Long Live The Hokage

Chapter 462: Isaribi

Chapter 462: Isaribi

The main body of Umibozu is composed of seawater.

Because of the feelings he had, Masahiko didnt make a bad move. He tried a few weak lightning and earth techniques on it and found that the attack power of Umibozu was average, but his resistance to beatings was several levels higher than that of Naruto. And as long as the core is not destroyed, it is immortal in seawater.

Of course, Masahiko was not polite to the two Ugly Fishmen who summoned it. One shot was all that it took to make them fall into a coma and sink to the bottom of the sea. Thinking about it they cant drown, right?

Looking at the Umibozu, who has revived again, Masahiko nodded with satisfaction: Good thing, this summoning beast is worthy of the ancestor!

After pondering for a moment, Masahiko suddenly extended his arms out, then started squeezing Umibozu using his repulsive force until it turned into a small ball, then he threw it into his water dimension.

This summoning beast, which found more seawater and grew stronger, swelled enormously in the Water Release space instantly. It also proved that Masahikos Water Release space is wider than the ocean of the ninja world

That Amaterasus little flame can stay there forever.

After the battle, Guren and Tayuya also came to Masahikos side again.

Elder, is there a secret base here too? Tayuya also said softly, referring to the black hole that Masahiko had just opened.

Guren was stunned, what secret base? Lord Orochimaru doesnt have a base here, what are you asking him for, Tayuya?

Masahiko was stunned, and turned to Tayuya with a half-smile: The little girl is very brave, dare to make fun of the ancestor? You have a future, the ancestor is optimistic about you, dont ruin it!

Tayuya smiled shyly, making Masahikos mouth twitch. Whats the matter, Tayuyas character seems to be a bit wrong, she wont be having a trembling heart for the beauty of her ancestor, right?

Masahiko didnt dare to think about it any longer, his attention shifted, his right arm stretched out into a claw, he put it inside the water for a few moments, then he attracted a man out of the water.

The man kept struggling, but still scolded: Guren, how dare you betray Lord Orochimaru, I must

He is the person in charge of this experimental base, and he also completed the creation of the mermaid, Guren said lightly, not paying any attention to the threats he was throwing.

Oh? Its not Orochimaru? Masahiko was slightly surprised.

Masahiko thought that this high-level technology of gene synthesis must be researched by Orochimaru.

The man in his hand struggled, Masahiko squinted his right eye, and the six-tomoe of the Rinnesharingan spun, the mans body immediately stiffened, and his transparent soul was sucked out by Masahiko.


The corpse smashed into the water, splashing several waves.

Hey! You Guren couldnt help but exclaimed, but was stared at by Masahikos Rinnegan, the hairs all over her body stood up and didnt dare to say a word.

This ancestor wouldnt kill innocent people indiscriminately, but this guy was secretly sending these mermaids to attack the caravans of the Land of the Sea and the Land of the Water, to collect money for himself, so he deserved to die.

What! This bastard

Masahiko smiled, closed his eyes slightly, and recalled the memories he gained from this man just now. The reason he showed mercy to those two mermaids before was that they were also victims. I am afraid they were originally ordinary civilians in the land of the sea. And since the culprit who conducted the experiment was not Orochimaru, he didnt care if he kills him

Genetic modification and synthesis LV5(300000/400000)

Accidental gain. Looking at the new skills on the attribute bar, Masahiko murmured softly: Whats the use of this? Is it because deep inside I want to make a mermaid, or maybe a Wolverine? This is a bit destructive.

After he recalled the persons memory, Masahiko groaned slightly. The whereabouts of Orochimaru were not found, which is normal. Masahiko didnt have much hope from the beginning. Guren, the subordinate Orochimaru, who is infinitely close to the S-rank ninja, has been abandoned, how can he ignore an obedient head of the experimental base?

From his memory, Masahiko also learned the specific situation of the experimental base under the sea. In addition to this person in charge, there are only the two failed merman, and a lot of experimental instruments, that he doesnt no need to explore.

In addition to this information, another gain of Masahiko is to know that there is an actual mermaid living in the land of the sea, and can freely switch between mermaid form and ordinary human form, and the gender is female!

A real mermaid. Masahiko pursed his lips and sighed suddenly: What a poor child.

After pondering for a moment, Masahiko turned to Guren and Tayuya: The ancestor is going to visit a strange island, you two are free to go!

After speaking, Masahiko stepped on the water and left, leaving the two women looking at each other.

Sister Guren?

Ill wait here for the contact form Orochimaru-Sama.

Master Orochimaru

Masahiko slowly landed on the strange island.

As he walked toward the center of the island, Masahiko recalled that guys memories again and learned that the girls name is Isaribi.

Because of Orochimarus submarine experiment base, the many civilians from the Land of the Sea inexplicably disappear every year. They also invited ninjas from the Land of Whirlpools to investigate the situation, but in the end, they found nothing.

Gradually, these missing people were called God Hidden by the civilians of the land of the sea, and there was a rumor that they were captured by a sea demon.

And Isaribi was the only one who returned safely from the the sea demon. After she inadvertently revealed a side of herself that was different from ordinary people, there were rumors that she was the incarnation of that sea demon.

This girl has had a hard time in the past few years, is roughly equivalent to Naruto when he was young in the original book, everyone hated her So after Masahiko learned that there really was such a mermaid, he didnt seem to be looking forward to it much.

Masahiko is not the kind of person who bases his own happiness on the pain of others Well, it depends on who the other is. If it is Madara, he would be very comfortable.

In the mental space, Madara suddenly sneezed and snorted on the face of the person who was holding the dice cup.

Hashiramas face was innocent and even wiped it normally

The girl named Isaribi is now a fisherman living on the mother island, but Masahiko wanted to find her but ended up going to the Strange Island.

Because only on the strange island, there are shops that are willing to accept the fish caught by Isaribi. Although they give her very little money, they are probably well-meaning people?

In the center of the strange island, next to a fish shop, Masahiko successfully saw the girl with smooth purple hair Isaribi.

Feeling for a moment, Masahiko raised his eyebrows: The little mermaid, the great and compassionate Uzumaki ancestor has come to save you, there should be a compassionate BGM here

(T/N: BGM: background music.)

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