I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 133 - The Attention Thief

Chapter 133 - The Attention Thief

Luckily, Anne was escorted by Jack to the shop so that she could be on time to work on the hand bouquet ordered by the bride and groom who came to the shop yesterday. Using the motorbike driven by Paul, they arrived on time at the hotel where the event was being held. At first, Anne and Paul were asked to participate in the blessing ceremony, but Anne politely declined because she had to go to campus, so did Paul. He didn't want to join the program because Anne wasn't there.

"Paul ..."

"Yes, Miss?" Paul asked loudly.

"Let's find something to eat, I'm hungry," replied Anne, half screaming because Paul was driving the motorbike at high speed.

"Ok, hold on, Miss. We'll look around your campus," Paul said back.

Anne tapped Paul on the shoulder as a sign of agreement. Paul then accelerated his motorbike towards the boss's campus. When they almost arrived at the campus, Anne asked Paul to stop at a junk food restaurant. Anne, who had asked Linda to come directly to campus, smiled as she reread the message sent by Linda, where she mentioned that she was on her way to campus, and that she also brought two portions of Anne's favorite club sandwich.

"Are you full?" Asked Anne softly as she wiped her lips with a tissue.

"Yes, Miss," Paul replied quickly. He ate up all the orders without any leftovers. Living a long time on the road had made Paul appreciate every meal given by Anne.

"Come on, let's take me to campus. Linda is almost there too," Anne suggested quietly, as she walked toward the exit.

Paul nodded his head slowly responding to Anne's words. He then stepped his feet quickly towards the exit. Without talking much, Paul then got on the favorite sports motorbike that he thought had been bought by Anne. Anne, who was riding the motorcycle with Paul for the first time, looked calm and didn't look scared at all.

Since the UAL campus was not far from junk food restaurants, it only took five minutes to reach. As Paul drove his motorbike quickly, Paul's arrival to the campus area became the new focus of the girls. They whispered to each other while staring at Paul, who was still riding his motorbike with Anne. They were even more surprised when they saw that it was Anne who got off the motorbike.

"Here's the helmet," said Anne quietly, handing the helmet she had just worn to Paul.

"Okay, Miss. Oh right, how will you come home?" Paul asked briefly as he put the helmet that Anne had previously worn into his backpack.

"There's Linda. We're going to be a little late getting to the shop anyway. Can you handle the shop alone?" asked Anne back, smoothing her messy hair after wearing the helmet.

"I can, Miss Anne. Then if you'll excuse me, Miss. The flowers in the shop need my presence," Paul replied, trying to be funny.

"Haha, you! Now you go then. Be careful," said Anne quickly.

Paul just nodded. He then started his favorite motorbike and left the UAL campus. Everyone who saw Anne being escorted by a motorized man seemed to be whispering to each other, as if it had become a human habit when someone saw something strange, they would definitely gossip about it. Likewise with the trend that students immediately talked about. Anne, who realized that she was the center of attention, could only smile. Because she felt that she had not done anything wrong or caused problems, Anne chose to ignore them all and continued walking into her classroom.

"She acts like she's so beautiful," Isabel fierce to herself. Isabel, who also just arrived and was walking with her friends from the parking area, could clearly see that Anne had just gotten off the sports motorbike that was brought by a handsome man.

"Who is that? From his appearance, he is like the son of a rich person."

"Wow, it's so lucky that Anne was taken by her boyfriend to campus on a motorcycle, very romantic."

"Yes, it's rare to see a man who wants to ride a motorbike nowadays,"

"I'm jealous of her."

"I heard her name is Anne. She is a fashion design student. She's in Gabriella's class, you know, the girl who is said to be the prettiest student in the class, but I think the girl named Anne is the prettiest."

"Yes, I agree too! I think she is much more beautiful than Isabel, but strangely in campus forums, only Gabriella and Isabel who are the top ranks of the most beautiful girls on campus. How strange!"

"Yes, I agree, the girl with the dimples should be the one who occupies first rank as the most beautiful girl on campus."

The whispered voices of the students who saw Anne's arrival were heard very clear when Isabel and Gabriella passed. Although the two of them did not go hand in hand, the two of them could clearly hear what the boys were saying. Both Isabel and Gabriella blushed when they were both being compared to Anne, who was said to be the most beautiful girl.

Feeling irritated, Gabriella stomped her feet hard on the floor, which made the young men who had previously talked about Anne immediately turned their heads at her and closed their mouths when they realized the presence of Gabriela who looked very angry. Not only Gabriella who finally left the crowd of young men, even Isabel did the same. She immediately continued her steps towards the cafeteria around where the young men sat, whereas previously they were very happy to walk like a model in front of the young men who used to comment on their appearances. However, because they talked about Anne this morning, finally Gabriela and Isabel lost their desire to waddle the area to seek the attention of the young men who were sitting around the path leading to the classroom.


Gabriella just threw her bag roughly on top of her desk, causing several other students who had come into the class to immediately turn their heads to her.

"Those blind and stupid lads! They can't even tell who has class," Gabriella snorted in annoyance as she turned her head towards Anne's empty table. Apparently Anne had not yet made it to the classroom.

"Come on, Ella, don't sweat it. She isn't your equal," said one of Gabriella's girls quietly, trying to calm the angry Gabriella.

"Yes, Ella, you don't have to take the words of those stupid boys to heart. They are not your class, Ella, so you don't need to listen to their words," added another girl.

Gabriella, who was usually calm when she heard her girls said that this time, still looked very annoyed. The words of the two men did not work at all to change her mood, which had already been damaged by hearing the words of young men who called Anne the most beautiful girl on campus. Gabriella, who so far felt that she had only one rival as the most popular girl on campus, was now disturbed by Anne's presence. She felt very upset when she heard that Anne was adored by the students who used to tease her.

"Isabel is already a headache for me, and now there's Anne, what a jerk." Gabriella cursed silently as she watched Anne walk into the classroom with two boxes of milk in her hands.

Anne herself did not know that she had become the subject of conversation. Several students were seen walking casually towards her table. Shortly after Anne sat down, from the direction of the entrance, Linda came in a hurry because the class was about to start.

"Where have you been, Linda?" Asked Anne curiously when she saw Linda looking very tired.

"I stopped by at a discounted makeup shop while ordering a sandwich. Luckily, I quickly noticed the time. Or else, I could die if I didn't join Mrs. Martha's class," said Linda, panting, as she ran from the parking area.

"How could you just be looking for trouble? Well, have a drink first and wash off your sweat," said Anne quietly as she pulled out her facial tissue from the bag.

"I love you, Anne. If you were a boy, I would have married you," said Linda, while reaching for Anne's facial tissue.

"If I were a boy I would also choose a woman to be my wife, Linda," Anne laughed at Linda's words with sarcasm.

"Damn you, Anne, haha," said Linda, laughing, too.

Linda's laughter sounded loud in response to Anne's words. Gabriella, who had been in a bad mood because of Anne, was getting more upset when she heard Anne and Linda joking. Shortly thereafter, the class became silent when Mrs. Martha, the killer lecturer, entered the class.

In the classroom, Isabel also looked lackluster. She, who had never listened to the words of the young men who teased her, today was very disturbed when she heard them compared her to Anne.

"Anne ... Anne, what good is she? She is not wearing branded clothes, she's not as beautiful and as cute as me, who's a model. How dare they compare me to this no one?" Isabel said softly.

Edward, who sat not far from Isabel, seemed surprised to see Isabel suddenly so quiet, because Isabel was very noisy when class was about to start.

"I heard this morning that some animation design students were talking about Anne from the fashion designer class, I think that's what makes Isabel's mood is ruined this morning," said one student quietly to her friend, talking about Anne.

"Really? No wonder the model looks messed up this morning, hahaha," said another student.

Edward, who heard the conversation of his classmates, immediately lifted his face, which had been lowered down as he was playing with his cell phone.

"Talking about Anne, what's wrong with Anne?" said Edward to himself. He suddenly became curious about the words of the two girls sitting in front of him.

To be Continued

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