I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 975: The True Enemy

Chapter 975: The True Enemy

When Yuei Vu's helicopter landed at the sea base, he immediately saw a large transport aircraft parked steadily on the tarmac. The black shell was printed with the word "D", which was the logo of Department D.

He knew that he might have come a little too late for the Monarch.

At this time, the sea surface has returned to calm, and the huge Kaiju has disappeared as if it had never existed. But the huge base was already riddled with holes, and many parts of the building structure were burned to black, leaving traces of being swept by flames or struck by lightning.

Whoever the enemy was, it looked like they were gone. The entire facility was now under the control of Department D, and Yuei Vu could see their soldiers everywhere.

But these soldiers may have received instructions from their superiors, and no one stopped Yuei Vu. This allowed Yuei Vu to come directly to the command room relatively unimpeded.

Officer Fujino was in the command room of this base. The surroundings were in a mess. The big screen was blown to pieces, the cracked console exposed the wiring, and the inside seemed to be roasted to a crisp.

"We are late." Fujino seemed not surprised by Yuei Vu's arrival and said straight to the point, "When we arrived, everyone alive in this facility had fallen.

There are traces of a fierce battle between the giant beasts outside, and there are also traces of a Shadow Game in the command room – and it is a very high-level one.

It seems that Dr. Serizawa, as a representative, had a big battle with someone here, but judging from the result, he may have lost.

Dr. Serizawa, like everyone else, is now in an unexplained coma. My men just took them away…"

Yuei Vu listened to his words without saying a word, only looking at him expressionlessly.

"Hell, we are always one step behind them." Fujino was a little anxious, "Although I don't like Monarch, let alone Dr. Serizawa whose overly idealistic theories make me feel sick, there is no denying that he is a powerful guy, a truly ruthless character. Even you might have to be careful. I know you are the Duel King, but Serizawa is no ordinary duelist either. To be able to defeat him in such a short period of time, it must be an extraordinary opponent…"

Yuei Vu finally spoke: "Let's cut out the nonsense, Fujino… Or do you prefer the name ‘The Light of Destruction'?"

Fujino suddenly shut up, with an expression as if he had swallowed a pound of nails alive.

He looked at Yuei Vu in surprise: "What are you talking about?"

Yuei Vu observed Fujino's surprised reaction and felt that he was not deliberately pretending.

"I thought it was strange before. Although I have never had a good impression of your Department D, at least you have been somewhat useful in some incidents in the past."

Yuei Vu said slowly.

"Even if there are loopholes in your intelligence system, you shouldn't be as blind as this time. Whether it's the intelligence of Monster Zero, the intelligence of the Society of Light, or the traces of Saio, you are slow in all aspects."

"…Wait, is that just because of this?" Fujino frowned, "Maybe we did make some omissions, but just because of this, you suspect… that I am the enemy's mole?"

Yuei Vu did not answer his question but continued on his own: "Monster spirits will not leave the duelist very far. Dueling monster spirits have something similar to a ‘range' in our world. The farther away the force will be, the weaker it will be.

And there is no way for a spirit that has left too far to escape back to its master's deck immediately.

In other words, when I summoned ‘Osiris' in Antarctica and beat Monster Zero to the point of dying, it disappeared out of thin air – which meant that the duelist holding it was very close to where we were fighting."

Yuei Vu paused and narrowed his eyes.

"You and I were standing in the same cabin when we were attacked by Monster Zero."

Fujino's expression became even more incredible: "Do you think I was the one who released Monster Zero… and then attacked the aircraft I was riding on?"

"You know I will stop it." Yuei Vu said calmly, "And even if I don't, I believe you must have insurance measures."

"Absurd!" Fujino shouted.

"The incident with Saio Takuma was also the same." Yuei Vu said, "He had already lost the duel. If Monster Zero hadn't appeared in time, I would have eliminated Saio Takuma's light personality there.

At that time, Monster Zero also disappeared quickly after kidnapping Saio. Looking back now, maybe the duelist holding Monster Zero was also near the headquarters of the Society of Light at that time. "

Yuei Vu looked directly at Fujino without blinking.

"After Saio Takuma was kidnapped, you showed up immediately with your subordinates, right?"

"…I don't know what to say."

Fujino was speechless.

"What you said…how to put it? It's very imaginative, but don't you think there are a lot of loopholes? Or maybe these are just coincidences?

You also know that I am the head of this department, and my task is to handle extraordinary matters. Of course, I would be present at places where unusual events occurred, but that didn't mean anything.

Your far-fetched logic is like saying that if you see bad things happening wherever the police are present, you simply blame them on the police…"

"Maybe, it's true that these don't mean anything. I just raised some doubts that I just recalled. Maybe it's just a coincidence. Of course, these don't mean anything." Yuei Vu shrugged.

But before Fujino could breathe a sigh of relief, Yuei Vu followed up and said, "But the problem is Saio Takuma has already confessed about you."

Fujino: "…"

"I believe you may really not know these things." Yuei Vu said lightly, "You may really know nothing, and it is not your intention to be a traitor among us.

So now I am not talking to you, but to the other you in your body. "

Yuei Vu narrowed his eyes.

"The Light of Destruction possessed Saio Takuma and gave birth to a personality that was beyond his control.

When Saio Mizuchi was possessed, a new personality was also born, overriding her original self.

So there is no need to pretend, I know you're in there, The Light of Destruction. Let's solve it quickly."

As he spoke, he had already raised the Duel Disk. The Shadow Game was activated at the same moment, and the invisible realm instantly covered the entire command room, locking both sides in the middle.

"Or, I can force you to come out." Yuei Vu said.


Fujino said nothing for three to five seconds and closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, they were already red, and a transparent shock wave swept along the command room.

"In that case, then as you wish, Duel King!"

His facial muscles were distorted, giving off a standard "Light of Destruction" look, and his voice became powerful and rough.

He raised the Duel Disk in his hand.

"Come, king of this world! Everything will be assimilated by the supreme light – you are no exception!"

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