Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 499: The Secret of Dreams

Chapter 499: The Secret of Dreams

At the moment when the body of the "God of War" collapsed, the whole world felt it.

At this moment, dusk penetrated the "Deep Dark Heaven" and appeared in the astral world, the spiritual world and the real world uncontrollably.

At this moment, all those who knew the truth had realized a fact: the "God of War" had fallen.

At the same time, almost all the angels and even the true gods who were paying attention to the "Deep Dark Heaven" fell silent, because they also heard the painful cry.


Everyone was stiff, even the angels felt the mental shock comparable to looking directly at the true god.

"How is it possible?!" Among them, the one who felt the clearest was Larion of the Church of the God of War. When he heard the cry, he only felt that his body's strength was drained and fell into the weakest state.

But what collapsed even more was his heart. The collapse of faith made people more desperate than the weakness of the body.

"Larion..." But at this time, some kind of secret whispers rang in his ears, and his collapsed faith suddenly burned up and found the last ray of light.

"God!" Larion turned and left, unable to stay in the Quiet Temple for long.

Just after taking a step, His body solidified, He lowered his head slightly, and a thin blade appeared on his chest.

"You will also go to eternal sleep." The elusive voice became real, and the "Secret Angel" appeared silently behind Larion, and the bone sword in his hand sank into Larion's body, cutting off all life.

Larion was a little confused, but He was really dead and could not leave a last word.

"Secret Angel" pulled out the bone sword and threw it back to Arianna. His calm eyes swept across the scene, and the Church of the Night naturally felt at ease and peaceful.

The rest of the angels, even Mr. Azik, subconsciously bowed their heads.

"Not bad." The "Secret Angel" looked at Roland, the matron of the Church of the Mother Earth, and nodded gently.

"...It's my honor." Matron Roland bowed her head to show respect.

"Secret Angel" stopped talking and looked at the fantasy world.

In the fantasy world, Klein's face froze completely. At this moment, his consciousness seemed to be overwhelmed and he could no longer think.

"Alas, I picked up a copy of 'Glory'." The "Angel of Life" suddenly said with some surprise and joy.

Klein subconsciously turned his head and saw the "Angel of Life" using the power of the fantasy world to pick up the "Battle Angel" and crush him to death, "picking up" a characteristic.

"..." Klein's spirit jumped slightly. At this moment, he seemed to sense something, "The angels of the Church of the God of War are dead."

"Yes, Badhair is completely dead." The "Angel of Life" said.

Klein's heart seemed to be clenched. At this moment, He didn't know where the courage came from, and asked, "Are you allies with Ms. 'Secret'?"

"Yes." The "Angel of Life" was in a good mood and didn't mind answering a few of Klein's questions.

"Are you the supreme, beautiful and unparalleled ancestor of the blood race?"

When asking this question, even Klein on the "Source Castle" couldn't help but look behind him. He was afraid that Amon or even the "Lord of Mystery" would suddenly appear behind him and give him a blow.

"That's right."


Klein felt that his long-standing doubts had been answered. Since the "Angel of Life" was the ancestor of the blood race, the "Secret Angel" was probably...

Klein's thoughts suddenly stopped because he had a familiar feeling.

He looked up and happened to see the "Secret Angel" looking at him in the real world.

"You did a good job, but if you want to know all the answers, you must at least beat Amon and Bethel. From now on, your hope is actually not great." The voice of the "Secret Angel" rang in Klein's ears.

"..."Klein opened his mouth slightly and did not refute. This was a fact. Of course, he didn't dare to do it.

"You have to take over everything from the Church of the God of War as quickly as possible, and then... I want the entire Feysac." The "Angel of Life" also noticed the sight of the "Secret Angel". This was the final division of the spoils.

"Okay." The "Secret Angel" nodded gently.

"..."The two angels were dividing the spoils in a very secret way in the air. Under the protection of the fantasy world, they were not worried about being overheard.

"..." Klein actually wanted to leave, but since he had heard it all, he didn't care to hear more.


The turmoil in the world caused by the fall of the God of War has just begun.

"The night has won..." Amon was rarely distressed, scratching his head gently. His monocle contained countless information, and he was decrypting it.

"How could it be Lilith?" Medici was also shocked when he heard the name. Even though he was only half a step away from becoming a true god, he still felt an unspeakable chill.

But he had lived longer after all, so he quickly looked at Amon.

Amon blinked and suddenly realized, "It turned out to be me."

"Heh!" Medici sneered.

But he didn't refute it, because Amon had done similar things.

- In the Fourth Epoch, Amon once "stole" the fate of the "Conqueror" and dealt him a fatal blow.

At that time, Amon was able to hide it from everyone. There were two key points. The first was naturally the special way of the "thief", and the second was Adam.

In the era when Lilith was there, Amon and Adam were both in the body of the same god, which made the operation easier.

"I feel that a huge conspiracy has enveloped the entire world, from ancient times to the present." Medici's tone was very solemn.

"Really..." Amon gently pinched his monocle, slowly raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled, "It's so interesting."

Some ancient angels have mastered enough knowledge, so there are many angels like Amon and Medici who make certain guesses.

Among them are Antigonus and "Mother of Heaven", this pair of siblings are the two oldest angels.

But they can't care about anything else at this time.

Both angels recalled that Lilith, the ancestor of the blood clan, seemed to have died under the self-explosion of their father "Destruction Wolf"...

"Haha!" Truman actually saw everyone's reaction through cause and effect, and was finally amused by the psychological activities of Antigonus and his brother.

"I woke up and found that both goddesses were my enemies. It's so miserable." Truman was very happy. Of course, there was also the fact that the "Dream Parliament" was noticed by some angels, and then all kinds of speculations and fears were made.

This is the first time that the "Dream Council" has revealed some clues and has been noticed.

The previous "Dream Council" would never have been noticed because of the existence of him and Amanesis.

This is also very powerful, but there is always something missing, and now it is finally complete.

"This is the first time I have seen a secret leaked and still smile so happily." Sasriel shook his head slightly.

"But shouldn't you pay attention to the initial barrier?"

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