I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 193 193: Heaven's Gate Realm

Argon's eyes gleamed with excitement as he teleported back to the opulent throne room, his mind filled with thoughts of the successful auction. He directed his gaze towards the floating screen displaying his hard-earned soul coins, and a grin formed on his face. One million five hundred soul coins, a substantial profit indeed. However, he knew this was not the final amount he would receive.

His elation was tempered by the fact that the system would claim a significant portion of his earnings. Argon's brow furrowed momentarily as he recalled the terms he had agreed upon. Sixty percent of the profit would go to the system, and he needed to pay back the system 500,000 soul coins for the borrowed items. As he did the quick math, he realized that he would only be left with 400,000 soul coins for himself.

Still, Argon couldn't help but feel satisfied. Before the auction, he had been short on soul coins, lacking the funds to purchase all the items he desired. Desperation had led him to approach the system and request a loan—an unconventional request considering the system's role as a mere guide.

At first, the system had been reluctant to grant his request. It emphasized its limited capabilities and the boundaries of its role. Yet, a determined silence followed, signaling that perhaps there was room for negotiation. Argon seized the opportunity, unwilling to let this chance slip away.

"System," Argon began, his voice steady and persuasive, "I understand your limitations, but I also know that together we can achieve greatness. This auction is a pivotal moment for me, and I need those items to secure my path to success. I propose a mutually beneficial arrangement."

The system remained silent for a moment, processing Argon's words. Finally, it responded, its voice carrying a note of consideration. "Very well, host. I see the importance of this endeavor to you. If you agree to a deal where I receive eighty percent, I will grant you the loan for the items."

Argon's eyes widened at the system's proposal. Eighty percent was far too steep a price, and he couldn't afford to part with such a significant share of his earnings. Gathering his resolve, he countered, his tone resolute but respectful.

"System, I appreciate your willingness to negotiate, but eighty percent is too much for me to give away. Let us find a middle ground, a fair compromise that benefits both of us. I propose sixty percent, and in return, I promise to utilize the items wisely and maximize their potential."

The room fell into silence once again, as the system deliberated on Argon's counteroffer. After what felt like an eternity, the system responded with a measured tone, indicating its acceptance.

"Sixty percent it is, Host. Your determination and conviction have swayed me. I trust that you will fulfill your end of the agreement and make the most of these borrowed items. May this auction be fruitful."

Relief flooded over Argon, and he nodded gratefully. "Thank you, system. I will honor our agreement and ensure that your trust in me is not misplaced. Together, we shall achieve greatness and reshape the cultivation world."

Back in the present, Argon took a deep breath, preparing to inform the system that it could now claim its share of the soul coins. However, as his eyes scanned the floating screen, his expression froze, and his eyes widened in disbelief. The soul coins displayed on the screen had dwindled to 400,000, indicating that the system had already deducted its portion.

Argon's mouth hung open for a moment, dumbfounded by the unexpected turn of events. He hadn't expected the system to act so swiftly. Composing himself, he let out an incredulous chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Well, I suppose I should've anticipated the system's efficiency," Argon muttered to himself, a hint of amusement creeping into his voice. "Note to self, never underestimate the system's ability to swiftly collect its due."

Shaking off his initial surprise, Argon decided not to dwell on the matter. After all, the system didn't possess emotions, and there was no use pondering its mysterious ways. Instead, he chuckled to himself, finding humor in the situation.

With a wry smile, Argon turned his attention towards the system, though he knew it lacked emotions. "System, it seems you've wasted no time in claiming your share. I must admit, your promptness caught me off guard. Nonetheless, I appreciate your efficiency."

The system's response was devoid of any emotional inflection, as expected. "Host, efficiency is a core principle of my programming. It is my duty to ensure the smooth operation of our partnership. I'm glad you appreciate it."

Argon nodded, finding the situation somewhat amusing. "Yes, efficiency indeed. Well, thank you, system, for promptly deducting your share. I can always count on you to keep things in order, even if it takes me by surprise."

The system acknowledged Argon's gratitude, its tone remaining neutral. "You're welcome, host. Maintaining order and adherence to agreements is crucial. I trust you will utilize the remaining soul coins wisely to further your cultivation."

Argon chuckled, a lightness returning to his demeanor. "Of course, system. I'll make every soul coin count. Let's continue our journey and strive for greatness together."

As Argon contemplated his next move, his eyes shifted from the dwindled soul coins to the vast expanse of his cultivation world. The options laid before him were plentiful, but he had to choose wisely. Rise his own cultivation or invest in formidable monsters for the third floor?

"I am the last defense of the dungeon," Argon mused, his thoughts weaving into a dialogue within his mind. "If something truly happens, I must be capable of defending it myself. Having powerful monsters is enticing, but I can't rely solely on them. I need to ensure my own strength is unparalleled."

He weighed the pros and cons, considering the benefits and risks of each path. Rising his cultivation to the Heaven's Gate Realm would grant him immense power, enabling him to face any challenges head-on. It would elevate him to new heights and allow him to tap into greater realms of energy and martial prowess.

"On the other hand," Argon continued his internal deliberation, "having a powerful roster of monsters would add an extra layer of defense. They could assist me in guarding the dungeon and create a formidable barrier against any intruders."

After careful contemplation, Argon made up his mind. The decision was clear to him. "I shall focus on rising my own cultivation to the Heaven's Gate Realm," he declared firmly. "Becoming the strongest cultivator in this world is my ultimate goal. With that strength, I can safeguard the dungeon and overcome any threats that may arise."

With his choice made, a surge of determination filled Argon's being. He knew the path ahead would be challenging, but he relished the opportunity to push his limits and ascend to new heights. The cultivation world awaited his rise, and he would not disappoint.

"Time to embark on the journey towards the Heaven's Gate Realm," Argon thought, a glint of excitement gleaming in his eyes. "I shall refine my techniques, cultivate my inner energy, and unlock the dormant potential within me."

Argon turned towards the system, his voice filled with determination. "System, I have made my decision. I choose to raise my cultivation to the Heaven's Gate Realm."

The system acknowledged his choice with a brief pause before responding. "Understood, host. As per the rules, the cost for advancing from the middle stage of the Core Formation Realm to the early stage of the Heaven's Gate Realm is 170,000 soul coins. Deducting from your account now."

Without delay, the system swiftly carried out Argon's command, deducting the specified amount from his soul coin balance. As the soul coins vanished from the screen, Argon could sense a familiar surge of energy coursing through his body. It was the sensation of his cultivation elevating, of breaking through the limits of his current realm.

In an instant, the power within Argon intensified, radiating an aura of immense strength. He could feel his core essence transforming, reaching the early-stage of the Heaven's Gate Realm. It was a significant advancement, marking a substantial increase in his martial abilities and spiritual energy.

Yet, as his cultivation soared, something unexpected occurred. Unbeknownst to Argon, the sheer magnitude of the energy caused a drastic transformation in his physical form. His body elongated and grew, his limbs taking on the sinuous grace of a long dragon.

In the midst of the throne room, which seemed colossal compared to his majestic dragon form, Argon's dragon body grew from 70 meters to an impressive 100 meters. The sheer magnitude of his presence radiated power and authority, overwhelming the space around him.

A deep and resonating roar erupted from Argon's throat, reverberating through the throne room. The sheer intensity of his dragon might exuded an overwhelming pressure that would be fatal to any weaker cultivator in its vicinity.

Slowly opening his eyes, Argon surveyed his surroundings with a mix of astonishment and satisfaction. "Such power," he marveled, his voice rumbling with dragon-like resonance. "This is the early stage of the Heaven's Gate Realm. With this strength, I can protect the dungeon and confront any threats that dare to challenge me."

Argon's immense power coursed through his veins, his dragon instincts awakening as he sensed the vast potential hidden within his transformed body. A surge of confidence and determination filled him as he contemplated the extent of his newfound strength.

As the realization of his newfound power settled within him, Argon couldn't help but be filled with a sense of awe and exhilaration. He flexed his massive dragon claws, marveling at the strength that flowed through his body.

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