I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 192 192: New Enemies

Alix knew that the victory he had achieved today would come at a price. The attention and scrutiny of powerful factions like Thorn's would be a constant threat, urging him to stay one step ahead. He would need to use every resource at his disposal and rely on the loyalty of his comrades to protect what he had gained.

As the auction hall buzzed with speculation and intrigue, a clash between Thorn and Alix seemed inevitable. The stage was set for a confrontation that would shape the destiny of the Flood Dragon Scale Armor and the forces vying for its power.


As Alix made his way through the dispersing crowd, he noticed Elara approaching him with a friendly smile on her face. He couldn't help but return the gesture, feeling a sense of camaraderie with her after their shared experience in the auction.

"Congratulations, Alix," Elara said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "You were really cool back there, not backing down in the face of such intense competition."

Alix chuckled modestly, appreciating the compliment. "Thank you, Elara. It was quite a battle, wasn't it? I couldn't let go of the opportunity to acquire such a precious treasure like the Flood Dragon Scale Armor."

Elara nodded, her eyes reflecting her excitement. "Indeed, the items in today's auction were all top tier. It's rare to see such a collection of legendary artifacts in one place. And that final item you won... it truly surpassed everyone's expectations."

Alix's eyes gleamed with a mix of pride and gratitude. "Yes, it was an incredible victory. The Flood Dragon Scale Armor holds immense power, and I intend to put it to good use. But I must admit, the competition was fierce."

Elara's smile widened. "We did our best, but you outbid us all. It speaks volumes about your resourcefulness and determination. I'm glad to have witnessed it firsthand."

As they walked together, Alix and Elara continued to discuss the auction and the significance of the items that had been showcased. They exchanged stories of their own encounters with rare treasures and their shared passion for cultivation.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, each appreciating the other's knowledge and enthusiasm. The formalities of the auction hall seemed to melt away, leaving only two friends sharing their experiences and forging a connection.

"Every single item held such significance," Alix remarked, her eyes gleaming with appreciation. "But that last item, the Flood Dragon Scale Armor, it was truly remarkable. I've acquired something truly extraordinary."

Elara nodded, their expression growing serious. "Indeed, the armor is a remarkable treasure. But be cautious, Alix. There are those with ill intentions who will stop at nothing to obtain it, particularly Thorn. He won't rest until he gets what he wants."

Alix's brows furrowed, his determination unwavering. "I appreciate the warning, Elara. I won't underestimate Thorn or anyone else who seeks to take the armor from me. I'll do everything in my power to protect it and ensure it remains in safe hands."

Elara's gaze softened, a genuine concern evident in their eyes. "I have faith in you, Alix. You've shown exceptional courage and strength throughout this whole journey. If you ever need assistance or advice, don't hesitate to reach out. Consider me a friend, willing to stand by your side."

Alix's expression brightened, gratitude filling his heart. "Thank you, Elara. You considering me as a friend, means a lot to me."

Elara's face flushed with embarrassment, realizing the unintended implication of her words. She quickly tried to clarify, hoping Alix wouldn't misinterpret her intentions.

"Oh, no, Alix!" Elara stammered, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of red. "I'm so sorry if it sounded like I only considered you a friend after what happened earlier. That's not the case at all. I've wanted to befriend you since the day we first met."

Alix looked at Elara with curiosity, their brows slightly furrowed. "I didn't really think like that... But Really? You want to befriend me? We've only known each other for a short time."

Elara took a deep breath, gathering their thoughts. "Ever since I was born, I've had this unique ability to sense the karma radiating around people. It's like a guiding force that helps me discern whether someone is good or bad. And when I met you that day, Alix, I felt an incredible warmth and goodness emanating from you. It was unlike anything I had ever encountered before."

Alix's eyes widened in surprise, fascinated by Elara's revelation. "That's incredible, Elara. I had no idea you had such a remarkable ability. It explains why you always seem to know who to trust and who to be cautious of."

Elara nodded, their embarrassment fading as they spoke with earnestness. "Yes, it has helped me navigate this cultivation world and make the right choices. And when I sensed your positive aura that day, I knew I wanted to befriend you. It wasn't because of what happened at the auction; it was because of the genuine goodness I saw in you."

Alix's face softened, a warm smile spreading across his lips. "Thank you, Elara. That means a lot to me. It's an honor to be seen as someone with such positive energy. Your friendship is something I value greatly."

Elara's blush began to fade, replaced by a sense of relief and contentment. "I'm glad to hear that, Alix. I hope our friendship can continue to grow and strengthen as we face the challenges ahead, including dealing with Thorn and safeguarding the Flood Dragon Scale Armor."

Alix nodded, a determined gleam in his eyes. "Absolutely, Elara. Together, we'll overcome any obstacles that come our way. And knowing that you can sense the goodness in people gives me even more confidence in our alliance."

After some time spent walking and talking, Elara realized it was time for her to return to her group. She turned to Alix with a gentle smile, preparing to bid him farewell.

"Alix, I had a wonderful time talking with you, but I need to rejoin my group now," Elara said, a hint of sadness in her voice. "Thank you for sharing this moment with me and for considering me a friend."

Alix nodded, understanding the necessity of their departure. "It was my pleasure, Elara. I'm grateful for your company and the insights you've shared. Safe travels, and until we meet again."

After bidding their farewells, Elara turned to leave, heading back to her group. As Alix watched her depart, he couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and a tinge of sadness. However, his contemplation was interrupted when he noticed Eryx, his usually cold and serious uncle, standing nearby with a mischievous smirk on his face.

Alix turned to face Eryx, his curiosity piqued. "Uncle Eryx, why the smirk? What's on your mind?"

Eryx's smirk widened, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Oh, Alix, my boy, your father would be proud. You've not only proven your strength but also captured the attention and admiration of someone as remarkable as Elara."

Alix's cheeks reddened, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and surprise. "Uncle Eryx, Elara is just a friend. And besides, I don't think someone like her would be interested in someone like me. She comes from a prestigious sect in the Azure Continent, while I'm only from the three kingdoms."

Eryx chuckled, his smile widening further. "Ah, my young nephew, you underestimate yourself. Remember, you were the one who emerged victorious in a bidding war against the big three forces of the Azure Continent. That alone speaks volumes about your capabilities. You've shown strength, determination, and resourcefulness. Elara would be lucky to have a friend like you."

Alix's embarrassment deepened, but a glimmer of hope appeared in his eyes. "Do you really think so, Uncle Eryx? You think Elara would see me in that light?"

Eryx nodded, his smile turning into a wide grin. "Absolutely, Alix. You have qualities that go far beyond your birthplace. You have a kind heart, unwavering loyalty, and the courage to face any challenge. Those are the qualities that matter, regardless of where you come from. Believe in yourself, my boy, and don't be afraid to pursue what your heart desires."

Alix's expression softened, gratitude welling up inside him. "Thank you, Uncle Eryx. Your words mean a lot to me. I'll keep your advice in mind."

Eryx placed a hand on Alix's shoulder, a sense of pride shining in his eyes. "Remember, Alix, the cultivation world is filled with surprises and opportunities. You never know what may come your way. And who knows, maybe destiny has a few surprises in store for you and Elara."

Alix nodded, his determination renewed. "I won't let myself be limited by my own doubts. I'll cherish the friendship I have with Elara and let it grow naturally."

With a final pat on Alix's shoulder, Eryx stepped back, his serious demeanor returning. "That's the spirit, Alix. Now, let's focus on protecting the Flood Dragon Scale Armor and ensuring our enemies don't get their hands on it. We have a journey ahead of us."

Elara's departure marked the end of a brief but meaningful encounter, and Alix turned his attention to the imminent tasks at hand. He faced Eryx, his face now wearing a determined expression, ready to tackle the challenges that lay before them.

"You're right, Uncle Eryx. Let's get back to business," Alix said, his voice filled with conviction. "After we teleport outside, we need to have an emergency meeting immediately. Protecting the Flood Dragon Scale Armor won't be easy, and I understand that it may require bloodshed. But as the captain of our group, I won't let any accidents happen. I'm prepared for whatever comes our way."

Eryx nodded, his serious gaze fixed on Alix. "I know you're ready, Alix. You've proven yourself time and again. Your leadership and dedication have brought us this far, and I have no doubt that you'll continue to excel. Just remember, the path ahead may be treacherous, but you have the support and loyalty of our comrades."

Alix took a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenges that awaited. "Thank you for your confidence, Uncle Eryx. I won't let you down. Together, we'll safeguard the Flood Dragon Scale Armor and ensure it remains in the right hands. We'll face Thorn and any other threat that comes our way."

With their determination reaffirmed, Alix and Eryx activated the returner stone, teleporting themselves outside the auction hall. As they vanished from sight, their focus shifted to the crucial meeting that awaited them—a gathering that would determine their strategy for protecting the powerful artifact they had acquired.

In the cultivation world, where strength and power dictated one's fate, Alix was determined to prove himself and defend what he believed in. With his comrades by his side, he would face the challenges head-on, ready to shed blood if necessary. The journey ahead was perilous, but Alix was resolute in his mission to safeguard the Flood Dragon Scale Armor and lead his group to victory.

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