King Of Chaos

Chapter 226 Ch 226: Han Xiang's Encounter

As he continued his journey, the vastness of the black and white desert seemed to stretch on forever. It was a world of contradictions, where simplicity and complexity coexisted in a delicate balance. Han Xiang's footsteps echoed in this silent realm, a reminder of his presence in a place that seemed almost untouched by time.

Han Xiang was determined to explore the weird desert. He took a few steps, but before he could go far, something unexpected happened.

Out of nowhere, a sandstorm emerged. It swirled and grew, turning into a terrifying tornado with tremendous power. The tornado was so strong that even warriors below the Minor Saint Realm, who were not very powerful, would be torn apart by it.

Han Xiang was shocked and frightened. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He shouted out in fear, "What in the world is happening?"

His heart raced as he tried to figure out how to escape this sudden danger.

He attempted to run away from the approaching tornado, but it was too late. The tornado had a strong force of attraction that pulled him in. Despite his efforts, he found himself being sucked into the swirling vortex of sand and wind. It was a terrifying sight, and Han Xiang's scream echoed in the desert air.

As he was pulled into the tornado, Han Xiang felt an intense pain all over his body. It was as if his very being was being torn apart. He cried out in agony, unable to endure the excruciating pain he was experiencing. The force of the tornado was merciless, causing deep cuts to appear on his body.

The blood came out of his wounds but soon disappeared in the sand tornado.

Amidst the chaos, Han Xiang cursed and groaned in the most terrifying pain he had ever felt. "Why is this happening? It's unbearable!"

His voice was filled with desperation and suffering as he continued to be tossed and battered by the powerful tornado.

The wind howled around him, carrying his cries of pain and fear. Han Xiang's body felt like it was being twisted and stretched beyond its limits. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to block out the torment he was enduring.

Time seemed to stretch as the torment continued. Han Xiang's mind was a whirlwind of pain and confusion. He clung to a sliver of hope, praying that somehow he would survive this ordeal.

"Someone, please help me! I can't take it anymore!" He shouted, his voice nearly drowned out by the roaring wind.

His body ached, his muscles screamed, and his spirit wavered on the brink of surrender. The pain was relentless, and Han Xiang's cries turned into hoarse groans as he fought to endure. Each second felt like an eternity, and he wondered if he would ever escape this nightmare.

Amidst the agony, Han Xiang's thoughts became a jumbled mess. He thought of his family, his friends, and the life he had known. He thought of all the moments that had brought him joy and happiness. And then he thought of his brother-like friend, San Chang.

In the midst of the chaos, a surge of determination rose within him. He refused to let the pain break him. He refused to give in to the merciless forces of the tornado.

Through gritted teeth, Han Xiang mustered every ounce of his willpower. His curses turned into shouts of defiance.

"I won't be defeated! I won't let this tornado take me down. I will definitely get out of this damn thing no matter what!" His words were a declaration of his inner strength and his unyielding spirit.

And then, just when it seemed like all hope was lost, a faint glimmer of light appeared. The tornado began to weaken, its fury subsiding. The pain began to lessen, and Han Xiang felt himself being released from its grip. He tumbled to the ground, bruised and battered, but alive.

Gasping for breath, Han Xiang lay on the sand, his body trembling from the ordeal. The tornado had vanished as suddenly as it had appeared, leaving behind a sense of chaos and destruction. Han Xiang's curses turned into groans of relief as he realized he had survived the terrifying onslaught.

Slowly, he pushed himself up but his muscles were protesting the movement he tried to make.

He looked around at the desert landscape, still in shock from the traumatic experience. The pain was still present and it was mainly because of several deep wounds on his body that seemed to have been made by sharp but rugged objects.

As Han Xiang stood up, he swallowed multiple pills at once. He wanted to heal his body so that he could be ready for any upcoming sudden danger just like before.

Very soon, his wounds stabilized and the blood stopped. Under the effect of several pills, his wounds also started healing rapidly. 

Two hours later, with a mix of exhaustion and determination, Han Xiang staggered to his feet. He knew he had to keep moving, to continue his exploration of this enigmatic desert. The tornado had been a brutal reminder of the dangers that lurked in this mysterious realm, but Han Xiang was not one to be easily defeated.

As he took hesitant steps forward, Han Xiang couldn't help but groan in pain. Every movement was a reminder of the agony he had endured. But beneath the groans was a fierce resolve, a determination to push forward despite the challenges that lay ahead.

The sun hung high in the sky, casting a harsh light over the black-and-white landscape. Han Xiang's body ached and his mind was reeling from the trauma he had just experienced. Yet, as he looked ahead at the endless expanse of the desert, he knew that his journey was far from over.

And so, with a heart filled with both fear and courage, Han Xiang continued to walk through the desert with his unyielding spirit to unravel the mysteries of this bewildering realm.


Ye Xiao stood up from his cross-legged state and felt the newfound strength coursing through his body. It was the power brought by his breakthrough. He had now become a Major Saint Realm warrior. The accomplishment of reaching this level meant that he had successfully passed the first test given by the red-robed man.

The red-robed man was still floating in the air. He nodded his head after witnessing Ye Xiao breaking through and extended his congratulations to Ye Xiao for passing the initial test.

"Congratulations on overcoming the first trial, Ling Xiaolong." He said, his voice carrying an air of approval.

Ye Xiao replied with a grateful smile. "Thank you. It was not easy, but I'm glad I made it."

The red-robed man nodded, his eyes suddenly focused and seemed to pierce through Ye Xiao as he continued, his tone curious yet probing. "During your cultivation, you swallowed five Mystic Ink Fruits at once. Most would have suffered catastrophic consequences, their bodies would have been unable to handle the sudden and overwhelming surge of energy. Yet, you remained unaffected. How did you manage such a feat?"

Ye Xiao's expression returned to normal. He understood the gravity of the question, aware that what he had achieved was indeed remarkable.

"It was not easy," he began, choosing his words carefully. "I had to focus all my energy, synchronize my breath with the flow of energy, and maintain a balance within. It was like guiding a raging river into a calm stream."

The red-robed man's gaze intensified, his interest clearly piqued. "But even with such control, the burst of energy from five Mystic Ink Fruits is akin to a tsunami within the body. How did you prevent yourself from being overwhelmed?"

Ye Xiao did not expect the red-robed man to ask again. He was startled at first and did not know how to explain. He was not planning to reveal his ability to devour things directly after all.

After a short moment, his voice held a hint of wonder as he explained, "I realized that the key was not to resist the energy, but to embrace it. I visualized myself as a vessel, expanding to accommodate the power without breaking. It was like merging with the energy itself, becoming one with the flow."

"Also, I have a secret technique that made it possible for me to do. Without that technique, even after visualizing myself as a vessal, i would not have been able to absorb all the energy."

The red-robed man nodded slowly, his demeanor thoughtful. "An interesting approach, to become one with the energy rather than resist it. Moreover, that technique of yours, it is indeed marvelous."

The red-robed man then fell silent for a moment, his gaze distant as if lost in thought. Then, he turned his attention back to Ye Xiao. "Ye Xiao, you have passed the first test with flying colors. Your ability to harness and channel energy is impressive. But remember, this is just the beginning. The path to becoming a true Saint is fraught with even greater trials."

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