Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 148 The Inter-Sect Tournament Final Battle

The final 2 teams made their way up on stage as the crowd went crazy.

As both teams approached the stage, Mira was discussing part of their strategy with the girls.

"Alexa, make sure you are the one to handle Jax. You beat him once so you should be able to do it again. Their Captain will most likely either want to take care of you first or Maria. He should know that Jax is no match for me or Alexa, so you need to make sure that he doesn't get the chance. You just need to stall if two people are attacking you. If you don't feel confident in beating 2 of them then just stall as we defeat the rest of them. All of us are individually stronger than them so if we get into a one-on-one clash then it'll be our victory. Find your opponents and strike fast and hard right from the start. I'll be providing support to whoever needs it." Mira explained and the rest of the people nodded their heads.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the arena, the Immortal Sword Sect disciples were discussing their strategy.

"Alright, our biggest worry this fight will be Alexa and Mira, but the other 3 aren't exactly slouches. I'm willing to bet that Mira will want to send Alexa to face off against Jax since she's already beat him once. Not to offend you, but I think we should send another person to try and take out Alexa as soon as possible. Then we'll only have to deal with Mira. We could also try and send 2 people to attack their weakest members, but none of them are weak and it'll definitely be troublesome especially with Mira as the Captain. I'm more inclined to try the former." The Captain explained and everyone nodded except for Jax.

"Hmph! Just because I lost against that woman doesn't mean I'll lose to her again! I don't need your help taking her down! My main target is Mira anyway!" Jax snorted at them and was just going to do his own thing.

"Sigh… Whatever, but I'm still sending someone else to help as this is a GROUP battle. We'll play the rest by ear when we start fighting."

By now, both sides have made their way up to the arena and got ready.

"Alright! It's time to decide the final victor of this year's Inter-Sect Tournament Group Battles! Fight!" The City Lord announced.

The two teams immediately went according to their plans.

Immortal Sword Sect sent another person with Jax to fight against Alexa while Alexa sought after Jax.

The other Battle Maiden Sect already locked onto their targets and dashed towards them. This time, Mira also took out her scythe as she spotted the weakest link on their team.

She knew that if they were to make it a 4 v 5 early on then it would essentially be a guaranteed win, but she didn't act immediately and waited patiently for an opportunity.

The element of surprise is often what can determine a fight and by just defeating one person, she could easily snowball it and swiftly take out the rest.

The Immortal Sword Sect was also keeping his eyes glued onto Mira since she is the biggest factor, but he realized that the other disciples aren't doing too well. One of them ended up facing off against 2 people, not only that but he was one of the stronger ones on their team.

He wasn't sure what to do since he wanted to follow Mira, but if the team lost someone so early due to this hesitation then they'll surely lose.

'Argh! What to do?!' He thought to himself then made his mind to help his teammate.

But due to this hesitation, he took his eyes off of Mira for just a tad too long. Mira noticed that his eyes were off of her and dashed out towards the weakest person, Maria's opponent. She gathered momentum in her scythe on the way, glanced at Maria, then smashed her scythe into the man causing him to stumble into Maria.

Maria understood Mira's gaze as it told her to prepare to attack. When she saw her opponent get within range of her, she elbowed him in the chin which dazed him, then chopped the back of his neck with the pommel of her sword, knocking him unconscious. She didn't want to seriously injure him, so she decided to go with this instead of using her sword. Plus, Mira definitely broke quite a few of his ribs and caused internal damage with that hit of hers. No need to add more to that.

Mira grabbed his body and threw him off of the stage. She and Maria shared a silent gaze and nodded their heads. There was no need for them to talk after fighting and training together for so many years.

This all happened right as the enemy Captain reached his teammate, who was already overwhelmed due to the girl's onslaught.

He soon discovered two auras approaching their position and he couldn't help but gulp. He knew that this was already over. Nevertheless, he wasn't going to back down from a fight.

Mira and Maria quickly made their way towards the Captain and started attacking him. The Captain retreated to reposition since both girls came at him from two different sides.

Jade noticed them coming as well, glanced at Cleo and both of them nodded. Cleo started attacking the opponent in front of her with more ferocity and Jade rushed over to the Captain in hopes to end this as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Alexa was facing off against two people but wasn't incredibly overwhelmed. Since Mira told her that all she needed to do was to stall, then there is no point in wasting her energy in trying to defeat these two people right now.

"C'mon, fight! You were fighting so fierce during the duels, why are you only running away now?! Are you scared? You must've used some wicked means to beat me earlier if you're so scared of me now! Fight me you coward!" Jax tried provoking Alexa and it somewhat worked as Alexa frowned at his words.

Even though Alexa was incredibly unhappy with those words, she knew better than to be provoked by an ape and just stayed silent and kept retreating and dodging.

"Dammit! Fight me!!" Jax roared as his attacks got fiercer and fiercer.

His teammate was also trying to sneak in attacks, but Alexa was doing a great job at controlling the battlefield and making sure to keep them at her pace.

While Jax was solely focused on attacking, his partner noticed the Captain was getting besieged by 3 people.

"Jax! The Captain is getting attacked by 3 people! If we don't help him, we'll lose!" The man said to Jax in a panic.

"What?! Go help him then! I still haven't gotten to fight yet!" Jax yelled as he kept trying to attack Alexa.

The man frowned at his idiotic words, but now was not the time to argue. He soon ran off to help his Captain.

Alexa just smiled faintly and then began to attack Jax. His expression lit up as he was finally able to get some action.

"Haha! Finally!" He yelled and attacked back.

At this time, Cleo defeated her opponent and threw him off of the stage. Now it was a 5 vs. 3. She looked around the battlefield and spotted a straggler trying to make his way over to his Captain. She knew that Alexa would be fine and there was no need to worry about Mira, Maria, and Jade. So this man ended up being her target.

"Fuck! Get out of my way!" The man roared when he noticed Cleo appear in front of him and the two of them began to fight.

The audience watching this scene was in awe at the coordination of the Battle Maiden Sect. They didn't even need to talk to each other to understand what they should do. Things were just playing out too perfectly for them. They weren't sure if they got lucky, if this was the difference in strength, or if this was due to the difference in Commanders but either way it was impressive.

The City Lord also couldn't help but squint his eyes at this scene. He knew that things were going perfectly because of Mira's planning along with the first move she made. Things were just going to flawlessly for their team as the Immortal Sword Sect was systematically dealt with in such a fluid motion. No special moves, no overwhelming strength, and even her strategies weren't anything spectacular. Just the time and precision of everything was spot on that it became hard to even keep up.

He came back to his thoughts when he saw someone else fly out of the Arena and could only sigh.

"Battle Maiden Sect wins!"

The one that was thrown out of the Arena was the Captain of the Immortal Sword Sect.

"What?! No! What the hell were you guys doing?! It was just getting good!" Jax roared as he had to reluctantly stop fighting after they lost.

The other disciple left also frowned, but not because they lost but because of this brainless idiot who only thinks about fighting!

Either way, they had to walk off of the Arena leaving the Battle Maiden Sect.

Jade, Maria, Cleo, and Alexa couldn't help but let out a smile. The type of smile that one makes when they work so hard for something and get a perfect score. The type of smile when everything just fits perfectly into place. Their hearts and minds were completely satisfied after that battle. They knew this battle went so well and it felt amazing! They want more of this feeling!

Mira just walked over towards them indifferently as this result was what she expected. Their win was inevitable, but these 4 did do quite well and didn't require any external help. She was quite pleased with their performance so she decided to keep quiet and let them revel in this victory. Maybe it'll make them want to train harder after this hehe.

"Congratulations to the Battle Maiden Sect for winning first place in the Inter-Sect Tournament with 268 points! We don't have any physical rewards to hand out, but you will be getting the highest quota into the Secret Realm that will be opening not long after this. Even though you may not be getting rewards personally since you get to enter the Secret Realm, your Sect does get more rewards and special privileges. So look forward to that shortly!"

"We'll be announcing the results here shortly, so everyone stay tuned!" The City Lord announced happily.

The Battle Maiden Sect disciples were all cheering as they actually got first place this year! Even the Elders were ecstatic.

When the 5 of them made their way back towards their section the other disciples congratulated them on their win and they started having a mini celebration as they waited for the results.

Around 20 minutes later, the City Lord came back with the results and displayed them to the audience.

"We have now calculated everyone's scores! Here are the rankings! We will discuss the quotas with the Sect Masters later!"

[Inter-Sect Tournament Rankings.

1. Battle Maiden Sect - 268 Points.

2. Immortal Sword Sect - 175 Points

3. National Elven Sect - 150 Points

4. Storm Sect - 143 Points

5. Grand Nature Sect - 130 Points

6. Glacial Sword Sect - 110 Points

7. Cataclysmic Verdant Sect - 105 Points

8. Battle Sect - 96 Points

9. 8 Profound Elements Sect - 85

10. Divine Beast Sect - 77 Points

11. Heaven-Defying Pill Sect - 65 Points

12. Bladed Wind Sect - 50 Points

13. Frost Fire Sect - 40 Points

14. Dry Inferno Sect - 36 Points

15. Paragon Sect - 30 Points

16. Ice Phoenix Sect - 24 Points

17. Quintessential Ice Sect - 21 Points ]

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