Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 147 The Inter-Sect Tournament Group Battles Part 2

By the time the first round of Group Battles ended, it was already night. This was out of everyone's expectations as it wasn't supposed to take so many hours for 8 matches. Most people, including the City Lord, figured it only take around half a day at most to finish the first 9 battles and the next half of the day would be dedicated to the remaining 7 matches, but it took an entire day for the first round to end.

The City Lord ended up announcing that the Second Round of the Group Battles will begin the next day and the people left with somewhat complicated expressions.

Most of the fights today were incredibly boring for the most part and the only one that was interesting ended in under a minute. If you took too long to blink you'd miss it, at least that's how the audience felt.

Either way, they still wanted to come back the next day as most people only get to see a tournament like this a few times in their life.

The next day.

The Sects made their way towards the arena, but half were only allowed to watch this time.

The audience also came back, but it was mainly for one person. The Hero of Lunar Fox City, The Solitary Devil Empress, Devil Heroine, Mira.

By now, there isn't a single person in the city that doesn't know her name. Many people have been sharing stories about her ever since the war ended.

Some people only know her as the one that saved their city, while others told stories of how she faced off the army alone, and others saying how freakishly terrifying she can be. By now, all of her titles have spread through every corner of the city.

While Mira was waiting for the tournament to start, she felt an innumerable amount of gazes on her and couldn't help but glance out towards the audience.

Wherever her gaze swept, the people felt a chill up their spine. It felt like a ferocious beast just stared at them.

"Amazing! So that's the Devil Heroine, Mira! Even her gaze can instill fear! Haha! Wonderful! Get'em Devil Heroine! Show them how ruthless you are!"

"Oh shit! I nearly pissed myself just from her looking at me! The Hero of Lunar Fox City really is amazing! I wish I could've seen her in action!"

"Brother, let me tell you something. Seeing her in action is one of the most amazing yet horrific scenes I've ever witnessed in my entire life! She really lives up to her name as The Solitary Devil Empress!"

Many people were talking about Mira as they waited for the show to start and the person in question could only feel her face twitch.

p 'What's with all of these titles? Solitary Devil Empress? Devil Heroine? Hero of Lunar Fox City? It seems I've been getting called a Devil a lot recently. Even Maria has mentioned me as a Devil.' Mira thought to herself but was interrupted by the City Lord.

"Welcome to the Second Day of the Inter-Sect Tournament Group Battles! If everything goes as planned, this should be the last day of the Inter-Sect Tournament. Afterward, we'll be tallying the points earned by each Sect and release the rankings after that. Though the Battle Maiden Sect is guaranteed to come in first place right now even if they lose this next match That means it'll be a battle for Second Place from now on! Let's begin!"

"Immortal Sword Sect and Divine Beast Sect, you're up!" The City Lord announced.

The two teams made their way up to the stage and got in position.

The result of this battle is obvious, but they still had to fight it out. Who knows, maybe the Divine Beast Sect will pull through with another win?

Also, what many people found surprising was that Jax, the strongest person in the Immortal Sword Sect, wasn't the Captain. But for the people who knew him, this wasn't a difficult decision. The guy is an idiot regarding anything other than the sword. Strategies? Planning? Giving out orders from the backline? Nonsense! This guy only knows how to brute force his way through things!

Regardless of these things, he is strong. So strong that he could take on the enemy team by himself.


Jax was the first one to charge out and face the enemy head-on.

"You damn brute! I specifically told you not to do that! We came up with a plan of attack, but now it's ruined!" The captain of the Immortal Sword Sect team screamed at Jax.

"Haha! It's fine, isn't it?! I can take on all 5 of these people at the same time! In the face of absolute power, strategies are useless! Haha!" Jax just laughed back as he began fighting with the enemy team.

"Dammit! Don't look down on our Divine Beast Sect you ape!" The Divine Beast Sect Captain yelled and began sending out commands to his teammates.

Their goal was to try and take out their captain, but the only problem with that plan was Jax. At least 2 people needed to be sent just to deal with him which makes it a 4 vs. 3 in the Immortal Sword Sects favor.

Jax kept smashing into his opponents and it didn't take him long to knock them out before he charged at the rest of the team.

The battle went on for around 10 minutes before the entire Divine Beast Sect was unconscious!

"Immortal Sword Sect wins!"

The crowd yelled with joy at this sight.

"Finally, a true fight! It seems today will be interesting after all!"

"I knew it wasn't a mistake to come today. That battle really got my blood pumping! Especially that huge muscular guy! He was really strong!"

People were yelling in delight as they finally got to see some true battles!

It didn't take long for the City Lord to call up the next Sects to participate in the next match.

The next two matches also ended similarly. Both sides would fight hard, using wits and strength to try and overcome the enemy.

Finally, the last match of Round 2 of the Group Battles was the Battle Maiden Sect against the Battle Sect located in The Sleeted City.

The disciples from The Sleeted City felt like they were incredibly unlucky to go up against the Battle Maiden Sect twice now.

But they didn't back down! Their Battle Sect is much different than the Quintessential Ice Sect. They specialize in fighting, whether it be solo fights or group fights, so they should be able to put up more of a fight. Though they don't have much hope of winning.

But they were mistaken. They didn't last much longer than the previous team they fought at the end of yesterday.

Instead of lasting under a minute, they managed to last a little over 2 minutes. This was already considered could since Mira's team consisted of at least 3 people that are within the Top 5 regarding personal strength out of all of the Sects. This isn't even taking into account Mira's commanding abilities.

Like that, the Second Round of the Group Battles ended and it was time to move onto the Semi-Finals with the Immortal Sword Sect, Grand Nature Sect, National Elven Sect, and Battle Maiden Sect taking up these slots.

"Now it's time for the Semi-Finals! Immortal Sword Sect, Grand Nature Sect of The Elven City of Elsum, you're up!"


Elves were truly a troublesome bunch to fight against as their physiques are naturally stronger than humans, they are a bit faster, have longer lives, and their senses are better. But Elves also have a harder time cultivating and need much more time and effort compared to humans. This is the Will of The Heavens. If they could also cultivate as fast as humans, then there would be a constant influx of Elf Immortals.

But the Immortal Sword Sect isn't a slouch. Even with all of the Elves' advantages, this Sect doesn't stand a chance against the Immortal Sword Sect. They are just too strong.

During this fight, Jax once again went on a rampage! He's extremely relentless and brutal. He also doesn't care if he gets superficial wounds on his body as he charges you down. There is a stark contrast between his backwater style of fighting and the Elves, who look graceful on the battlefield. It was somewhat comical to watch.

But at the end of the day, nobody could stop Jax, which allowed the rest of the Immortal Sword Sect to eliminate them one by one and take the win.

"Immortal Sword Sect wins!" The City Lord announced.

"Next up, the Battle Maiden Sect and the National Elven Sect!"

The two teams made their way up, but if one looked closely, they would see the Elves shivering.

This was because Mira's bloodlust was just too much for them to handle. Even without her releasing it, this was the only thing they could sense. It almost felt blinding the closer they got to her.


"Alexa, I'll leave this to you," Mira said calmly as she released a faint smile.

Mira's teammates were puzzled, but they still listened to her and understood Mira's intention. She only wanted Alexa to fight.

But she soon found out why. Mira was sending jolts of killing intent towards her opponents, which caused them to freeze up end be defeated.

This happened 5 times and it didn't take long for Alexa to defeat all of them.

"Battle Maiden Sect wins! Now that the Semi-Finals are over, let's move onto the Final Battle! Though this match won't change the rankings of either team as the Battle Maiden Sect is guaranteed to come in First and the Immortal Sword Sect is guaranteed to come in second, I believe everyone wants to find out which team is better! Now, let's begin!"

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