I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 42: Search (4)

Chapter 42: Search (4)

When Dale created the new path, the vigilantes were completely petrified.

They were both incredulous and flustered.

Moreover, now that they saw Dales strength firsthand, they couldnt muster the courage to confront him directly.

What kind of power is this even?

Well be nothing more than punching bags.

Yet retreating was not an option.

Even those living meagerly in the back alleys had something they wished to protect.

Their pride.

They couldnt just let Dale walk away.

One of the vigilantes gathered his last ounce of bravery and shouted.

Stop! This is your final warning! If you dont want to see blood, then listen!

It was easy to imagine whose blood might be shed, but Dale stopped nonetheless.

It was really a troublesome situation.

How annoying.

Did he really have to use force? Harty too seemed annoyed and let out a low growl.

While Dale was pondering what to do, someones voice cut in.

What are you all doing?

All eyes turned at once.

A middle-aged man with green eyes was slowly approaching.

He was someone Dale knew.

Eirek from Tomos Store

A noble from a fallen kingdom who was now working as a fence in the slums.

Following Eirek were the butler and the men who had previously had a minor skirmish with Dale.

They flinched upon seeing Dale, perhaps still sore from their last encounter.

S-Sir Eirek.

The vigilantes hastily bowed their heads when Eirek came.

This scene only went to show how influential Eirek was in the slums.

Eirek casually waved his hand in greeting and looked at Dale with interest.

Its been a while, Sir Dale. I sent people a few times to express my gratitude, but we kept missing each other I never expected wed meet like this.


Didnt you obliterate the Black Serpent Brotherhood? Those nuisances were a thorn in our side, and their disappearance has been a breath of fresh air.

Not long ago, Eirek was embroiled in a power struggle with the thieves guild.

During that time, Dale had single-handedly eliminated his enemy so he earned Eireks gratitude.

Eirek asked him.

So, what brings you here?

I came at the request of high priestess Erielle to protect the nights followers.

Ah, I see what this is about.

Eirek then turned his gaze to the vigilantes.

Its alright to let him go. He wont be a threat to us.


Ill vouch for him.

In that case

The hesitating vigilantes retreated without a second thought.

They were just relieved that they had a justification not to confront this dark knight.

When he saw the compliant behavior of the vigilantes, Dale inquired,

Are those people under you?

Eirek shook his head in response.

They have merely banded together of their own accord to protect their turf. Of course, I did provide some minor help in the process.

Minor help.

Dale now understood where the vigilantes got their weapons.

Perhaps it will be the fences that will benefit the most from this incident.

By supplying weapons to the slum dwellers, they not only profit but also expand their influence.

It was possible that after this event, the balance of power within the city might be significantly disturbed.

And the man known for his shrewdness would somehow manage to reap benefits from it.

Eirek, looking pleased with the vigilantes, remarked,

These days, Im incredibly busy because of this situation. Im actually curious about what the council members are relying on to push forward such a foolish plan. What kind of trump card are they hiding so closely? Have you heard anything?

Nothing at all. Even the high priestess is clueless.

Dale responded immediately to the subtle prodding.

Eirek let out a chuckle.

Haha. Yes, the high priestess of the night is, ironically, even more oblivious to the citys affairs than I am Oh dear, it seems Ive kept a busy man too long.

Not at all. On the contrary, Ive received help from you.

Thanks to Eirek, Dale had been able to avoid a needless conflict.

If you truly think so, then perhaps you could consider working with me. In times like these, we desperately need talents like yours. Theres actually a personal favor Id like to ask of you

Eirek trailed off, then shook his head.

No, its nothing.

Dale nodded and continued on his way.

Now that he had Eirek vouching for him, it was unlikely he would encounter any more problems in the slums.

Dale, accompanied by Harty, headed northeast along a relatively large alleyway.

The area where the followers of the Night resided was on the very outskirts of the slums, a place people referred to with disdain and sarcasm as the underworld.

As soon as Dale stepped into the underworld, he thought to himself,

Its really dark here.

Its not just a matter of lack of sunlight or anything like that.

The atmosphere itself was gloomy and dark.

Unlike other parts of the slums, where the noise of vigilantes and other disturbances was common, this place was eerily quiet.

Dale felt a sense of resignation amidst this silence.

As he passed the haphazardly intertwined shabby houses, he reached a clearing at the center of the Underworld.

A few children sat in the clearing with gloomy expressions.

When Dale approached them, their heads turned toward him. They saw him and their eyes widened in surprise.

Dale spoke to the children who were frozen in their place.

Bring me someone in charge here.

Someone in charge?

When the children had trouble understanding, Dale used easier words.

Call an adult.


Got it?


The children sprang up and ran towards the alley, shouting loudly,

Hes asking for you! Hes asking for you!

The knight says all the adults should come out!

It seemed they had slightly misunderstood Dales words.

Their cries stirred the quiet street into commotion. Lights turned on in houses, and the residents began to emerge one by one.

They were surprised to see Dale.


Its really a knight

The residents couldnt hide their surprise. And that was understandable.

Who could have imagined that the one they always admired would come to this humble place in person?

The residents buzzed with excitement, yet none dared to approach Dale directly.

Just as the vigilantes were wary of Dale until he was vouched for by Eirek.

Amidst this, an old man with deeply wrinkled skin emerged from among the residents.

He promptly prostrated himself before Dale.

Th-This elder greets the knight of the goddess.

Following his lead, the other residents quickly bowed down too. Even the children, after hesitantly glancing around, awkwardly bowed their heads.

Their reaction wasnt incomprehensible.

In the context of the church, a dark knight holds a stature akin to that of a paladin.

To the common believer, the presence of a paladin or priest is absolutely authoritative.

Yet Dale didnt really like this situation.

This is troublesome.

After all, Dale wasnt a paladin devoted to serving the goddess.

He hadnt even read the scripture once.

When he first arrived in this world, he had a scripture in his possession, but Dale who was unfamiliar with this worlds letters couldnt read it.

Nor was there a time when he could afford to care about such matters.

So he casually used it as kindling for a bonfire. It was simply too cumbersome to carry around.

The amount of nagging he later received from the goddess about this incident was considerable.

Therefore, Dale felt he had no right to be revered by them.

Moreover, receiving prostrations from an elderly man was extremely uncomfortable for Dale, who had lived in a Confucian society.

Thus, Dale quickly helped the old man to his feet partly as a reflex.

Stand up. And know that I am not someone before whom you need to kneel.

Tears welled up in the eyes of the old man he supported.

Ah, such humility.

The other residents were even more moved and bowed their heads deeper in respect.

Dale facepalmed.

Dealing with the deeply religious was always a challenge.

So, he went straight to the point. Dale asked the elder, whose eyelids drooped with age,

Are you the leader here?

Yes, for convenience, I am called the village chief and represent the residents.

Village chief.

It wasnt strange to call a group of people living on the outskirts of a place like this a village.

Dale said,

Village chief. Ive come here at the request of high priestess Erielle. She asked me to protect your people from the upcoming slum search.

The village chief was moved once again.

The high priestess herself! What a blessing!

But that brings me to my point. Why are you all not making any preparations? In other places, theres a flurry of activity with vigilantes and such.


The village chief was at a loss for words.

He looked around at the residents disheartedly then bowed his head.

Everyone here merely lives day by day. A vigilante group? Let alone the means to arm ourselves, we cant even cover tomorrows meal if we dont work today.

So, youre just waiting?

We havent just been waiting. Weve sought help from those we thought could assist

The village chief trailed off again.

Dale nodded his head. He understood the likely outcome without needing to ask.

Understood. Are all the residents gathered here now?

Ah. Yes, they are. This is everyone, excluding those who havent returned from work yet.

Dale explained methodically.

The purpose of this search is to identify any individuals who might pose a threat to the city. The focus is on those who have recently arrived in the city with unclear identities. Have you noticed any such suspicious individuals around here?

Um. No, I havent seen anyone like that. Ordinary people hardly ever come around here

For some reason, the village chief trembled as he spoke, but his answer was good.

Being near suspicious individuals could lead to being mistakenly apprehended as an accomplice.

Caution was necessary.

The legal system here had many barbaric aspects.

Once arrested, being falsely accused was not a problem.

Although there was a system of trials, only the nobility or those with power could genuinely expect a formal trial.

It was important not to give them any reason to suspect.

Fortunately, there seems to be no suspicious person for now

Dale pondered the future course of action. The village chief and the residents just watched him, trying to gauge his thoughts.

There was silence.

But what broke the silence was a shout that came from somewhere.

Something to eat! Bring me something to eat!

Dale looked around as the booming voice echoed.

The voice was clearly coming from nearby.

Dale asked the village chief,

Didnt you say all the residents were gathered here?

Ah, its not a resident Actually, we have one more person here, a guest, you might say.

A guest? Lead the way, then.

With a troubled look on his face, the village chief bowed his head and then hurried ahead with quick steps.

Dale followed him, and the residents crowded behind them in a rush.

They stopped at what could be considered a decent house even in this Underworld.

The chief cautiously opened the door.

Upon opening the door, the first thing that became apparent was a mountain of plates.

Plates smeared with various sauces were scattered everywhere.

In the midst of this mess, a man with a disheveled beard was patting his protruding belly.

The man, with fingers greasy from the food, sucked them clean as he whined.

Didnt I tell you, village chief? Make sure the food never runs out. Im someone who doesnt care for anything when Im hungry. And it would be nice to have some women around as well

The irritated man seemed to sense something amiss and finally looked up.

Dale and the mans eyes met.

Dale lowered his gaze and asked the village chief,

Who is this man?

The village chief looked flustered as he responded,

Its complicated to explain but essentially, hes someone who came to protect us.

Is he originally from this village?

The chief shook his head,

No, not at all. According to him, he served on the front lines for years and came to the city about a week ago. He claims to be a skilled warrior who has even fought demons


Dale pondered the chiefs words carefully.

A skilled warrior who suddenly appeared in the city a week ago Is that so?

A character straight out of a dubious tale was sitting right here, making himself at home.

Dale found it too troublesome to even point out the oddity.

He simply drew his sword for the time being.

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