Legend of Great Tang’s Twin Dragons

Chapter Book 42 12: Street of Longquan

The two boys left the courtyard house. On the street, where the lanterns were beginning to be lit, they advanced cautiously [orig. very scared and on edge].

Kou Zhong looked back at the courtyard door, he laughed and said, “Do you suppose this courtyard house might become a scenic spot that the tourists to Longquan would want to visit in the future? Because we, two fellows used to stay here.”

Sneering, Xu Ziling said, “There are only three conditions before your wish could be realized. First, we don’t die tonight. Second, you really become the emperor in the future. And third, the city of Longquan is not going to be trampled by the Tujue army’s iron hoof so that the city broken, the wall shattered.”

Kou Zhong said, “The difference between you and I is that I am more optimistic than you are. And don’t you feel it’s strange that nobody dared to come to the courtyard house to give us bad luck?”

Across the street, a group of lovely scene of blossoming plants swaying in the breeze [idiom: gorgeously dressed woman] Mohe girls saw the two boys, none of their pretty eyes was not brightening up; absolutely unrestrained, they pointed and talked among themselves, obviously they knew that one of the two boys was Kou Zhong, and the other was Xu Ziling.

Xu Ziling said, “I wonder if it’s because that place belongs to the Gunatai brothers, hence no one dares to display shockingly bad behavior.”

Paying no attention to the passersby’s gaze, Kou Zhong blurted out laughing and said, “You are and will always be more modest than I am. But I believe that those who want to harm us are afraid of Xiaodi’s Extinguished Sun Bow. If I hide inside the wing hall, I have confidence that I will be able to shoot dead anyone who dares to leap into the courtyard. Only on this big street where people are coming and going my Extinguished Sun Bow won’t be able to show its full capabilities.”

Xu Ziling suddenly felt as if he was removed from this noisy street, just like his precious experience back in Hualin, his senses toward his surrounding was thoroughly clear; he knew that as he was under pressure of a life and death situation, he finally broke through the barrier that Shi Feixuan mentioned, and reached the Moon in the Well realm.

At this point, if there was anybody tracking and watching them, laying out an ambush on them, certainly nothing would be able to hide from his spirited perception.

Smiling, he said, “You are more clear-headed than I am; you are right! For instance, Shen Mohuan would definitely not care about the Gunatai brothers, yet we did not see him coming to offend us? Evidently, it was Shaoshuai’s divine bow that had made countless warriors beyond the Great Wall nursing a grievance that really makes the enemy scared out of their wits.”

“How come Ling Shao’s mood is so good?” Kou Zhong happily said, “Unexpectedly you pat Xiaodi’s horse’s butts. Ha! While we are at it, I have another question.”

Xu Ziling’s attention was on a man sitting at a table outside a wine shop on the left side of the street. This person was dressed ordinarily, but his appearance valiant, his pair of eyes was flashing with spirit. When he saw the two boys in the distance, he immediately hung his face down, as if he was afraid the two would see his appearance.

Kou Zhong whispered in Xu Ziling’s ear, “Are you looking at that kid? My guess is that he must be Huyan Jin’s man; do you want to bet? Let’s see if you are du xian [gambling immortal], or I am du sheng [gambling sage].”

Blurted out laughing, Xu Ziling said, “Don’t you have a question that you are dying to ask Xiaodi? Unless you want to be late on purpose, I advise you not to care about these little bandits.”

Raising his voice, Kou Zhong shouted to the man in Tujue language, “Brother, please send my regards to Huyan Jin.”

Immediately that man’s countenance changed, he appeared to be in predicament; it did not seem right to slip away, but not slipping away seemed to be more awkward. Fortunately, Kou Zhong, two boys quickly walked past.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling looked at each other and burst out laughing. That guy’s expression was the best answer. The former said with a laugh, “We are starting to be able to distinguish Qidan, Mohe, and various tribes’ people; before, we could only tell them apart from their outward appearance, clothes and ornaments. The question I wanted to ask you is actually a bit discourteous, hence I find it hard to ask it. Actually, it’s not a big deal, let’s just forget it.”

“Unexpectedly there is such a question?” Xu Ziling asked in surprise.

Kou Zhong’s gaze fell onto a man, who was walking straight toward them from the opposite side; looking at his attire, he must be a Mohe man from a different tribe, not of Suwei Mohe. Seeing the two, he saluted them respectfully from a distance.

While returning the salute, Kou Zhong said, “You and I both are not bloodthirsty persons. Strictly speaking, I want to fight better than you. But in the matter where Zhu Yuyan wants to fight Shi Zhixuan until both sides perish together, you have more positive outlook than me. I am not referring to killing Shi Zhixuan, but toward Zhu Yuyan sacrificing her own life, you, Ling Shao do not seem to show the least bit of pity. This does not seem to conform to your usual character of not wishing to see anybody perishes.”

Xu Ziling’s heart was a piece of tranquility; he spoke softly, “Do you remember the Tian Kui [Pai] Dojo massacre in Nanyang [Book 28 Chapter 9]? At that time Zhu Yuyan personally led her people to commit the atrocity of killing anybody in sight. You happened to go out, hence you did not see for yourself that kind of daochang [dojo; lit. place (field) of the Way] becoming a tuchang [slaughterhouse] spectacle! But I will never forget it as long as I live. This time I am willing to cooperate with Zhu Yuyan is a compromise compelled by circumstances, hence I do not have the slightest pity on her life or death; much less this is also a way to help Xianzi, just consider it a way to make up for many offenses we committed against her.”

Kou Zhong suddenly saw the light, “So that’s how it is,” he said, “You are right, people will continuously compromise and exercise forbearance due to the changes in the situation. I remember way back when Wanwan slaughtered Shang Peng and Shang He, two venerable Seniors in front of our eyes [Book 11 Chapter 2]; at that time I swore to myself that I would cut Wanwan’s dead body into ten thousand pieces to avenge the two Seniors, but later on, due to the circumstances I was also forced to compromise with Wanwan. This is just like although Xieli’s hatred to us is as deep as the sea, he still has to force Ma Ji to return the eighty thousand sheets of sheepskin to us.”

Xu Ziling said, “Speaking about eighty thousand sheets of sheepskin reminds me of Old Ba; it’s been a long time, why hasn’t he come back?”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “Actually, I have been worried about it all along, but I’m afraid to bring it up”

A man was rushing out of the side street and came to the two boys’ side.

The two boys’ four eyes, like flashes of lightning, immediately looked at the man. The man was intimidated by the two’s imposing eyes, he shook all over and put his hands by his side, indicating that he had no malice, nor he held any weapon. Saluting, he said, “My humble superior, Huyan Jin, wishes to invite two gentlemen to meet and discuss something.”

The two were greatly astonished.

Unexpectedly Huyan Jin wanted to talk to them? Would the sun rise from the west tomorrow?

With his hands behind his back, Kou Zhong continued walking slowly, while speaking indifferently, “Laoxiong is not a Qidan, but a Han. How would I know that you really are Huyan Jin’s man?”

Recovering his calm demeanor, the man caught up to Kou Zhong’s side, and spoke in low voice, “Xiaoren Liang Yong, has always been in charge of Huyan Ye’s business inside the Pass. When Du Ye and Xu Ye [Xu of Xu Kaishan] wanted to contact my humble superior, they also wanted Xiaoren to act as intermediary, please Shaoshuai note clearly.”

He then cleared his throat and said, “On the contrary, no one in Longquan knows me, hence Huyan Daye sent Xiaoren to be the messenger. If Shaoshuai and Xu Ye [Xu of Xu Ziling] move your good selves a little bit to follow Xiaoren, when you see Jin Ye, you will know that Xiaoren did not lie.”

Walking on Kou Zhong’s other side, Xu Ziling nodded and said, “You indeed did not lie, because becoming Huyan Jin’s subordinate is not something that you should be proud of. If you wanted to lie, you ought to find something else to say.”

Liang Yong’s countenance changed slightly, but he did not dare to explode in anger.

Shrugging his shoulders, Kou Zhong said, “So what if you are lying? At most it’s a trap. What kind of situation that I, Kou Zhong, had not seen? The problem is that right now I do not have any mood to see your honorable superior, let alone the time to do it. Tell him for me, please come early tomorrow.”

The two boys grew up in the marketplace, they knew well how to deal with people of the black road [criminal world], hence they barely came in contact, they immediately applied verbal pressure to the other side, so that the other side was caught in passive position, and had no choice but to bring out some benefit to curry favor with them.

Sure enough, Liang Yong said, “This time Huyan Ye sends Xiaoren to invite your good selves, it will really bring hundreds of benefits without a single harm to gentlemen. Didn’t two gentlemen experience a lot of ten thousand crags and torrents in coming here to retrieve Zhai Da Xiaojie’s goods? Huyan Jin Ye precisely wanted to discuss this matter with two gentlemen, as well as to clarify some minor misunderstandings between the two sides.”

Kou Zhong started to get confused; didn’t Kunzhihuang say that Huyan Jin and Shen Mohuan have joined forces to deal with them? How come now it appeared that Huyan Jin wanted to make peace with them?

He could not help casting a glance to Xu Ziling, asking for help. The latter slightly shook his head, indicating that he had no idea what’s going on either.

Seeing that Kou Zhong was not emotionally moved at all, Liang Yong leaned closer and lowered his voice further, saying, “My humble superior also attaches a big gift, which is he can guarantee that Shaoshuai will be able to retrieve justice for this morning’s ambush.”

Inwardly, the two boys cried, ‘Despicable!’ Just from hearing this, they knew that Huyan Jin indeed formed an alliance with Shen Mohuan, and both parties already drew up a plan. Therefore, Huyan Jin could, at any time, give this present by betraying Shen Mohuan and the other three people.

Pretending to be highly interested, Kou Zhong spoke in astonishment, “A gift?”

Smiling apologetically, Liang Yong said, “If Shaoshuai wants to know the details, as long as you agree to meet my humble superior, my humble superior will definitely tell you everything.”

He gave emphasis to the last four words [yan wu bu jin, lit. none of the words is incomplete] in an attempt to persuade Kou Zhong.

This moment the three were entering the Vermillion Bird Boulevard, which was even more bustling with noise and excitement and flourishing, brimming with the happiness-of-a-big-day-about-to-arrive atmosphere.

Xu Ziling could not help but was overwhelmed by emotional stirring. Although they were walking shoulder to shoulder with the crowd on the street, and seemed to be a part of them, but actually they transcended over the masses, to a certain degree, they had control over their fate. This kind of power that one person may have over other people was precisely the target that ambitious kings, marquis, and hegemons since ancient times strived to pursue.

Furrowing his brows, Kou Zhong said, “What’s the reason he is willing to give such advantage to me? What are his conditions?”

Liang Yong respectfully said, “My humble superior already stated it clearly, there won’t be any conditions, it is purely a hero valuing other heroes, to have friendly relations, to be friends with the two gentlemen.”

Kou Zhong suddenly halted his steps. Turning his head toward Liang Yong, he smiled and said, “Go back and tell Huyan Jin! I, Kou Zhong, have never had any dealings with horse thieves.”

Finished speaking, he laughed aloud, and then, along with Xu Ziling, continued their journey ahead, leaving Liang Yong – who was standing with blank expression on the spot, whose countenance had turned so unsightly that it could not be more unsightly – behind.

Kou Zhong said with a laugh to Xu Ziling, whose countenance was tranquil, “Did I do the right thing?”

Xu Ziling nodded and said, “Huyan Jin is just like Abaojia, because he received the news about Xieli and Tuli’s reconciliation, he wanted to make peace with us.”

Pleased with himself, Kou Zhong said, “By rejecting him, I am forcing him not to quit from Shen Mohuan’s operation to deal with us, much less he is one of the three men that Da Xiaojie wanted us to kill, we certainly must not fail to live up Da Xiaojie’s expectation on us.”

Xu Ziling suddenly pulled him to cross the vehicle and horse’s lane where vehicles and horses were coming and going, toward the pedestrian lane on the other side.

Astounded, Kou Zhong asked, “Is there ambushing troop ahead?”

Xu Ziling did not answer him. It was only after they walked for more than twenty steps along the pedestrian lane that he spread out his palm, showing a ball of paper inside, and said with a laugh, “This is the news coming from the world of the immortals.”

Kou Zhong suppressed the urge to look back at Shi Feixuan after she changed her appearance; full of admiration, he said, “Really formidable, even I could not see your secret communication method, forget about other people! Ha!”

Xu Ziling had no time to mind him; using the crowd as his cover, he took a quick peek, and then he folded up the precious and important piece of paper full of Shi Feixuan’s lucid and elegant handwritten characters and put it in his pocket. He said, “Feixuan cannot contact Zhu Yuyan, she did not leave any secret marking per our agreement in the room.”

“What?” Kou Zhong blurted out.

Xu Ziling’s countenance turned grave, he said, “Feixuan said that she must immediately go to look for Zhu Yuyan, telling us to leave the matter of dealing with Shi Zhixuan to her. She probably cannot get back in time, so she told us to stay in the palace, which is the safest place in Longquan, as long as possible, because no matter how ruthless Bai Ziting is, he would not dare to let us die in the palace. Ay! This is the sincere advice of someone who knew the condition of our injuries.”

Momentarily, Kou Zhong’s troop disposition was thrown into chaos. Without Shi Feixuan’s support, with only Yin Xianhe, one person, they really did not have enough strength to deal with the hard-to-fathom enemy. Currently they could only win by outsmarting the enemy. If they had to fight a hard battle in direct confrontation, not only two boys’ little life would be difficult to protect, they also had to compensate for the Butterfly Prince’s life.

Smiling bitterly, Kou Zhong said, “I begin to somewhat regretting not accepting Huyan Jin’s kind intention just now.”

Xu Ziling’s Moon in the Well realm vanished like smoke in thin air, Shi Feixuan’s safety created more serious pressure in his heart than his own life and death, but it also aroused his fighting spirit. “You must find a way to convince Ke Dazhi, otherwise we will undoubtedly die,” he spoke heavily.

He originally opposed telling Ke Dazhi their baseless conjecture, but now that they had no other choice, he changed his mind.

Kou Zhong agreed; he said, “Right now we can only see the opportunity and act, to see whether Ke Dazhi is a dragon or a snake. How’s Shi Zhixuan’s side?”

“Also the four-character true statement, ‘see the opportunity and act’ [jian ji xing shi], Xu Ziling replied.

Speaking to this point, they both felt that someone was approaching from behind.

On the street, where people were coming and going, naturally oftentimes there were many people behind them, but this person’s style in approaching was different from other, sometimes it was fast, other times it was slow, also the left and right position was constantly changing, hence it triggered the two boys’ alertness, knowing that there was a top quality martial art master coming at them. As soon as this person entered a certain distance and angle from them, he could launch a ten-thousand-jun-thunderbolt attack on them.

The incoming person’s momentum locked on them tightly, only martial art masters of Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling’s caliber would not need to look back to see, yet they were able to detect the incoming person’s movements as clear as if they saw it with their own eyes.

If it were before they were injured, they could easily deal with it; they could even wait until the enemy made his move before starting to decide on which method they were going to strike back ruthlessly.

This moment, however, naturally they were unable to be that confident and at ease.

The two boys’ shoulders lightly touched each other.

Xu Ziling stepped closer toward the shops’ side. Obtaining the true qi that Xu Ziling injected, Kou Zhong controlled muscles and meridians around the wound and, like a whirlwind, turned around swiftly.

Entering his vision was Liexia, who was rushing to catch up with them in large strides, only to see his pair of eyes was flashing with pleased-with-himself expression first, before a smile broke out on his face. Laughing aloud, he said, “Two Dage, how are you? This ignorant person thought that I might arrive late and thus treat a beautiful woman irreverently. But now that I see two gentlemen, I feel relieved. All of us, brothers, are going to see the beauty together, isn’t that a joy? Isn’t that a joy [quotation from Confucius]?”

Inwardly the two boys rained curses on him, yet they were clearly helpless to do anything to him. Worse yet, they knew that by using some brilliant technique he had been able to grasp their foundation.

If just now they were able to use the no-change-in-respond-to-ten-thousand-changes, they could still maintain the profound-mystery fake appearance. But now, although they had not exposed their difficult situation, but it had been tested that their internal injury had not healed yet; no wonder this repulsive kid’s eyes showed a pleased-with-himself expression.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Kou Zhong acted as if nothing had happened, saying, “I wonder if Lie Xiong has just seen Da Zun? Hence you made a little error in term of timing.”

Liexia was slightly startled; quite possibly Kou Zhong had indeed predicted the load on his mind correctly. Soon after he came between the two boys, and said with a laugh, “Shaoshuai is joking! It was because I was looking for a gift that I missed the time, hence I have to painstakingly catch up. Look at this!”

A long and narrow brocade case, about a chi and a half long, embroidered with dragon and phoenix motif, slipped out of his sleeve and dropped into his hand.

Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong’ gaze fell on the brocade box, in their mind was a completely different matter.

Liexia joined them at the last leg of their journey before they entered the Palace; it appeared to be unintentional coincidence, but the two knew there must be an ulterior motive in this. Most likely it was showing that at least on the assassination plan to kill these two boys, Du Xing and Xu Kaishan, this group of people, did not have quite an agreement with Shen Mohuan, Huyan Jin, Han Chao’an, the other group of people.

The reason was very simple, because with Liexia accompanying them on this segment of the journey, Shen Mohuan and his group would not be able to launch the surprise attack before the two boys entered the Palace, hence they could only commence their operation after they left the Palace.

If Liexia knew that the two boys were able to draw such a conclusion from his accompanying them on this segment, he would be extremely regretful.

Kou Zhong casually asked, “Last time, the big gift was the ‘Shenqi Mi Pu’ [magical/mystical secret (music) score, Book 41 Chapter 6], this time, what his mother’s [music] score is it?”

Liexia cheerfully said, “When we see Xiufang Dajia, this ignorant person will reveal it.”

Grinning widely, he put the brocade box back inside his sleeve.

The palace gate was in sight.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling exchanged glances; they both could see in the other eyes the feeling that this segment of the fake Vermillion Bird Boulevard was more difficult to walk than the real Vermillion Bird Boulevard in the far-away-across-ten-thousand-crags-and-torrents real Chang’an.

Could tonight be their last night?

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