Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 498: Death of the God of War

Chapter 498: Death of the God of War

It is not just the dusk that invades the "Deep Dark Heaven", but also the "Mother" who controls "Life".

At the first moment when the green light appeared in the darkness, the night herb, deep sleeping flower and other plants in the entire "Deep Dark Heaven" moved without wind.

They all suddenly grew larger at a certain moment, growing wildly, and soon they were equivalent to the trees that had survived for countless years in the primeval forest, and went straight into the dark sky.

Among these trees, a figure entwined with dark green vines and decorated with various herbs and flowers stood out.

He was also as huge as a mountain, tall and plump, with fluttering clothes, and hugging an illusory baby.

This is the "Mother".

Both true gods entered the "Deep Dark Heaven" in their true bodies and fought the ultimate battle with the "Goddess of Night".

In the deepest darkness, the stars twinkled, and a crimson moon emitted watery moonlight in the darkness.

The "Goddess of Night" walked out of the darkness, wearing a long dress that was layered but not complicated, dotted with countless bright stars, as if she had torn the starry sky off and put it on her body.

Two arms grew out from her ribs and waist, covered with dark black short hair.

In her six hands, two held a pitch-black death scythe, two held a crimson moon, the other held the invisible darkness, and one held a golden phoenix ornament.

Such a "Goddess of Night" can be said to be fully armed, holding the uniqueness of the "God of Death", the uniqueness of the "Moon", and the water of the "River of Eternal Darkness" in her hands.

However, this was also expected by the other two.

The two true gods silently watched the figure gradually walking out of the darkness, and the dusk surging around the "God of War" Badhair was more violent, intensifying the erosion of the "Deep Dark Heaven".

"God of War" Badhair silently raised the Dusk giant sword in his hand. Dusk reached its peak at this time, and then suddenly solidified.

He began to move forward, faster and faster. In the solidified dusk, there was only the charge of the giant!

Bang, bang, bang... The entire "Deep Dark Heaven" seemed to be shaking. The "Goddess of Night" raised the death sickle formed by the uniqueness of the "God of Death" in her hand. At this moment, all the night vanilla and deep sleep flowers withered and died.

The power of darkness and eternal sleep is so strong that even the trees supporting the "Mother Goddess of the Earth" turned into dead things silently.

Because she felt threatened, the "Mother Goddess of the Earth" no longer held back, raised a dark brown wooden stick, took a step, and greeted the "Goddess of Night".

It was just because of the order of action that the "Mother Goddess of the Earth" was one step behind the "God of War".

In this way, he could seize the opportunity of the unstable characteristics and lack of strength after the collision between the "Goddess of Night" and the "God of War".

Of course, both of them were lacking in strength...


There was no terrifying scene when the Dusk Giant Sword and the Death Scythe collided. The two weapons were frozen in the first moment of the collision.

The powers of the two true gods clashed at the collision point, constantly eroding the enemy's territory.

At the same time, a kind of irresistible cohesion also appeared between the two.

"Darkness", "Death", "Dusk", their uniqueness, sequence one characteristics, and even the water of the "Eternal Dark River" have all met all the conditions perfectly.

At this moment, the extraordinary characteristic cohesion reached its peak.

The void at the collision point of the two weapons has been annihilated, nothing exists, but it seems to be pregnant with some more terrifying power...

This is the closest time for the two true gods to "Eternal Darkness" and "Singularity of All Things", but it is probably also the weakest state of the two true gods.


At this moment, another incompatible power joined the battlefield and interrupted the germination of this breath.

It carries infinite vitality and holds the authority of "reproduction" and "life". It is completely opposite to the germinating breath and interrupts a certain process extremely rudely.


In fact, the "God of War" was also relieved. For some reason, the extraordinary characteristics of this moment were so strong that even He could not resist.

"Mother Goddess..."

Badhaier shouted softly, ready to rely on his strongest defense to resist Amanesis's attack and win a chance for Omibella.

Swish... This is probably the sound of a sharp weapon sinking into flesh and blood.

The scene suddenly became cold and silent.

The orange-red color of dusk, the deep gray color, and the green representing life.

These three colors constitute a natural oil painting.

However, the dark brown wooden stick was not inserted into the body of the "God of Night", but into the back of the "God of War".

"..." Badhaier looked at the dark brown wooden stick protruding from his chest. This wooden stick was madly absorbing His life and letting Him return to the arms of His mother.

"Heh!" The "Mother Goddess of the Earth" chuckled, and the power absorbed by the wooden stick returned to Him, causing the plants on His body that were in full bloom to wither and die.

But life has a beginning and an end, this is an inevitable process.

Badhair slowly turned his head and looked at the lady holding the illusory baby in one hand, and cried out in pain, "Li, Li, Si?!"

"Mother Earth" smiled and nodded, looking at the "Goddess of Night" opposite.

"Okay." Amanisis also spoke, and the golden phoenix ornament in his hand flew out and inserted into the gap of the Dusk Giant's mask. Some abstract concepts were extracted and transformed into uniqueness and sequence one characteristics.

The Dusk Giant was covered with cracks and was about to collapse. He put down the giant sword in his hand with difficulty and looked at the "Goddess of Night".

He seemed to want to say something, but finally gave up. Losing is losing, there is nothing to say. At the last moment of his life, he just asked a question.

"Is this the original curse?"

"Giant King" Ormir killed his parents and became an ancient god. He killed his parents and became the "God of War", and finally he died in the hands of his "mother".

The characteristics of the "Dusk" path seemed to come from the original bad taste, which was his curse.

"Go to sleep forever." Lilith was particularly polite to the dead. The dark brown wooden stick in her hand suddenly surged with countless vine mycelium, wrapping the entire body of the Dusk Giant.


The Dusk Giant's body collapsed with a bang, and the characteristics flew around. Everything that gathered must be separated. This is one of the most basic logics of the world.

"Come back." The mycelium and vines pulled back every characteristic, and finally they were swallowed up by a huge flower.

"Here you go." The crimson moon in Amanesis's hand flew up and landed in Lilith's hand, with the "Tears of the Goddess of Beauty" attached to it.

"Are you okay?" Lilith hugged the crimson moon that she had not seen for a long time in her hand, and the appearance of the illusory baby changed and turned into a moon.

"It has never been better." Amanesis laughed softly, and there was a dreamy phosphorescent light flashing in the depths of darkness, suppressing the restless "Eternal Dark River" while helping Him stabilize His own state.

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