I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 132 - Competitively Healty

Chapter 132 - Competitively Healty

Jack, who was happy, really didn't realize that there had been a car following him since leaving Anne's flower shop. He was still smiling to himself when he remembered what happened this morning when he opened his eyes. Anne slept right next to him. She even used his arm as a pillow. Even though after that Anne screamed loudly when she realized that they were sleeping in the same blanket on the sofa that Jack had put together before.

"This is just the beginning, Anne. Slowly, Anne, I will heal your wounds and fill your heart with my love," Jack said quietly. The flash of light from the car behind him finally made Jack realize that apparently he was being followed by someone.

Out of curiosity and not wanting to have trouble, Jack finally looked for a quiet place to stop his car. He wanted to find out who had been turning on the light at him and honking without stopping. After stopping, Jack then unbuckled his seat belt and rushed out. But he just touched his car door when suddenly the car door was opened from the outside and a large hand pulled his collar and dragged him out of the car.

When he was going to find out who had dragged him out, suddenly a raw punch landed on his stomach very hard.


"Damn you, Jack. I thought you were a good partner. You stabbed me in the back. How dare you approach the woman I like, Jack?!" Aaron screamed loudly as soon as he threw his punch into Jack's stomach. Now Jack was now kneeling due to the heavy blow. Aaron was completely overcame with anger that he hit Jack with all his might.

Jack, who knelt while holding his stomach, finally realized who hit him. Instead of getting angry because he was hit, Jack smiled when he heard Aaron's words. Slowly, he tried to get up to face Aaron, who was standing in front of him.

"What's the matter with you, Aaron? Why suddenly hit me like this?" Jack asked in a playful manner.

"Don't act stupid, Jack. I know you understand what I said earlier. I will not repeat my words for the second time. I have clearly warned you to stay away from Anne, because Anne is my woman. She was mine long before you were in London, so either you stayed away from her or you will got in trouble from me," Aaron replied loudly.

"Your woman? Who? Anne? Since when was she yours? Anne is a woman who is still free and not bound by any relationship with any man, including you, Aaron. So you can't stop me from seeing her," Jack said softly.

Aaron immediately grabbed Jack by the collar tightly. He was really emotional right now.

"I warned you, Jack, stay away from Anne or you will get in trouble. London is my home and you are just a newcomer here, so don't mess with me," Aaron said coldly threatening Jack.

"Patience, Mr. Connery. Can't we discuss everything nicely? Then why do you suddenly have to threaten me like this?" Jack asked slowly, trying to be patient. He did not want to be provoked by Aaron.

"I've talked very well to you since the beginning, Jack, but you didn't listen to my words. So don't blame me for being rude to you," Aaron replied coldly as he let go of his grip on Jack's shirt collar, which had apparently been washed and ironed by Anne earlier when Jack left her a few days ago.

Hearing Aaron's words made Jack laugh. He really couldn't understand how Aaron could say that he hadn't listened to his words before. Even though from the beginning, Aaron had immediately been rude to him, by forcibly pulling him out of the car and then hitting him hard on the stomach without speaking first. Seeing Jack laugh like that, again made Aaron's emotions go up. He then clenched his right fist again and prepared to throw a second punch at Jack's face, but this time the punch was blocked by Jack, who was ready.

"The first hit might work because I wasn't ready, but if you want to hit me again I won't hesitate to hit you back, Aaron," Jack said quickly as he firmly grabbed Aaron's clenched fist.

"You talk too much, you bastard." Aaron tried to hit Jack with his left hand.

Aaron, who was overcome with emotion, really couldn't help himself. He tried to hit Jack blindly. But Jack, who was ready, was not easily defeated by Aaron. He easily managed to catch Aaron's left hand again. Because he was in an advantageous position, Jack quickly turned things around. He then turned Aaron's body with the two hands that he locked behind his body and leaned Aaron's body into his car just like the police did when catching criminals.

"I warn you once again, Aaron, Anne is a free woman who is not tied to anyone, so both you and I have the same opportunity to approach her. So you have no reason to prevent me from approaching Anne," Jack said quietly while pressing his grip Aaron's hands as Aaron struggled to set himself free.

"Fuck you, Jack, you bastard! You have no right to say that, as I told you before, Anne is mine. I proposed a few days ago," Aaron said loudly.




Jack spontaneously released his grip when he heard Aaron's last words, allowing Aaron to move freely again.

"If you do not believe me, ask Anne yourself, whether it's true or not that I proposed a few days ago," added Aaron again confidently.

Jack, who was shocked when he heard that Aaron had proposed to Anne, returned to his senses. He was sure that what Aaron had said was just nonsense, because he did not see any rings or jewelry on Anne's body.

"If you really had proposed, I should have seen the ring on her finger, but I did not see any jewelry attached to Anne's finger," Jack said quickly. He was sure that in fact Aaron was just talking nonsense.

Previously, it was Jack who looked shocked when Aaron claimed to have proposed to Anne, now Aaron was the one who looked numb when Jack talked about rings. The reason was that when he proposed to Anne, he did not have any preparations done. So, even when he proposed, Anne thought that his words were just nonsense and didn't take him seriously.

Seeing Aaron in silence made Jack even more convinced that what Aaron had said earlier was just a bluff and nonsense. Jack slowly approached Aaron who was standing not far from his car.

"We compete fairly, Aaron. Let's see who will be chosen by Anne. Is it I or you, who are a stranger to him," Jack said quietly as he patted Aaron's shoulder and walked away to his car again.

"I've known Anne since she was at Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, so the real stranger is you, Jack, not me," Aaron said irritably.

Hearing Aaron's words made Jack stop his footsteps. He slowly turned towards Aaron and smiled.

"We'll see, who is the real stranger among us to, Anne. You or me," said Jack back.

After saying that, Jack then got into his car and left Aaron who was still emotional. He had to get to the office immediately because he had to attend an important meeting which was about to start.

"You bastard, Jackson! I will not let you take Anne from me. I will prove that you are the stranger in our relationship." Jack thought to himself as he stared at Jack's Bugatti Veyron, which was getting away from him.

to be continued

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