Marvel Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 653: “The Vampire Twins”

Chapter 653: “The Vampire Twins”

Its not that Jerry hasnt encountered vampires before; there are also vampires in the Harry Potter world.

However, the vampires in the Harry Potter world are challenging to describe accurately, much like werewolves.

Aside from some shared characteristics, many aspects differ from conventional imagination.

The young man before him bore a striking resemblance to the vampire he had envisioned.

Demon Breaking Dragon King Formation!

Observing the young mans sudden disappearance, Kurogane remained composed. Instead of panicking, he closed his eyes. Energy surged through his body, flowing into the blade in a unique manner, and then he swung it forcefully.

A potent energy shockwave emanated from his entire being. This surge of energy forcefully propelled away the transformed vampire young man before his razor-sharp claws could reach Kuroganes back.

Strength close to the peak of the Earth level! Sensing the energy fluctuations from Kuroganes recent outburst, Jerry swiftly formulated an understanding.

During their travels, Jerry had gained a general grasp of the strengths of his companions. According to his categorization, both Kurogane and Fay possessed peak Earth-level strength, with one being a warrior and the other a mage.

Syaorans strength appeared average on the surface, but he seemed to have latent power. If unleashed, his strength would likely prove formidable.

As for Sakura, shes akin to a regular girl but possesses some special abilities.

On the other hand, Mokona has zero basic combat power, besides the capacity to travel through space and store objectsbarely a match for even a local dog.

Who are you? Just as the young vampire was sent flying by Kurogane, an irate group armed with weapons stormed in.

Upon witnessing the vampire being repelled, their initial disbelief turned into aggression as they picked up specialized crossbows and started firing at Jerry and the others.

Theyre here for the water; kill them! One of the people shouted.

Expelliarmus! Jerry gestured, compelling all the crossbows to fly out of the hands of the aggressors.

Simultaneously, Fay stepped forward, offering an explanation with a smile, Calm down, everyone. Were not here to seize water or harm Mr. Subaru. Weve come solely for a featherjust a feather.

Dont try to deceive us. You appeared at the reservoir and injured Kamui.

Evidently, the inhabitants of the building remained unconvinced by Fays words.

Without their crossbows, they drew daggers from their belts and advanced menacingly.

Well, I guess its time to hope for the best!

Observing this, Fay retreated helplessly. His attempt to clarify wasnt for his own safety but rather for the well-being of those now approaching with hostility.

Because he understood that the seemingly formidable group before him was no match for Jerry, he feared that provoking Jerry might lead to a situation where not even a trace of their bodies would remain.

In the time he had spent with Jerry over the past ten days, he grasped that, while Jerry was not inherently malevolent, he was far from being a benevolent figure either.

In the face of adversaries, Jerry was not one to show mercy.

Petrificus Totalus!

Confronted by a sizable group of assailants charging toward them, Jerry refrained from inflicting harm but instead employed full-body binding magic, rendering them all motionless.

This included the young vampire who struggled to rise and resume the fight.

Jerry was undeniably stern when confronting foes, but he was also reasonable.

Utilizing his mental prowess, he surveyed the entire building, discovering many inhabitantsamong them, the elderly, infirm, unwell, and disabled.

Clearly, this place served as a refuge against the corrosive effects of acid rain, and the individuals now attacking were the guardians of the sole water source within this haven.

Despite their impetuous actions, their motivations were understandable.

Come out!

Having dealt with the attackers, Jerry extended his hand toward the underground water tank.

Powerful suction drew out something resembling a cocoon.

With a slight manipulation of control magic, the cocoon disintegrated into powder, revealing an individual who bore an uncanny resemblance to the Vampire boy from moments ago.

Softly patting the young mans head with closed eyes, Jerry employed magic power to shake out a feather, gracefully catching it in his hand.

The young man, who had maintained his closed-eyed demeanor, gradually opened his eyes. Thank you!

The initial words uttered by the young man upon opening his eyes were an expression of gratitude towards Jerry.

Subsequently, he transformed into an afterimage, swiftly approaching the first young man named Subaru.

Evidently, he was the Subaru whom Kamui had sought to protect moments ago.

Snap! A simple snap of Jerrys fingers dispelled the magic that had bound everyone.

Holding the feather, Jerry entered a state of contemplation, delving into the understanding of the laws it contained.

Given the formidable demonstration of Jerrys ability to create an instant defensive shield for everyone, even if the magic was lifted, the guardians refrained from impetuous attacks.

Surviving in such a catastrophic environment indicated that they were far from foolish.

Observing Jerry engrossed in comprehending the laws, Fay and the others adapted to the situation and initiated conversations with the now-calm guards.

It was revealed that this world had witnessed the deployment of numerous highly destructive advanced weapons during intense wars between various nations.

Consequently, drastic climatic changes, global acid rain, and the emergence of numerous mutated organisms ensued.

Human civilization, once towering, crumbled like ant hills in the face of relentless natural disasters.

Governments swiftly dissolved, leaving behind scattered remnants of humanity.

These survivors coalesced into small factions, eking out a precarious existence by safeguarding the dwindling water sources untouched by the pervasive acid rain.

Water became the most precious commodity in this desolate world, eclipsing all other priorities.

Securing sustenance involved the perilous task of hunting mutant creatures that roamed the altered landscape.

However, competition for water sources often spiraled into conflicts among the surviving factions, escalating to the point of potential massacres.

The arrival of strangers, such as Jerry and his companions, triggered intense hostility among the residents.

Spotting them near the vital underground reservoir and witnessing the harm inflicted upon their most formidable defender fueled their belief that these newcomers were hostile forces intent on stealing their crucial water supply.

Meanwhile, the twin vampires, Kamui and Subaru, hail from a different realm. Seeking refuge from relentless persecution, they invoked the aid of a witch to embark on a journey across worlds, evading those who sought to hunt them down.

Their arrival in this world unfolded three years ago, coincidentally materializing near this reservoir.

However, their circumstances took a twist when Subaru became entranced by the potent energy emanating from the feathers within the reservoir.

In an unforeseen turn of events, Subaru found himself possessed by the feathers, plunging into a profound slumber within the subterranean waters.

Left with no alternative, Kamui reluctantly assumed the role of guardian, patiently awaiting Subarus awakening.

You mentioned evading pursuit? Having harnessed the feathers law-infused power, Jerry passed it to Sakura.

With clenched teeth, Subaru affirmed, and Kamui continued, The pursuer goes by the name of Star Shilang. Subaru once granted him the purest blood, offering the gift of immortality like ours. Yet, he proved ungrateful, turning on us and relentlessly hunting us down.

He, too, possesses the ability to travel between worlds? A flicker of surprise registered on Jerrys countenance.

Subaru responded, He made a wish to Miss Yuuko as well, trading his right eye for a prosthetic eye that allows him limited dimensional travel.

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