Legend of Great Tang’s Twin Dragons

Chapter Book 42 13: Forgetting Interest, Agreeing With One Another

Book 42 Chapter 13 – Forgetting Interest, Agreeing With One Another

‘Jade steps three layers deep pressing down on the Qin field; golden palace hall’s four hot-water bathing pools comforting the Zhou plain.’

This was the rhyming couplet carved on the stone, painted in gold, at the entrance to the Qifeng [lit. perching phoenix] Pavilion located at the west garden of the inner palace where Bai Ziting received the guests for the banquet tonight. The rhyming couplet portrayed the scenery of the Central Earth’s Chang’an’s prestige in subduing the Guanzhong Plain [in Shaanxi, valley of the Wei River], while also showing Bai Ziting’s aspiration to make Longquan the strategic military stronghold, the city that would subdue and intimidate the Northeast Plain [dictionary added: also called the Manchurian Plain].

Upon arrival at the palace gate, they were met by protocol officer who took the three passing through the imperial city and entering the imperial palace, along a corridor paved with bricks in front of the palace hall, extending to the left and right, passing through gardens and courtyards, toward the quiet, serene and elegant Qifeng Pavilion.

Qifeng Pavilion itself was built next to an artificial small lake, which was fed by a hot spring inside the west garden, connected by a long corridor looping around the lake, surrounded by birch trees all around, which provide shade, cypress trees reaching high to the sky, dotted by shadows of bamboo trees. Under the gradually diminishing light in the sky, the crescent moon that appeared to be hiding behind the floating clouds, the scenery was extremely beautiful.

Water vapor was rising from the hot spring pool, creating a wonderful scenery of spiraling rose-tinted colored steam, along the bent balustrade of the winding corridor, the water pavilion and terrace, enhancing the infinite poetry. Compared to the Taiji Palace of the real Chang’an, it exuded a different mood.

They barely entered the west garden, Liexia shook his head and swayed his noggin, appearing to be unruffled by sentiment, he was half chanting, half singing, saying, “Palace oriole declaring the auspicious open mist, three birds and spirited fowl brush away the water and back. Raising and turning the rainbow to be the beautiful palace hall, on the balustrade floats a flower crane near Penglai [one of three fabled islands in Eastern sea, abode of immortals].”

He was not singing at the top of his voice, but it brought up some kind of warmth instead.

Although the two boys did not like him, they had to admit that a bit of unbridled and frivolous intonation that he was carrying was extremely attractive, while also seemed to conceal some secretive and scheming heart, which was reminiscent of his unique and demonic, strange personality traits.

Shang Xiufang’s sweet and enchanting voice came from the terrace facing the lake on the other side of Qifeng Pavilion, saying, “Lie Gongzi is here!”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling exchanged glances; they were both able to see the shock in the other side’s heart.

Shang Xiufang’s voice exuded strong expectant and joyous emotion, revealing her frame of mind, which thirsted to see Liexia, so that for the first time, they were able to sense the crisis that Ke Dazhi was talking about.

Shang Xiufang was the talented girl with both pinnacle appearance and skill that everybody in the Central Earth held in high esteem. Even though the fire of war set the heavens ablaze, she transcended above the struggle, wherever she went, she received the deferential treatment afforded to kings and marquis. Even beyond the Great Wall, the savage and tyrannical men like Xieli would still want to attend upon her like nobility for fear that the treatment was not satisfactory. She was, not just in name only, but also in reality – the guest of the state. If a demonic man of the Da Ming Zun Jiao like Liexia held her body and mind captive, it would be a matter of regret that no one would be willing and desiring to see.

It was only this moment that Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling gained first-hand experience of this different kind of battlefield, which no military [or martial] force would be able to resolve.

Liexia’s most formidable move was that he was a kindred spirit with Shang Xiufang in music, and now he was displaying a Hou Xibai-style literary talent and romanticism. These two aspects were definitely not something that Kou Zhong and Ke Dazhi could match, hence Liexia, as the latecomer, was able to live above them, and force the two into passive and disadvantageous position.

Liexia’s voice responded by the two boys’ side, “Such a beautiful scenery, to be able to wander around the corridor with Xiufang Dajia, leaning on a parapet to admire the full moon, with River Han in the distance, talking about music and discussing art, life to this point, what else is there to seek?”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling followed behind him, both were sighing for wanting to strike back but were powerless; he spoke with such poetic grace, could it be that they could simply come over and say, ‘Xiufang Dajia, how are you?’ or perhaps, ‘Xiaodi is here’? Practically they were incapable to have a say in the matter, worse yet, they did not dare to invent crazy nonsense to put their disgrace on display.

Qifeng Pavilion was full of hanging colorful lanterns, originally it looked like a beautiful dreamland, but suddenly it became an endless nightmare.

Shang Xiufang’s singing voice came, she sang [qingchang – singing opera music without staging or make up], “The moon is the universe overlooking red [or cinnabar] earth, the cloud of wine like a net of green jade muslin. Royal banquet lays out cassia vinegar, heavenly wine pours pomegranate flower. The water flows straight toward the floating bridge, the city is linked to the dense sloping park. Bearing the kindness, abandoning restraint, bestowing happiness, the way back is full of misty red clouds.” [Note: you guys know how much I love this kind of flowery language … not! So, feel free to offer your help. It will be greatly appreciated.]

The bright lyrics matched with her not-containing-the-least-bit-of-impurity, sprinkled beautifully, as well as having a slight sadness – voice, in such an evening, like a unique, exquisite white jade porcelain, contained coldly condensed sense of beauty. Who among the listeners would not be emotionally moved?

Liexia halted his steps in shock; standing outside the Qifeng Pavilion’s main gate, where four palace maids were waiting to welcome them, he raised his voice in a chant, “Bluish-green window curtain, hanging beads curtain, not only to shine, the clear song reproaching the [a type of standing harp, with 5-25 strings], interdependent with each other. Liexia is hoping to be Xiufang Dajia’s intimate friend forever.”

Behind him, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling could only look at each other with bitter smile. Liexia simply walked the tiny section of the road like this, he already revealed his power to capture Shang Xiufang, sinking Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling down into supporting roles.

The window curtain, hanging beads curtain, not only to shine, the clear song reproaching the , interdependent with each other – was a brilliant move to show love, which the two boys could never think of, yet Liexia so effortlessly and casually spit it out articulately, casting him in a good light in front of Shang Xiufang’s eyes.

The protocol officer, who has been stepping aside respectfully among the three men, heralded, “Kou Shaoshuai, Xu Gongzi, Lie Gongzi have arrived!”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling wished they could find a hole where they would go into hiding. Compared to Liexia, they could only feel that in this regard, they were good-for-nothing material.

“Ah!” Shang Xiufang exclaimed; with embarrassment in her voice, she said, “Kou Shaoshuai, Xu Gongzi, please forgive Xiufang’s guilt of lacking in manners, unexpectedly I did not realize two gentlemen are coming together with Lie Gongzi!”

This explanation only made Kou Zhong unbearably sad, while Xu Ziling was sad for Kou Zhong.

Showing off his elegance, Liexia retreated toward the opposite side of the protocol officer; bowing, he said, “Two Dage, please!”

Kou Zhong really wished he could raise his hand to throttle the vital part on his throat, forcing him not to provoke Shang Xiufang anymore, yet the cruel reality did not allow him to have this pleasure. Also pretending not to care, he had to smile and said, “Lie Xiong, no need to stand on ceremony, you go ahead to pay your respects to Xiufang Dajia, Ling Shao and I have something we’d like to discuss in private.”

Liexia said, “In that case, Xiaodi will be one step ahead.”

Finished speaking, without waiting at all he hurriedly entered the Pavilion.

Again, the two could only look at each other with wry smile on their faces, before stepping across the threshold to enter the room.

It was a very big hall. A table of grand banquet was arranged in the middle of the hall; the cups, dishes and chopsticks, none was not exquisite and carefully chosen.

On the side near the lake, there was a row of wine barrels. Outside was a platform overlooking the lake with carved railings constructed of jade. Ke Dazhi and the long-legged female general Zong Xianghua were accompanying the wearing-random-yellow-clothes, beautiful-like-a-fairy Shang Xiufang, leaning on the parapet, enjoying the touching beautiful scenery of the clouds and mist spiraling into the air from the hot spring lake. The winding corridor around the lake was sometimes visible, another times hidden, so that Liexia, who was walking toward the platform, felt like he was throwing himself from the mundane world into the world of the immortals.

It was the kind of beauty that was definitely unreal, yet precisely because it was unreal that it was particularly enchanting.

There were no attendants inside the hall. After giving a couple of explanations the protocol officer withdrew from the hall, leaving the two boys alone.

Casting his gaze toward the platform outside the Pavilion, Kou Zhong shook his head and spoke dejectedly, “Ling Shao need not worry that I would have change of affection, shift of love. I am practically not that Lie kid’s match. Perhaps this kid is even more formidable than Hou Xibai.”

Shang Xiufang’s sweet laughter, like sweet smelling grass wind, blew in from the outside.

Knitting his brows, Xu Ziling said, “For the sake of righteousness and justice to a friend, I wonder if you should warn Shang Xiufang? If she does not want to listen to you, then it’s her business.”

Kou Zhong recalled the touching scene this morning where, unable to restrain his emotions, he forcefully kissed Shang Xiufang’s fragrant lips, yet right now he had to witness Shang Xiufang and his own enemy exchanging words and laughter quietly; the unbearable pent-up frustration welled up in his heart indeed could not be described in words. He said, “The matter between men and women, it’s very difficult for outsiders to interfere. If I became a lowly person for no reason, I would only provoke Shang Xiufang’s dislike.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Xu Ziling said, “But you are not an outsider at all?”

Smiling ruefully, Kou Zhong said, “The problem is that I already lost the qualifications to pursue her. Otherwise you won’t need to dissuade me many times on this matter. The cleanest and most proper way is still to slaughter him with a blade.”

This moment, perhaps because he thought that what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over [idiom], Ke Dazhi returned inside the hall. The murderous intent in his pair of eyes flashing, he spoke fiercely, “Did you see that? This kid openly banters flirtatiously [orig. to tease a woman by pretending to be displeased with her] with Xiufang Dajia, showing clearly that he does not see us worthy in his eyes, he is not giving us any face at all.”

Snorting coldly, Kou Zhong said, “I want to see how long he is going to be smug like that.”

And then he took a glance toward the main gate. After making sure that there was no sign of Bai Ziting’s dragon-self, he spoke with serious expression, “Do you know that after speaking with us, your Du Dage immediately went to see Xu Kaishan and quarreled with him until his face was blushing, his ears hot, before leaving in fury?”

“What?” Ke Dazhi blurted out.

Instantly his countenance sank, “You guys followed him?” he asked.

“We did not follow him,” Xu Ziling replied, “But there is a friend watching Xu Kaishan in secret, and happened to witness the whole situation. At that time Xu Kaishan was at Hui Shen’s fragrant chamber, the most popular courtesan in Longquan.”

Ke Dazhi’s countenance turned clear and cloudy indeterminately, from time to time his pair of eyes emitted ominous glint. It was quite half a day later that he suddenly became like a defeated rooster. “Ay!” he spoke dejectedly, “How could it become like this? Unexpectedly Du Dage made such an unwise move.”

“People’s heart is difficult to fathom,” Kou Zhong admitted candidly, “But in our opinion, Du Xing really does not know Xu Kaishan’s identity.”

Muttering to himself irresolutely, Ke Dazhi said, “We misjudged Du Dage’s fiery temper. He went to see Xu Kaishan just like that, it would only reveal the secret that you guys are working together with me. Beating the grass to scare the snake, why was Du Dage so unwise?”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling felt big headache. This ought to be the limit that Ke Dazhi could accept; how could they convince him that Du Xing was a man who would do anything, by hook or by crook, for his own benefit? On the surface he appeared supremely honorable and righteous, but in the dark he would not shrink from any crime; worse yet, he might betray anybody, including Ke Dazhi.

Surprised, Ke Dazhi said, “Why do you appear like you wanted to say something but then hesitated? You don’t suspect he might betray us to Xu Kaishan, do you? He definitely won’t do such a thing.”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “Because we are afraid that if we tell you our thought, you, LaoGe won’t believe it.”

Ke Dazhi was slightly startled; the refined light in his pair of eyes flaring greatly, he stared at Kou Zhong with displeasure, firmly shook his head, and said, “I know Du Xing; he will never betray his friends.”

Zong Xianghua’s polite but cold voice came from the exit of the platform, saying, “Xiufang Dajia is inviting three gentlemen to the platform to have a chat.”

Kou Zhong and Ke Dazhi’s four eyes met, neither was willing to yield, clearly showing the differences in the two sides’ view on Du Xing.

With a smile on his face, Xu Ziling spoke to Zong Xianghua, “Zong Shiwei [imperial bodyguard], please inform Xiufang Dajia that we will go out immediately.”

How could Zong Xianghua know the reason behind Kou Zhong and Ke Dazhi’s swords drawn, bows spread out situation? She thought it was the case of old enemies meeting by chance, and conflict arising. She said, “Shaoshuai and Ke Jiangjun, how about looking at Xiufang Dajia’s face and momentarily set your personal matters aside, and talk about it later after the banquet?”

Finished speaking she turned her tender body around and went back to the platform.

This was the first time that Xu Ziling saw this as-cold-as-ice-and-frost Mohe beauty in such a close distance; he understood what Kou Zhong meant when he said that she had a unique sex appeal.

Kou Zhong reached out to lightly pat Ke Dazhi’s broad shoulder; he said with a laugh, “About Ke Xiong is going to help us tonight, let’s forget it, because I am afraid it would harm the deep friendship between you and your Du Dage.”

His countenance changed, Ke Dazhi said, “Who do you think I am, that I should come when you call, and go when you want?”

Inwardly Kou Zhong was angry as well; frowning, he said, “Why can’t you think about the good aspect of this matter? It is because I am giving thought to you that I ask you not to get involved. I’ll have to trouble you to tell Du Xing, I won’t need him lending his hand, helping with his fist.”

His anger suddenly flared, Ke Dazhi said, “You think I, Ke Dazhi would join hands with Du Xing to harm you?”

Seeing the more the two talked, the more they reached the deadlock, Xu Ziling was about to smooth things over when the sound of footsteps was coming from the main entrance.

The three looked toward the sound, and all were stunned.

Unexpectedly the newcomers were Han Chao’an and Jin Zhengzong, who were accompanying their young martial art aunt, Fu Junqiang, on her left and right.

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