Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 203 All about monsters

Chapter 203 All about monsters

"There are two types of monsters based on their origin. First ones, those who appear from dungeons, towers, spatial cracks or gates etc. Basically those who don't belong to Arcadia. Monsters no one has ever seen before, monsters who are new and we know nothing about, are in this category." Quinlan said, as he waved his hands and the projection screen turned on, displaying the images of several monsters like Goblins, Orcs, Trolls, Minotaur, Harpies, Kobolds, Mormon. Banshees etc.

"Second type, are those who were residents of Arcadia even before the Emergence. Now those beasts were mere animals in the past, but after going through several mutations over the centuries, even those harmless animals have become much more dangerous." The projection changed and this time images of several new monsters started appearing like Three eyed raven, Frostbite wolf, Clawer, Embermoth, Toxin Rhino, Abyssal shark, Lava hedgehog etc.

"Teacher, are you sure these monsters were harmless animals back then, they look so scary." One of the students said, as he looked at the projection of a lava hedgehog, which shoots darts made of lava from his body in every direction.

Quinlan smiled hearing the question, but then he pressed a button on the remote and images of a normal hedgehog appeared on the screen. Kl

With a little kid poking it with a stick and throwing stones at it.

".. " The students who asked the question earlier, looked at both the animals and he was surprised by the difference. 'Was this little palm sized animal, the ancestor of the ferocious Grade 2 Lava Hedgehog, which killed anyone who came near him.'

"Seeing this you can imagine the growth even these low level animals had after the Emergence." Quinlan said and started to go into details about some monsters and showing some other examples.

"This is how the difference between the monsters was done in the past. Over the years, when people from other races started appearing in Arcadia, this division couldn't be used anymore. The appearance of new races like Elves, Dwarves, Druids, Fairies and others couldn't be termed as monsters, as these races had become our allies in the fight against the other monsters.

So people started to term monsters based on intelligence. Those who were mindless creatures were called monsters or beasts, while others who became our allies were given the titles of their races and were not placed in any category."

"But soon enough the theory of intelligence also started to fail, as everyone realized monsters from high level dungeons or mutated beasts had started to gain intelligence and could think or plan for themselves. After this discovery the threat of such monsters increased and a new division was created, those who could mutate or those who couldn't."

"Ever since then, after many such incidents and discoveries, the current system which we use to classify monsters was created - Grading system.

Now monsters are classified in grades. From grade 1 to grade 5. Grade 1 being the lowest level and grade 5 being the most dangerous ones.

Since monsters couldn't awaken or bind with the world system, so we can never truly know their real power compared to the awakening levels. But after so many centuries of fighting, we have a general idea of their strength compared to us, but nothing certain. So one should always be careful about all monsters and not look down on them due to their rank Or grade."

Quinlan was speaking as the words started to appear on the whiteboard behind him. The pen seemed to float behind him. Obviously some could see that the pen wasn't floating but was actually held by some slim threads and was moving through them.

'His control over threads is awesome.' Rio thought, as he knew how hard a feat the perfect balance needed for doing that was. His blessing related to threads was already level 2 and he had mastered it even more, yet even he couldn't control them like that yet.

[He has the blood of Arachne in him. It's normal that he'll have more control over weaving threads as it's his bloodline ability and not an external blessing or skill.] System said, trying to fight him with facts.

Quinlan was a Halfling, part human - part spider. His appearance wasn't anything special. He wore a normal suit and trousers which covered most of his physiology, and he wouldn't look any different from a normal human from a distance. His skin was a little pale compared to normal humans. His shoulder length black hair which looked slim and styled in a straight form. The only striking feature was his eyes, which seemed to shine in the darkness. They also bear an uncanny resemblance to those of a spider, with multifaceted irises that shimmer with an otherworldly, hypnotic quality. Those eyes grant him an almost preternatural perception of the world, allowing him to see intricate details and subtle nuances that often escape others.

In the later form of the story, when Quinlan finally shows his motivations and fights with Leon as a villain, he shows his real form. With several arms growing out of his back, and multiple eyes that span across his whole face.

[Image is in comment section and in discord server.]

Quinlan was just like Bernhardt in terms of motivation. But with a more sad background and crazy personality. While Bernhardt belonged to the perverted young master type category, Quinlan was a much more twisted villain.

His parents were part of an adventurer team, and in one of their dungeon raids they came across a sleeping arachne. Thinking they would slay it easily and get rich with rewards, they overestimated themselves and decided to fight it. They almost succeeded too but call it plot or heaven's will, their luck ended and one thing left to another, in the end Quinlan's mother was the only one to come out of that dungeon alive. With a grown out stomach carrying a fetus which later gave birth to Quinlan.

She hated Quinlan since birth and almost had him go through all kinds of domestic abuse storylines the author could come up with, slowly turning an innocent kid into the dangerous villain he becomes later on.

If you're wondering what's his similarity with Bernhardt, that's the obsession these two had over Rebecca.

Yupp, as the first main heroine of the novel, Rebecca doesn't just bring the endless support of the royal family, she also brings all sorts of villains and troubles for the protagonist to solve and shine.

The routines of the hero saving beauty keep playing in the academy, and Leon gets Becca in his happy harem team.

Quinlan, who's been secretly fawning over the princess ever since he first became her teacher during her childhood, obviously couldn't stand the sight of the protagonist, and plots behind the scenes to kill him.

But in the novel, Quinlan is just another newly appointed professor, and has no contact with the class of A-3. So he could only try to manipulate others and try to kill Leon when he's outside the academy.

To counter Quinlan's bloodline ability of weaving threads, Leon also gets the blessing of threads from both Skuld and Apollo. Thus Leon not only humiliates Quinlan in his strongest field, but also challenges him in a duel and defeats him too. The routine repeats itself over time, and Leon ends up killing him finally and getting both the rewards and the rich lady.

But now Quinlan is the teacher of class A-3, and there's a chance he also has the book from the previous professor Caelum, which is a chance waiting for the protagonist to take.

Rio was thinking if he'd have to personally deal with this professor, how should he do it. Should he fight him head on like Leon or should he just hire someone or blackmail some other professor to do it for him.

[Can you stop thinking about killing someone, I'm afraid you'll lose control like yesterday.] System said, as it felt the killing intent rising in its host's mind again.

Rio controlled himself and focused back on class. He just decided to think about this matter on a later date when he was calm and wasn't in a state of a powder can waiting to go kaboom. He was still feeling frustrated over Shweta's unexpected arrival in this story.

Professor Quinlan had finished writing about the monsters on the whiteboard and was explaining about them. But since Rio already knew about them so he just got lost in his thoughts again.

Grade 1 monsters - mindless monsters. Less dangerous alone. But that's why they're always living in herds or groups. Power ranging from rank F to rank E based on the monster type and its abilities.

Grade 2 monsters - some intelligence but still only enough to follow normal animals' instinct behavior. Also live in herds, power level of rank D to rank B based on the monster type and its bloodline abilities.

[Exceptions to grade 1 & grade 2 monsters are possible, due to various reasons such as mutation, some upgrades or lucky opportunities, bloodlines, racial traits etc.)

Grade 3 monster - Power level similar till limit rank awakeners. Starts gaining intelligence and starts to plot and plan. Plays the role of a leader among the herd of other monsters.

Grade 4 monster - Power level similar to limit S rank or SS level. Depends upon monster type and its abilities. Likes to live alone, rarely in pairs or groups.

Grade 5 monster - Power level similar to SS rank. Depends on the monster type and its abilities. Likes to live alone as a ruler. Have their own domains.

– Mutated monsters start gaining intelligence even early and categorizing them is always hard.

-- Grading is only done as a basis, real threat level classification of monsters is based on all the cases of similar monsters happened in the past.

— SSS rank or Zephyr rank monsters are very very rare to be seen. They've been sealed in high tower floors. And never appeared in any outside dungeon or anywhere else. [Though there is always a chance that some SS rank monster can mutate and rank up in his strength. Thus even they're always dealt instantly whenever they appear.]

--- Monsters classes and levels can also be seen through monster cores, after they're killed. These cores are also called life stones, which holds their life energies, and helps them channel mana, aura and other energies smoothly. [Eating or refining monster core won't increase anyone's mana, it will mainly increase one's control over it. Unless the level difference between the eater and the monster is too big.]


A/N - I know many of you would still be confused about monster grading and stuff, but I'll explain it in more details in next chapter and over time little by little, so you can relax and enjoy the story.

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