he thought. He thought that you wanted Nebula in a room at night just to be with her. At this moment, Mantis was standing behind Quill, touching his shoulder with her finger and raising her head as if she wanted to expose him.

But before she could finish her words, a dagger appeared in front of her eyes, I think if you dont want your head to fall to the floor, its best for you not to continue that now.

It was Nebula who raised the mechanical arm of her right hand in time to stop what Mantis was going to say next. The misunderstanding about Jerrys words made the atmosphere very awkward. If Mantis says anything again, it will be even more embarrassing.

Looking at the dagger in front of her, Mantis immediately nodded in fear and covered her mouth.

Lets talk about this later tonight. Lets take a stroll around the black market. Dont worry about it. Tivan pays for all the expenses. At this time, Jerry realized that his words might have caused some misunderstandings. He smiled, waved his hand, and changed the topic immediately.

In the evening, in the top luxurious suite of Tivans Hotel in Knowhere.

Jerry looked at Nebula, who was nervous and comforted her, Dont be nervous. Its not complicated or going to be painful. You need to wait here for a while. Gamora and the others will be here to accompany you.

Wait? Nebula was confused, while Quill and Gamora, standing next to her, were also confused.

Jerry smiled, Yeah, I will take five minutes or so.

She saw Jerry stretched out his right hand and flicked Nebulas forehead, and her soul suddenly retreated from her body. Jerry touched Nebulas body and said to Gamora and others, Okay, both of you stay here with Nebulas soul while I repair her physical body.

After saying that, he took Nebulas body into the ring world.

Half of Nebulas body has been transformed by Thanos using the most advanced technology in the universe. If he wants to completely restore it to its normal appearance, drinking a few potions will definitely not be enough to suppress the pain.

Jerry planned to get her soul directly from the body and use the cells from her original body to create a new body and strengthen her body to a certain extent. These are not very difficult things with the things he has in the ring world.

You must know that he had already mastered the method of creating new human beings before. He created even all the human beings living on the Eastern continent.

I didnt expect that Nebula to look like this. Jerry couldnt help but let out a sigh of admiration as he looked at a blue female body slowly forming.

Nebula had a good physique, nearly 1.8 meters tall, and she had a pretty good appearance. It was because half of her body was mechanized, and she had no hair due to the modification on her head, which made her a little bit scary.

Under Jerrys magic, the newly created and strengthened body has eliminated the shortcomings. It has exquisite facial features and a prominent figure. However, because of her blue skin, Jerry felt a little bit weird. As a native of Earth, he doesnt have any interest in other beings like Quill.

Oh? She needs some clothes. Looking at Nebulas fully formed body, Jerry snapped his fingers and transferred the clothes from her original body to the new one.

After finishing this, he left the ring world with the newly born Nebula in his arms and returned to the hotel room.

Alright, here we go. He stretched out his hand and Nebulas soul, who was standing next to Gamora. It was instantly sucked over by Jerry and pushed into the new body.

Because it was originally a body from the Nebulas old body, there was no rejection reaction when the soul entered the new body.

Nebula opened her eyes again in less than a second. Standing in front of the mirror in the room, Nebula looked at her left hand, which had returned to normal, the long blue hair that had grown out and couldnt help but shed tears in her eyes.

Since her brain was replaced with a semi-mechanical brain, she has lost the ability to cry. Her expression has always been relatively cold. Its not that she is always cold, but her brain wont allow her to express any emotion. But now, she has finally returned to normal and has become a normal person who can express her expressions more.

Thank you, Jerry. Nebula turned around and hugged Jerry.

Jerry smiled and patted Nebula. Having Nebula take the initiative to hug her shows how happy Nebula is to return to her normal appearance. After hugging Jerry, Nebula turned to hug Gamora.

At this time, Quill walked to Jerrys side, Your magic can not only repair a body but also make people more beautiful?

Nebula looks completely different from the previous Nebula, which makes Quill think that Jerry must have used some magic to alter her appearance.

This is what Nebula originally looked like. I made no other changes except improving her physical qualities. Jerry explained.

You can strengthen some physical qualities? can it be used to strengthen other parts of the body? Quill had a look of surprise in his eyes.

Jerry lowered his head and looked at Quill with a funny look on his face, What part of your body do you want me to strengthen? Or, to be exact, what part of your body do you want to be enlarged?

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