I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 41: Search (3)

Chapter 41: Search (3)

Prevent the search in the slums?

Dale responded without hesitation.

That doesnt seem like something I can do.

Ah, perhaps I misspoke.

Erielle corrected herself.

To be more precise, could you protect our followers from being harmed?

By followers, she was undoubtedly referring to the people bustling about in the temple earlier.

Erielle took her time to explain the situation.

There are many peculiar aspects to this situation. To be honest, I find the plan itself quite ridiculous. Sweeping through the slums to eliminate a threat to the city? The justification might be there, but it lacks any form of practicality.

Dale nodded his head in agreement.

The plan might have had its reasons, but the issue was the scale of the slums.

It would take a lot of power to search the entirety of the slums and suppress any expected resistance.

Even if they all joined forces, could the council members muster such a force?

Yet, surprisingly, over half of the council supported this plan. Starting from the proposer, the head of the Jophis family, to the captain of the guards, the head of the merchants guild, and even the bishop of the church. Even when excluding the lukewarm Garland, thats four in favor. Only the blacksmiths guild and I opposed it.

Of course, the council members were no fools. They wouldnt involve themselves in a losing situation.

So, what now?

It seems there might be some ulterior motive at play. Or perhaps they have something or someone to rely on. Especially the Jophis family, which is responsible for the citys administration and has connections with the nobility in the upper districts. Its unlikely that someone of his conservative nature would concoct such a plan on his own.

This was what Erielle was suggesting.

There must be some force involved in this matter.

And there might be more to this plan than just eliminating a threat to the city.

Erielle muttered to herself in a self-deprecating tone,

Its times like these that I feel the sting of my own inadequacies. If only I had a reliable way to gather information, I wouldnt be swept up in all this

The temple of the night was modest in size.

With few followers, they lack funds, and without funds, their influence in worldly affairs is limited.

The fact that a temple of a certain religion was in such a shabby state had its reason as well.

As the conversation grew lengthy, Dale became slightly irritated.

He had little interest in complicated politics, even when he was a human and even now.

Dale steered the conversation back.

So, whats this about protecting the followers?

Erielle responded,

I believe this plan is doomed to fail from the start. However, those who initiated it will want to show some form of success. Our followers would make convenient scapegoats when that time comes.

The followers of the night were few in number and lacked strength. Moreover, the public perception of them was not favorable.

They were easy targets.

If a few followers of the Night were captured and accused of being the culprits

The citizens would nod their heads and say that they knew it all along and had never liked them.

This would not only cover up the failure of the mission but also boost the popularity and reputation of the council members who led the plan.

When the mercenaries begin to search the slums, the followers will be in the most danger. Therefore, Im asking if Sir Dale would lend his strength to protect them?

Dale spoke realistically.

I alone cannot take on both the guards and the mercenaries.

Erielle shook her head.

I do not expect that much. Just being there is enough. With Sir Dale present, the mercenaries would hesitate to act rashly. And if Sir Dale were with us, the followers would be overjoyed. Everyone holds you in high regard.

I dont understand why they like me so much.

Erielle said with a sad smile.

Life is hard for everyone.

The followers of the Night had endured a long history of defeats and a continuous struggle through tough and trying times.

Such people need a figure to rely on and take pride in.

A dark knight who, at least in the followers eyes, had delivered a huge blow to the church for the first time, perfectly fits that role.

Erielle asked cautiously.

Will you grant my request?

Dale pondered.

A protection request.

If Dale were truly a dark knight serving the goddess of the Night, he would accept without hesitation. But Dale was not.

He asked her.

If its a commission rather than a request, I might consider it. Whats the compensation?

Rest assured, it will be well prepared. Being thorough in our dealings is a virtue of ours. Should you successfully complete the task

Erielle paused for a moment before continuing.

We will give you a minor relic from the temples warehouse.


Dale was surprised by the unexpectedly generous offer.

A relic, no less.

Even a minor relic is by no means an insignificant item.

Depending on how its used, it could wield considerable power.

Considering the relic staff Dale had broken not long ago would also be classified as minor, the offered compensation was more than generous.

Dale asked further.

Is it really alright to just give away relics like this to anyone?

As the high priestess, I have that authority. Its for the protection of our followers; whats a mere relic in comparison? Besides, its not being given to just anyone. Its because its you, Sir Dale.

Erielle emphasized the last sentence deliberately.

But Dale nodded his head nonchalantly. His mind was already sold on the idea of the relic.

A relic, huh? I didnt expect to acquire one this way.

Obtaining a useful relic wasnt something that could be achieved merely by having a lot of money.

Dale could consider himself quite fortunate.

Moreover, the benefits werent limited to just one relic.

It would be problematic if the goddesss influence were to weaken further here.

If asked to name the place most favorable to Dale within the city, it would undoubtedly be this one.

Should trouble arise later, this would be the place to back Dale up.

Sometimes, there are situations that one cant resolve alone. Its always better to have as many allies as possible.

Dale made his decision.

Understood. Ill protect the followers until the search is over, then?

Yes. With Sir Dale taking charge, we can rest easy. For my part, Ill do my best to keep the other council members in check and ensure they dont engage in any foolish actions.

Dale nodded and then asked.

Is there anything specific I should be wary of? Any precautions I need to take?

Precautions, you say?

I suppose, given how the night followers are unique, there might be things to be cautious about.

Dale emphasized the word unique deliberately.

Then he shifted his gaze to the side and started looking at the skeleton that was always in the same spot, swinging a wooden sword.

Erielles gaze naturally followed.

Two million thirty-three. Two million thirty-four.

Regardless of their stares, the skeleton was wholly focused on swinging its wooden sword.

Erielle spoke with an awkward expression on her face.

Most of the followers are quite ordinary. Theyre the kind of good-natured, simple people youd find anywhere. Master Ludwig is well, a bit of an exception, so you neednt worry too much about him.

Having heard all he needed to, Dale turned his head away without any hesitation.

Harty walked one step ahead.

Erielle stopped Dale.

Ah, one last thing.

Is there more you wish to say?

Erielle seemed to have a very difficult time speaking, and in the end, she cautiously broached the subject.

Um, theres been a complaint from another follower. They said Sir Dale kept interrupting them during their prayers


I was hoping you could be a bit more careful about that

Dale nodded his head without saying anything and then hurriedly left the temple as if escaping.


Once outside the temple, Dale pondered his next move.

Should he return to the inn, or should he visit the slums?

It was an awkward time for either choice.

Might as well check it out.

Although Erielle had mentioned that just being there was enough, Dale was not the type to handle matters passively.

If he was to be rewarded with a precious relic, he believed in doing work that matched its value.

This might require more preparation than I thought.

The council members were ambitiously pursuing this matter; they wouldnt be taking it lightly.

He needed to prepare in advance.

Dale headed out through the citys north gate.

The followers of the night were living in the northeastern part of the slums.

As Dale entered the slums, he could feel that the atmosphere had grown more hostile than before.

Firstly, there were no children running around the place.

Women also did their best to avoid going out, and the men who did walk around all seemed to carry some sort of weapon.

Furthermore, it was not uncommon to see people moving in groups.

The city folk are trying to take our homes from us! Brothers, are we just going to stand by and let this happen?!

We must protect ourselves!

Thats right!

The residents of the slums were already aware of the councils plans.

It seemed likely that Erielle or another council member had deliberately leaked the information.

The sense of crisis felt by the community over this issue was not small.

Most of them had experienced their homes being destroyed by demons.

Having lost their homelands and wandered from place to place, they had finally settled outside the walls of Irene in the slums.

They had no intention of letting external forces disrupt their sanctuary again.

The residents united, armed themselves, and formed a vigilante group.

The atmosphere was such that they seemed ready to wage war as soon as the search began.

What are the council members thinking? To make such a plan with blind confidence

Dale thought it unwise to turn them into enemies without any strategy.

As Dale walked through the slums, he immediately attracted attention.

A knight in black armor, accompanied by a large wolf, was bound to stand out anywhere.

The young men huddled together swallowed hard as they saw Dale.

There he is

Why is he here? Could he be part of the advance team?

I heard hes affiliated with the mercenary guild

Dale intended to ignore them and keep walking.

After all, he was only there to protect the night followers, not every resident of the slums.

But as he tried to enter an alleyway between the walls, a group of men swarmed around him and blocked his path.

They were all well-armed and looked like members of the vigilante group.

Among them, a man who appeared to hold some authority shouted.

Stop! If youre not a resident, you cant pass through here!

Dale looked at them with a puzzled expression and asked,

Since when do you need special permission to pass through here?


The vigilante member flinched at Dales cold voice.

Despite the fear rising within him, the vigilante forcefully responded,

You city folks have checkpoints to enter the city, dont you? Were simply doing the same thing.


Dale had no immediate retort to that, but he explained his situation.

I came here at the request of high priestess Erielle to assist the followers. Im not part of any advance team looking to cause trouble in the slums.

What? Youre here on that witchs orders? Then we definitely cant let you through!

The effect was the opposite of what Dale had intended.

It seemed that Erielle, as the High Priestess of the Night, had her own notorious reputation.

The vigilantes banded together more tightly and blocked the way.

Their eyes mixed fear with desperation and a solemn resolve.

A determination to block the way with their lives was evident.

This is troublesome.

He had no desire to fight with them.

After all, he needed to operate in the slums for a while, and creating friction with the residents here would serve no good purpose.

Nor did he see any immediate way to persuade them.

Dale asked again,

I need to pass through here. You have nothing to worry about from me. I promise.

No matter what you say, we cant let you through. If its urgent, find another way!

Of course, Dale knew that the other paths would likely be guarded by vigilantes as well.

Dale was troubled by their stubborn attitude.

Another way, huh

He glanced around and his gaze lingered on the wall that ran alongside where the vigilantes stood firm.

It was a wall made of stone.

The wall looked dilapidated but was surprisingly sturdy.

Dale glanced at one of the vigilantes. When their eyes met, the vigilante flinched and stepped back.

Turning his head away, Dale took a few steps to the side and then forcefully drew back his fist.

In the next instant, Dale thrust his fist forward using his core strength.


With the sound of stones breaking, a hole appeared in the middle of the wall. Dales fist was embedded within it.

Dale withdrew his arm and pulled out his fist.

As he did, that part of the wall crumbled down.

Dale turned to face the vigilantes who stood with their mouths agape.

It turns out there was a path here after all.

Then he stepped through the newly created passage.

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