I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 974: Ambushed Monarch

Chapter 974: Ambushed Monarch

Yuei Vu didn't realize until now that he had been in a blind spot all along.

The man who took away King Ghidorah, rescued Saio, and now may even have stolen the "Quantum Cube" kept by Kaiba Corporation, has always been like a shadow. It felt like he was everywhere, but when you looked carefully, you couldn't find any trace of him.

It was clearly shown in the original work that the Light of Destruction has extremely strong parasitic ability. They could attach to any human or spirit.

It could be anyone, any card.

Or maybe even someone you know well.

This was the blind spot in Yuei Vu's thinking – ignoring that people he thought he was familiar with may also become suspects. It wasn't until Saio's light personality was defeated and Saio himself revealed the name of the person behind the scenes that he suddenly realized.

Now Yuei Vu finally saw the facts clearly and knew what the problem he ignored was, but it may have taken too long. He had to fill in the omission, and he just hoped it wasn't too late.

And it just so happened that at the same time that the chaos on the academy side was coming to an end, Yuei Vu received new news.

Another news from Mokuba – Mokuba has almost become the official contact person between Kaiba Corp and Yuei Vu. If there was anything he thought Yuei Vu needed to know, he will be notified immediately.

"Brother Yuei Vu, we just received a distress signal!"

"Distress signal?" Yuei Vu was stunned, "Who sent it?"

“It comes from an organization called ‘Monarch’, located in the Pacific. It seems that their Pacific Sea Base was attacked.

Considering that their distress signal was sent to us, it was probably an accident related to the Shadow Game or Duel Monster spirits. "

Monarch was attacked?

Yuei Vu pondered briefly and said, "I know. Send me the coordinates and I'll go over and have a look."

The location of the Duel Academy island was not too far from the coordinates of the base. Seeing that the Saio siblings were defeated, and there were masters in the academy including the Ishtar siblings and his reliable apprentice Yuki Judai, there must be no other troubles, so Yuei Vu left the mess and rushed straight to that coordinate.

He had a strong premonition that he would meet the person he was looking for in the Monarch sea base that was attacked.

Monarch organization, Pacific Sea Base.

Three minutes ago, a sudden sneak attack came to this base.

The first thing that came was extremely bad weather. It was rare weather that a person might rarely see once in his life, with strong winds and roaring waves on the sea. The golden tornado seemed to be hanging upside down between the sea and the sky, with tons of seawater flying around the outside of the tornado.

The sea base did not initially realize the seriousness of the problem. At first, they only thought that this might be a once-in-a-century severe weather event, and no one connected it with the horror that was about to strike.

And they were also confident in the disaster resistance of this base. This sea base was the pinnacle of current human technology and could withstand any storm.

But it didn't take long for them to realize that this view was a little too optimistic.

"Wait a minute, that storm is a little weird!" Someone on the boat suggested, "This reading… this doesn't look like an ordinary storm!"

An accompanying expert quickly came to the computer and quickly checked various values.

"This is… a moving gravitational field!" The expert's face changed suddenly, "It's not a simple storm. There is some kind of gravitational field that is moving with something in the center of the storm… It's fast!"

"It's coming our way!"

"The life signs of a large creature have been detected!" Someone said in a panic, "That tornado is alive!"

At this moment, a bolt of golden lightning tore through the sky, like a glorious sword striking the outer protective shield of the base. The impact wave spread like ripples against the protective layer, making a heart-stopping "sizzling" sound.

"Monster Zero." Dr. Serizawa's face turned cold.

There was no doubt. Not only did all the instruments and readings display like this, but he could feel that his old friend, the "Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju" residing in his deck, seemed to be gradually heating up, roaring and shouting in the void, as if eagerly begging for battle!

The tornado was torn apart by silver-white wings, and three ferocious heads poked out of the whirlwind!

Monster Zero – a.k.a Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju – rushed out with its huge bone wings flapping, roaring as if it had lightning in its mouth!

Another impact caused the entire base to shake violently!

The blue protective shield struggled to withstand the bombardment of the Lightningstrike Kaiju, but it only lasted for about three to five seconds, and was quickly disintegrated under the terrifying impact.

The turbulent water crashed onto the deck, as if several meteor hammers were taking turns pounding the foundation of the steel building.

With no more obstacles in front of him, the Thunder King roared proudly, dragging the golden lightning downwards and launched a charge!

The sea water seemed to be burned red-hot for a brief moment, and the energy impact of the flames burst out from under the sea surface! The beam hit the diving Thunder King head-on. The three-headed dragon screamed sharply and was pushed back by the beam.

Atomic Breath!

The sea water was broken open, and the hot body came out of the water with a hissing sound of evaporating water. The dinosaur-like beast glared at the three-headed dragon, roaring in protest, and the sound waves seemed to turn into waves sweeping across the sea.

Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju was summoned!

Thunder King adjusted his posture, flapped his wings and charged again. Water warfare was Dogoran's specialty, and it was not to be outdone, roaring and flying towards it.

The two Kaijus fought fiercely!

As the saying goes, when gods fight, mortals suffer. The protective cover of the sea base had already been destroyed, and the buildings were also damaged to a certain extent by Thunder King's lightning offensive.

At this time, two such large Kaijus were fighting fiercely next to each other, and the aftermath of every move may bring extra burden to the building.

And the problem Monarch had to face was not just the Monster Zero.

While the two Kaijus were fighting, new attacks also followed. Multiple entrances to the base were blasted open at the same time, and a group of ordinary duel spirits jumped in and quickly started an ambush.

The enemy quickly broke into the headquarters.

The door to the command room was blown open, and everyone stood up nervously. The guards in the room all pulled out their sidearms and pointed them at the door at the same time – even though they all knew that guns were of little use in this situation. At best, they only served to embolden themselves.

A figure appeared at the door.

Dr. Serizawa's face changed slightly: "Is it you?"

"Yes, it's me."

The man simply ignored the muzzles pointing at him in a circle next to him, and slowly raised the Duel Disk in his hand.

"Dr. Serizawa, this is the end of your organization." He paused and said, "And your ‘Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju', I'm afraid you have to hand it over to me as well."

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