Marvel Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 654: “Syaoran’s Sealed Right Eye”

Chapter 654: “Syaoran’s Sealed Right Eye”

Miss Yuuko is truly a master of business! Upon hearing this, Jerry couldnt help but twitch at the corner of his mouth.

Ichihara Yuuko had negotiated a deal with the vampire twins, allowing them to traverse other worlds to evade Seishirous pursuit. Simultaneously, she struck another deal with Seishirou, facilitating his relentless pursuit of the vampire twins.

As a result, the pursuit persisted, with Miss Yuuko reaping the price paid twice.

I can liberate you entirely from Seishirous pursuit and transport you to a world where he cant find you. Are you willing? Jerry posed the question.

Upon hearing Jerrys proposition, the Vampire twins were initially pleased, but confusion soon clouded their expressions, causing them to hesitate.

The magician before them emanated an overwhelming power, leaving them powerless to resist.

However, this immense power also instilled a sense of uncertainty due to its sheer magnitude.

Well be in this world for two days, so theres no need to rush your decision, Jerry observed the twins hesitation, offering a reassuring smile and a casual wave of his hand.

He intended to bring the Vampire twins into his ring world, thereby diversifying the species within it. While not essential, their agreement was welcomed.

To be honest, choosing to become a Vampire wasnt a foolproof path to immortality; its side effects were unmistakable.

Oh dear, look, the water level in the reservoir is decreasing! At this moment, the young men in the escort team suddenly exclaimed, their faces contorted with horror.

The expansive pool in the reservoir, once brimming with groundwater, had, for some inexplicable reason, begun receding at a rate visible to the naked eye. It seemed on the verge of complete disappearance.

The entire buildings inhabitants depended on the reservoirs groundwater for survival. If the groundwater vanished, chaos would erupt, and they would resort to seizing water from others.

A bloody conflict would ensue, claiming countless lives before its resolution.

Kusanagi, its dire! The roof of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building is being corroded by acid rain!

Another young man rushed into the basement at that moment, delivering news that escalated the crisis.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, their current refuge, was one of the rare structures resistant to the corrosive effects of acid rain.

If the government building succumbed to corrosion, they would lose their fundamental sanctuary.

Its all your fault! In the midst of the unfolding catastrophe, a white-haired young man glared angrily at Jerry and the others.

Before individuals like Jerry appeared, such crises were unheard of. It was evident that Jerry and the others were intricately connected to the disappearance of the groundwater and the city halls corrosion.

Their appearance brought the unwanted attention of what they thought of the butterfly effect from their magical presence alone, which Jerry himself found that they cant be blamed to think of such things.

Without the power of feathers, this is a normal situation, but dont worry; I will help you solve these problems. Jerry didnt shy away from the responsibility; instead, he swiftly ascended to the top of the reservoir, initiating the carving of a magic circle.

Sakuras memory feathers possessed the ability to collect laws and energy, akin to an artifact for ordinary individuals, serving multiple auxiliary functions.

The protection of the capital from acid rain corrosion and the assurance of a consistent groundwater supply were attributed to the power and laws of the feathers.

Those safeguards were naturally absent now that the feathers were in Jerrys possession.

However, this posed no difficulty for him. As a top alchemy master, solving such problems was childs play.

Initially, he inscribed a rune of a water-making spell on the pools bottom, allowing it to continuously convert surrounding energy into clean water to replenish the pool.

Subsequently, he engraved Protego onto the basement walls.

By absorbing external energy, it formed a robust protective shield capable of resisting acid rain erosion and fending off attacks from mutant beasts.

Finally, he carved a transfiguration spell of equivalent exchange around the pool.

After absorbing a specific amount of energy, this spell could convert the pool into various essential materials, such as rice, noodles, oil, and more.


Jerry shouted after completing the drawings of all the magic arrays, injecting the initial burst of activation magic into the three magic arrays.

Water, the water is flowing again!

And rice, am I dreaming!? We havent seen this rice for a long time!

The activation of the magic circle stirred excitement among all the escort team members.

Jerry took a moment to explain the functions of the three magic arrays briefly.

Thank you, Mr. Carmen! Kusanagi, the leader of the escort team, led everyone in bowing deeply to Jerry.

The critical water resources were restored, the security of the capital was reinstated, and there was even extra food.

They no longer had to risk their lives hunting colossal mutant beasts just to barely provide enough food for everyone in the capital hall.

Its nothing! Jerry waved his hand.

For him, drawing three simple magic circles, taking less than a minute, was a minor task compared to the laws contained in feathers.

Consider it as earning an extra little reward.

In truth, given his character and current strength, he could temporarily erase the acid rain law attached to this world.

However, he was concerned that this law might be an addition by the Creator God of this world.

Hasty removal might offend the Creator God, leading to potential trouble.

You know, the God of Creation, capable of crafting numerous dimensional worlds and resembling Mokona, is at least at the multiverse level. He is presently no match for them.

Someone who could freely travel between the multiverse is way above Jerrys level for now; he decided to do what he could offer for them without ruining the balance of the world.

Hey, someone is coming! A voice from the group came.

Just when everything seemed settled, as Jerry, Sakura, and the others prepared to head to the capital hall to rest with Kusanagi and the other members of the city guard team, an extremely unstable wave suddenly manifested in the underground reservoir, causing space fluctuations.

Simultaneously, Syaoran, who had been supporting Sakura, abruptly halted, standing with his head lowered and unmoving.

Syaoran, whats wrong with you? Sakura looked at Syaoran, who had suddenly stopped, a worried expression on her face.

After more than ten days together, even though she couldnt fully remember Syaoran, she could sense his sincere love for her, giving her a subtle understanding of him.

Now, seeing Syaoran standing still on the ground, his expression turning cold and devoid of emotion, her intuition signaled that something was amiss.

Indeed, Syaoran suddenly raised his head, and his right eye reflected a Yin-Yang Bagua array. The array began to collapse due to some unknown influence gradually.

When the magic power of the right eye disappears again, does it mean that the seal is about to be lifted?

Fays pupils contracted upon witnessing this, caught in a dilemma.

If he doesnt intervene now, the seal on the Syaorans right eye will unravel, and then Syaoran will be ensnared as a puppet once more.

Yet, if he takes action, King Ashura will undoubtedly sense the fluctuation in his magic power, revealing his whereabouts.

Hey, Im still relatively weak! Syaoran exclaimed while he tried to cover his right eye.

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