Long Live The Hokage

Chapter 463: The Most Promising Profession

Chapter 463: The Most Promising Profession

Five hundred Ryo?

Five hundred Ryo!

The two five hundred Ryo, represents the completion of a transaction between the mermaid girl and the fish shop owner.

Masahiko, who was approaching, couldnt help frowning slightly. All the fish sold by Isaribi were deep-sea fish, which are precious species that are difficult for ordinary people to catch, only five hundred Ryo

Wait a minute! Ill pay 10,000 Ryo!

This uncle will pay 20,000 Ryo!

Ill give you 100,000 Ryo!

DUANG! Deal!

Masahiko said to himself that he held a perfect auction. He stepped forward and snatched the fishbowl from the stunned Isaribi, gave her the 100,000 Ryo, and walked away.

Fishing fire: ? ? ?

The owner of the fish shop: Whose prodigal child is this?!

After leaving a deep impression on Isaribi, Masahiko started the action of a girl in the tail.

There are some things he needs to confirm with his own eyes.

The girl Isaribi carried the huge sum of 100,000 Ryo and walked through the streets cautiously, occasionally throwing rotten eggs or stones at her when she encountered a few troublemaker children.

From the bandages wrapped around her body, on her forehead, on her arms, and even on her face, you can see that she has been beaten a lot over the years.

After the renovation of the submarine experimental base, Isaribi had the strength close to Chunin, thats without the need to transform herself, but she has no intention of resisting.

Sure enough, shes a kind child, this is much easier to handle, Masahiko muttered.

You cant save people indiscriminately. If this girl no longer regards herself as a human being, it will be very troublesome. Masahiko doesnt have the profession of spiritual mentor, I am afraid that Naruto will have to perform some stunts

Masahiko followed Isaribi all the way to the mother island, and on the way, he saw her turn into a mermaid and swim for a while. Its not so beautiful, but it can be called cute, which is better than those two ugly monsters

Isaribis home is right by the sea. Its a simple bungalow with a lot of mischievous graffiti on the walls, probably made by some arrogant children.

Isaribi seemed to be accustomed to this and walked into the house naturally.

Masahiko pondered for a moment near her house, weighed the fishbowl in his hand, smiled slightly, and made a seal with one hand: Wood Release: the art of barbecue grill!

Eat grilled fish!

The combination of the precious fish in the deep sea and Masahikos ninth-level cooking skills is extraordinary. After two minutes, the smell of the fish will definitely seduce Isaribi.

Seeing Masahiko, she was obviously stunned, and then immediately became vigilant.

Little girl, dont just look at it, come and lets eat grilled fish together! Its delicious!

Isaribi smiled slightly; a child called her little girl in a serious manner. She looked cute, but she did not lose her vigilance: I dont eat fish, the money I can give it back.

Masahikos mouth twitched: Who said that? Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimp. And as a big fish, it is wrong not to eat small fish.

Isaribi was stunned, and her face immediately had a look of pain: So you saw it, little brother.


He looks like a child, and to Isaribi it sounds like hes pretending to be older, and if this continues, there will be no seniority.

Do you know Uzumaki Masahiko?

Isaribi shook her head.

Do you know the great elder of the Uzumaki Clan, the great leader of the great country of Whirlpools?

Isaribi shook her head.

Masahiko pursed his lips: Do you know Orochimaru?

Isaribi showed fear, then nodded again and again, and turned around to prepare to run.

Masahiko Uzumaki, the elder of the Land of Whirlpools, is a man ten thousand times stronger than Orochimaru. Thats right, its me, come here and eat fish!


The disadvantage of becoming young is finally reflected, and Masahiko doesnt know how to explain the situation to Isaribi.

Forced to take a shot at the sea and blow up a group of unlucky fish, Isaribi reluctantly accepted that the little brother in front of him was a strong ninja, but she did not believe that Masahiko would be stronger than Orochimaru.

Orochimaru attacked Konoha, and its unknown whether hes alive or dead. Masahiko said lightly, The base that transformed you into a mermaid was destroyed by me.

When she heard this news, Isaribi suddenly became excited: Its gone?! Then I

Do you really think that this will give you a chance to restore your original appearance?

Isaribi took a bite, took a small bite of the grilled fish in his hand, chewed slowly, and tears gradually poured out of her big black eyes.

Masahiko couldnt help sighing, the fish grilled by himself was delicious, so delicious that she cried!

You want to change back to a human? No, it shouldnt be called to change back. You are still a human, but a special human.

Isaribi was silent for a moment: I think.

Masahiko raised his eyebrows: I have a way!

Crack! The delicious grilled fish was thrown to the ground by Isaribi: Really?!

Masahikos mouth twitched: Really! A medical ninja with a higher level can cure your disease, but it will take some time. Youre going to Konoha with your ancestor for treatment!

Isaribi paused: No matter how old a child is, he cant call himself an ancestor. Its funny Going to Konoha Can I be cured?

Masahikos face turned dark, then Isaribi spoke again: Little brother, you better dont lie to sister, Ill go to Konoha with you!

Masahikos face was darker, but it soon turned cloudy. A line of Chinese characters crossed, Witness and more changes to the story of the Naruto world branch: Isaribi, get 2 (*5) witness points.

He looked up at Isaribi; no wonder he always felt a little familiar, it turned out to be a character that appeared in the original book So, the one to save her should have been Naruto?

Do you mind turning into a mermaid for me to see, the ancestors will diagnose and treat you in person. There are some gains from witnessing, and Masahiko is in a good mood.

Isaribi hesitated, and after a long while, then sighed and got up. Her hands and feet quickly changed into green fish webs, her long purple smooth hair also slowly turned green, and fish fins grew on the top of her head.

Masahiko reached out and grabbed a fish web, rubbed his thumb for a moment, and frowned slightly.

The genes of fish have been completely integrated into Isaribis body. This black technology is really But medical ninjutsu is also a black technology. It is not too troublesome to treat. It can be cured in two or three days. If Rin is in charge of the treatment, it will only be a half month.

However, repeated additions and deletions of this gene may affect life expectancy. Masahiko roughly estimates that it would be good for Isaribi to live to 40 years old

Little brother, can I be cured? Isaribi was slightly nervous when she saw Masahikos expression.

Masahiko pursed his lips, and suddenly laughed: Its nothing, Miss.

Why is he suddenly seem polite or something

It seems that the points I got from you will be used to cure you. Masahiko sighed in his heart, Im also curious about this skill.

Genetic modification and synthesis


After adding 10 witness points, a lot of knowledge about genes automatically poured into Masahikos mind, digested for a moment, and Masahikos expression became excited.


With a ruthless heart, Masahiko invested 60 witness points again and put this skill to level 8.

A string of information is scurrying in Masahikos mind, and Masahikos focus is fixed on one of them: the human body has a total of 268 aging genes, and if all of them are removed, life expectancy will be extended by 60%

So thisis why the scientist is the most promising profession?

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