King Of Chaos

Chapter 225 Ch 225: Black & White Desert

While Ye Xiao made progress in his cultivation, another figure could be observed walking through the forest. This individual was Han Xiang.

As Han Xiang continued his journey through the mystical forest, he walked quietly, feeling a mix of uncertainty and fascination. It has been a year since he appeared in this mysterious Myriad Plane Dimensions, however, he would still be in an awe from time to time. He had been in this forest for an year already and only now did the tall trees started to thin out, and before him lay a misty boundary that looked like a wall of white fog. It felt like stepping into a different world, leaving the familiar behind.

Each step Han Xiang took made a soft echo, and soon he reached the edge of the forest. The white mist hung in the air, making it hard to see far ahead. This mist was similar to what Ye Xiao had encountered, where the forest seemed to merge with a mysterious haze.

Now, the weird thing about the Myriad Plane Dimensions was that it has only been one year since Han Xiang came here, however, it has already been about thirteen years since Ye Xiao's appearance in this space.

Shockingly, Ye Xiao appeared in the Myriad Plane Dimensions much later than Han Xiang.

Looking at the fog, Han Xiang couldn't help but talk to himself, his voice blending with the quiet surroundings. "So, this is where the forest ends. After a whole year of walking, I've finally come to this point." His words held a sense of wonder and reflection.

He thought about how time worked in this strange place. He had experienced many things inside the forest and so he knew that while he had experienced a whole year, time passed differently at different places in this space.

With a mix of courage and curiosity, Han Xiang took a careful step into the fog. The mist wrapped around him, feeling cool and slightly damp. He sensed something different in the air, as if it was filled with secrets waiting to be uncovered.

The forest was behind him, and all he saw now was the mist. Han Xiang spoke again, "There's more to this mist than what meets the eye. It's like a curtain hiding many secrets we can't easily understand."

Stretching out his hand, he watched as his fingers disappeared into the fog. "If time works strangely here, what other secrets does this place hold? What's hidden behind this mist?" He wondered aloud, as if hoping the mist could give him answers.

With a strong resolve, Han Xiang took more steps, slowly disappearing into the fog. "I won't be scared of what I don't know. Instead, I'll embrace it. There's something here that I need to find, something that time can't hold back."

His voice got quieter as he walked further into the mist, his words fading into the mysterious air around him. "Whether it takes days, months, or even years, I'll explore this place and figure out its secrets. It's a journey worth taking."

Time seemed to slip away as Han Xiang kept going, his footsteps blending with the quiet mist. The fog covered him, making him harder to see, but his determination remained strong. He was on a quest to uncover the mysteries of the Myriad Plane Dimensions, and nothing was going to stop him.

And so, Han Xiang's journey continued. His thoughts and conversations with himself echoed through the air, as he ventured deeper into a place where time didn't act like it should. He became part of the mystery, determined to discover what lay beyond the fog and to find the answers that were waiting for him.

During his time inside the forest, he saw how Lu Minglu was killed. This place was extremely mysterious. Lu Minglu was an enemy Han Xiang could not defeat, but he saw how easily Lu Minglu was swallowed whole by a human-faced spider. Lu Minglu was not even able to put up any effort.

Han Xiang's steps were deliberate, each one carrying him farther into the unknown. The mist enveloped him like a shroud, its touch cool and enigmatic against his skin. He felt a sense of anticipation and curiosity building within him, as if the mist itself held the key to unlocking the secrets of this dimension.

With his heart racing, Han Xiang's voice once again broke the silence, his words carrying a mixture of determination and wonder. "I can't help but be amazed by the mysteries of this place. It's as if time has its own rules here."

He continued to move forward, his gaze fixed on the shifting landscape before him. "As I walk through this mist, I can't help but wonder what lies ahead. What kind of revelations are waiting for me? What truths will I uncover?"

The more he spoke, the more excited he become. Just thinking about the secrets he had discovered in the past year that boosted his strength to another level and added to his strength greatly, and the secrets that is waiting for him to discover, Han Xiang wanted nothing more that completing the exploration of this Myriad Plane Dimensions as soon as possible. 

The mist seemed to respond to his questions, swirling and dancing around him in an almost hypnotic manner. Han Xiang's steps grew steadier, his confidence growing with each passing moment. "I may not fully understand the nature of this dimension, but I'm determined to explore it, to peel back the layers of mystery one by one."

As he ventured deeper, the mist began to thin, revealing glimpses of a new and unfamiliar terrain. Han Xiang's eyes widened with awe as he took in the sights before him. "This is unlike anything I've ever seen."

His words echoed through the mist. With each step, he embraced the uncertainty and the excitement of the unknown, driven by a burning desire to uncover the truth that awaited him.

The mist whispered secrets as it swirled around him, and Han Xiang listened intently. "There's something here, something important that I need to discover. I can feel it in the air, in the very essence of this dimension."

He quickened his pace, his excitement propelling him forward. "No matter how much time it takes, no matter how many challenges I face, I won't give up. I'll press on."

The mist seemed to part before him, revealing a path that beckoned him onward. Han Xiang's heart raced with anticipation as he took each step, fully embracing the adventure that lay before him.

As Han Xiang walked out of the mist, he found himself in a desert. But this desert was different from any he had seen before. The sand was a mix of black and white, like a puzzle put together. Even the trees in this desert were black and white, standing tall like silent guardians. The sky above him also had the same colors, as if all the other colors had disappeared. This strange sight left Han Xiang completely amazed and surprised.

He had never imagined a place like this, where everything was in shades of black and white. The ground, the trees, and even the sky – all devoid of color. It was like stepping into a world that existed outside of his wildest dreams. Han Xiang stood there, unable to believe his eyes, trying to make sense of what he was seeing.

As he walked further into the desert, the black and white landscape stretched out endlessly before him. The sand felt different beneath his feet, a strange mixture of textures that added to the surreal experience. The trees, with their contrasting colors, seemed almost otherworldly, like creatures from a fantastical tale.

The absence of color created an eerie yet mesmerizing atmosphere. Han Xiang felt a mix of emotions – wonder, curiosity, and a hint of unease. He had entered a realm that defied the norms of the world he knew, a place where even the most familiar elements appeared transformed.

With each step he took, Han Xiang ventured deeper into this monochromatic desert, captivated by the unique beauty of the black and white world around him. He couldn't help but marvel at the way nature had painted a landscape so different from anything he had ever encountered.

The strangeness of this place was unlike anything Han Xiang had ever experienced. The usual vibrant colors that painted his world were replaced by a stark contrast of black and white. Even the shadows seemed to play tricks on him, dancing in a way he had never seen before. It was as if reality itself had taken on a new form, one that challenged his understanding of the world.

The trees, though devoid of color, held a certain elegance in their dual tones. Their leaves rustled in the wind, a symphony of black and white that was both haunting and beautiful. Han Xiang couldn't help but reach out and touch the bark of one of the trees, feeling the textures beneath his fingers.

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