Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 202 What about the memory crystals

Chapter 202 What about the memory crystals

"Man theory classes after lunch sucks." Rio said, as he washed his face, after being caught sleeping in the class.

"Can you stop complaining and be faster? We're late." Takashi said, as he was kicked out too.

"Come on. What's the rush? Let's go get a coffee first. Or you're gonna fall asleep again." Rio said, as he started moving towards the vending machine, which are placed on every floor of the academy.

"No. I'm leaving. You're wasting our time." Takashi said in a hurry, while trying to catch up to Rio. "And I didn't fall asleep. It was only because I was trying to wake you up that I'm kicked out too."

"Did I ask you to wake me up?" Rio said and looked at him with a serious expression "Not my problem if you got a habit of butting your nose in others business."

Takashi noticed the difference in tone, but he still defended "Classes are a sacred place. I can't just let you disrespect them like that."

Rio patted his shoulders and said -"You know if it was some other noble kid, and you disturbed them while resting, next day instead of class, you'll be sitting in the infirmary. So be careful of what you say and do next, kay Baldy." Rio said, and pulled Takashi's hand and swiped his watch on the vending machine.

While Takashi was surprised, a 'Ding' sound was heard in his watch, with a notification of - 'Payment successful.'

"Thanks for the coffee." Rio said and started walking away. Leaving Takashi glancing at his watch and the remaining Merit Points for a while.

[That was harsh.]

"Fuck off. I'm not a nice newbie, so don't spout nonsense on every chance you get. Have some dignity as a system."

Rio said, and before the system could make fun of him for being a bully, it was shot down again.

[He's your room partner.]

"And a character who'll be killed in the first event."

[Won't you save him?] Systems asked.

"And why would I do that? He's from Neisah. A devout believer of Gods and their graciousness. Even if I save him, he's of no use to me."

[But saving him can get you some points.]

'It can also lead to some unexpected changes in the plotlines.' Rio said as he shook his head "I can get points through millions of methods, but if I start acting like a hero saving everybody. Then should I die when the world ends in the later stages."

[But _ ]

'No buts. The plot is already ruined enough. I shouldn't change stuff which gives me no profit but only trouble." Rio said, while thinking about all the bigger plotlines related to Neisah and their beliefs.

[Look at you acting like a villain, and not just a thief.]

"It's not about being a villain. Handling Leon is already hard since Apollo decided to boost his growth. Since Leon is now 'C- rank' then the opponents who will come to face him would be high ranked too. The difficulties and challenges he'll face will be tough too." Rio said as in a matter of fact tone.

[So you think the first event would be more deadly than in the novel.]

"Of course, otherwise Leon won't have much of a challenge."

[You should know that Apollo only boosted his rank this time. Instead of training him in various skills and arts alongside too. That's why Leon could reach 'C- rank' this early.]

"Doesn't matter. The theory remains, the more powerful Leon is, the more powerful enemies will come to kill him." Rio said "The event would be total chaos. And in between all that chaos, I need to protect Amy, Becca, Ayla, and my next pair of villains."

[What about Saisha? Will you let her be?] System asked, as it noticed Rio didn't mention her name in the list.

Hearing her name again brought some stupid feelings again, but he buried them again as he said "She's a heroine, she can save herself."

[So you plan to avoid her. Is that it?] System said, as it read Rio's mind.

"Saisha had no contact with Rio until the first semester exams in the novel. I'm just following the plotlines." Rio said.

Seeing Shweta as Saisha was something he didn't expect in this world. But since she was here, he could just deal with it accordingly.

The relationship between them was ended by her when she left him back on earth, his wait over the years had only brought him pain and disappointment. So instead of seeing her daily and opening up all those wounds again, he decided to ignore them, and her altogether.

He was moving on from his past in Arcadia over the years and he could still do it - 'How hard can it be?'

[So you aren't curious about why she left you or why she's here. Maybe the memory crystal has all those answers. You can confront her face to face and finally find your closure. Isn't that what you always wanted? To hear her explanation.]

"That was my naivety. After thinking about it all night yesterday, I've come to realize something."

[Oh and what is it?]

"That now it doesn't matter why she left me or why she did what she did back on earth. My life on earth is gone. And that's it. Now even if Saisha and Shweta are one soul, they aren't necessarily the same."

[Meaning.. ]

"Just like Amelia and Ria. They're the same, yet not at the same time. Their lives are different, their stories, experiences and origins are different. Like Amelia has her whole own family here. She has her friends, partners and connections here. She isn't just my sister Ria anymore.

Maybe the same is the case with Saisha, she isn't Shweta anymore. She has her own family, future and destiny here."

Rio declared "I'm not going to use those crystals and ruin their current lives, just for my curiosity."

[Even the crystal of Ria? That would mean she would never remember your earth life. She would never remember you.]

"She doesn't have to. Amelia doesn't need to be reminded of the painful things from the earth anymore. Since knowing them won't change what happened back there.

Plus I don't want to break the happy family that she has here. It would be unfair to both Amy and Artemis." Rio said remembering the doting mother of his here.

"Just like how I couldn't accept them as my family after retaining my memories. Maybe she won't either. It would be hurtful to her. As for Saisha _ "

[I understand.] System replied, as it understood all his emotions and thoughts. (He's still scared to face her it seems.) System thought.

[So what's next?]

"What next, FUCK YOU for wasting my time system." Rio said, as he remembered he was supposed to go to class again after washing his face. "Stupid AI, dragging me in convos, so it won't feel alone in my head." He hurriedly said, while gulping down the last of the coffee and started moving towards the classroom again.

'How in the hell did my conversation go from talking about Baldy, to my life choices? This useless system.'

(Don't blame me, you stupid host.)

"According to the records monsters can be categorized through many different ways - based on their origin, their powers, race, intelligence or threat level etc and etc.

Since it's your first class, we'll start with the very basics of the background history. Types of monsters based on their - "

"Can I enter, professor?" Rio said, as he interrupted the class.

Professor, who was teaching the class, turned to look at Rio and nodded his head. Getting permission, Rio entered the class under the surprised expressions of everyone.

Rio sat on the table and saw Takashi, who simply pulled himself a little further from his seat. 'Fucking kids.'

[Hahaha now he won't talk to you for a few days. Unless you speak first Umhaha] system said, trying to control its laughter, looking at Takashi acting like a bullied, upset teenager.

'This is why I hate idiots. Well peace at last I guess.' Rio thought and ignored him. Not like he came to the academy to make friends with anyone anyway. Especially the believers from Neisah and extras.

Ignoring him, Rio sat on his chair. He looked at the note which suddenly appeared on his desk "It's been nearly twenty minutes. I get that you know it all, but be a little serious will you?"

Rio just smiled after reading it, there was no need to guess who sent the note. He was checking up on his books when another note popped up on his table. "Also where's my coffee?"

'This girl. Something's really wrong with her. Why didn't she pick on Ria's habits of being simple and considerate.' Rio said, and ignored another letter which appeared there.

He didn't even need to see what was written inside, as he could guess, it was probably a threat, that since he didn't buy her coffee, he should buy her something else after the class.

'Just one day, and half my points are gone just because of her. Should I ask the principal to give me my old points back.' Rio thought, after looking at his wristwatch.

"Miss Amelia and Mr Rio, if the discussion is over between you, can you focus on the lecture again." Quinlan, who noticed the use of Amy's spatial magic, spoke up.

"Now where was I? Types of monsters based on their origin. Anyone wanna speak up and answer it."


A/N - Next chapter would be information about all kinds of monsters and their origin and grades and classes they're divided in. Their power, intelligence, allegiance, danger and threat level etc etc etc - everything about them in short details for you to understand.

. ....

Guys, I started my new novel, which is based on earth after shiva's death. Remember Ali, his best friend, he's the mc of that novel. It's a zombie apocalypse plus villain hunting protagonist kinda novel. Do check it out and give me your support and nice reviews. Please.

It'll mean a lot and help me too.

Thanks and love you all for everything.


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