I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 38: The Wolf (3)

Chapter 38: The Wolf (3)

There were no suitable carts for carrying heavy loads in Swamp Village.

As on their way there, they had to return on foot.

As soon as the rain stopped, the sun blazed fiercely in the sky. The humid and hot weather was not ideal for marching.

Oh dear, its already so hot. How will we endure this summer?

Harkin constantly fanned his face with his hand.

Despite the heat, he never took off his helmet or armor.

It was a habit he developed from the front lines, believing it better to endure a little heat than to die from an arrow.

Although the weather grew increasingly uncomfortable, Mazel did not lose his focus.

He carefully surveyed the surroundings.

Harkin asked him.

Whats wrong, Mazel?

There are dangerous beasts around here. I was attacked three times on my way here. Thats why I was delayed.

Ah, this area is known to be somewhat dangerous.

However, Mazels worries were unfounded. Throughout their journey, the group was not attacked.

There were two armed men and a knight exuding a menacing aura, so it may be natural, but


Mazel who was leading the way spotted something unusual.

There were chaotic beast tracks, scattered with fur and blood.

It seems like wolves have fought among themselves.

Its not unusual for wolf packs to fight over territory.

But this is strange. From the looks of the tracks, it wasnt a fight among packs, but rather a single large wolf that seems to have fought against another pack

Mazel examined a particularly large paw print that seemed oddly familiar.

He racked his brain.

Then he remembered where he had seen this print before.

When the mage was leading a pack of wolves, there was one that followed them from a particularly far distance.

According to Dale, all the wolves under the womans control had died.

So what could this wolf be?

Mazel felt a twinge of curiosity but quickly shook off the thought.

The large wolf was indeed a threat, but there was no need for heightened vigilance at the moment.

After all, Dale could easily cut down any ordinary beast with a single stroke of his sword.

As they traveled, the group eventually found themselves welcoming the night in a field.

Harkin spoke to Mazel as he prepared for camp.

Mazel, could we have some meat for dinner? Something like a roasted rabbit would be nice.

Leave it to me.

This was one of the reasons hunters were popular among mercenaries.

The ability to provide fresh meat instead of just dry rations or jerky.

Without a word, Mazel got up and grabbed his bow and quiver of arrows.

With his skills, it wouldnt take long to bring back a rabbit or two.

However, Mazel had hardly walked ten steps before he stopped abruptly.


Whats the matter?

Look at this.

Harkin and Dale who were about to start a fire approached Mazel.

At the place Mazel pointed to, a wild boar lay motionless on the ground.

It had not been long since the creature had died.

Why the hell is there a wild boar here.

Mazel pointed to the neck of the dead wild boar.

There was a wound torn by fangs.

Its the work of a wolf. It cut off its airway and then moved it here. As if it wanted us to see.

The three exchanged glances. At this point, something definitely seemed odd.

Dale concentrated his senses and scanned his surroundings. Something was crouching in the low bushes.

It was so stealthily hidden that if he hadnt focused, he would have missed it.

Come out.

Then, something slowly rose from the bushes.

A large gray wolf.

Harkin recognized the wolf.

Ah. That one, the one glaring at me when I was skinning Huh. It followed us here. Do you think it came for revenge?

Mazel shook his head.

Well. I dont think so. We havent encountered a single beast on our way here. It seems like this wolf has been driving them away.

As if responding to their words, the wolf slowly walked out and nudged the boar carcass with its nose.

Then it looked in their direction and let out a deep growl.

Whats that about? Is it giving us the boar as a gift?

Perhaps its repaying us for avenging its fellow kin by killing that woman who brainwashed them?

Ive never heard of a wolf repaying a favor before

Mazel shrugged his shoulders.

This is a first for me too. Anyway, it seems to be quite an intelligent creature. It has patience, knows how to track and hide its presence well. A natural-born hunter.

The wolf had been following Mazel at a distance which ensured he wouldnt notice its presence.

This alone marked it as different from an ordinary wolf.

Dale moved forward.

He placed his hand on the boar and asked the wolf,

Is this for me?

The wolf nodded its head.

It was unclear if it truly understood the words or simply responded on a whim, but its intention was understood.

Thank you. Theres no need to repay us further; you may leave now.

The wolf then took a couple of steps back, stopped, and looked at them again.

Dont want to leave?

Upon hearing this, the wolf laid down on its belly, turned its head away, and pretended to ignore them.

Harkin said hesitantly.

Seems like it doesnt want to leave. Maybe it wants to join us? Specifically, with Sir Dale?

Are you suggesting I raise a wolf?

Why not?

Mazel joined in,

Theres nothing to lose. Its an unusually intelligent creature. If it becomes useless, you can always kill it and sell its skin and meat.

It was a statement befitting the residents of a world where the concept of pets was weak.

In their harsh world, livestock was merely property to be disposed of when no longer useful.

Dale glanced indifferently at the wolf. The wolf, in turn, gazed back steadily at Dale.

It didnt seem particularly desperate to be accepted, nor was it behaving affectionately.

Dale was impressed by its dignity.

After a moment of contemplation, Dale asked Mazel,

Do you think the wolf could also serve as a guide?

Mazel frowned as he didnt understand the intent of the question. He didnt know that Dale was terrible at directions.

Well Its a smart creature, so it might be possible?

Dale nodded his head in agreement.

Alright then, lets go together.

The gray wolf showed no particular signs of happiness and merely growled once.

Harkin chuckled and remarked,

Haha. Walking the streets with such a large wolf is bound to terrify people, wont it?

People get freaked out even when I walk alone.


Harkin added with an awkward expression on his face.

So, have you thought of a name? We cant keep calling it wolf forever.

A name How about Harty? That should be fine.

Hmm. It feels odd because it sounds similar to my name. Are you okay with that?

Harkin playfully poked Hartys side and asked the beast this question.

However, Harty simply flicked its tail once and did not respond.

It seemed like a sign to call it whatever he wanted.

What a haughty one.

With a wry smile, Harkin turned his gaze to the dead wild boar.

It was a very large animal.

Preparing it for cooking would take quite some time.

Forget it. Lets just eat. Preparing this is going to be a long ordeal.

Mazel nodded his head, then skillfully drew his knife and began to butcher the boar.

He cut off a leg and threw it to Harty.

However, Harty just stared blankly at the meat, then looked towards Dale.

Dale nodded his head

You can eat it.

Only then did Harty start to crunch down on the leg.

Harkin smiled bitterly at that strong display of loyalty.

Better than people.


After several days of continuous travel, the group finally arrived at Irene.

Children from the slums peeked over curiously, but regrettably, this time they didnt bring a cart or a carriage with them, so they were unable to prepare ample food supplies.

Theres nothing to give.

But, interestingly enough, no children approached them this time.

A few peeked over, but each time, an adult who appeared to be a parent would come and scold them.

Hey, didnt Mom tell you not to go out today!

The residents of the slums quickly disappeared into the back alleys.

Harkin who was yawning lazily as if he was bored remarked.

Doesnt it feel like the atmosphere is different from usual? Or is it just me?

The streets were eerily quiet.

Eyes filled with wariness peered out from the windows of dilapidated houses lining the road.

As their gazes met Dales, the people quickly vanished from the windows.

Yeah. Something does seem off.

Was it a strange current in the air?

It appeared that something was unfolding.

The group hurriedly passed through the southern gate of the city and entered the safety of the city walls.

Unlike the slums, the interior of the walls seemed similar to before.

Crowded with people and bustling with energy.

However, this bustle came to an abrupt halt as the group approached.

People were initially startled by Dale, and then doubly so upon seeing the large wolf trailing behind.

Good heavens. Now that heretic is walking around with a monster.

Did they really release crocodiles recently?

Harty bared its fangs and growled lowly at the whispering passersby.

Then the murmuring bystanders quickly created distance.

Dale stroked Hartys fur.

Well done.

Harty wagged its tail once and tapped Dale on the waist. It seemed to say this was nothing significant.

Thanks to the pedestrians stepping aside, the group could easily make their way to the mercenary guild.

Upon arriving at the guild office, they were asked by an employee to wait for a moment.

Then, after a while, the employee told them to go upstairs.

Should I go first?

No. Mr. Mazel and Mr. Harkin, the branch leader said for all of you to come up together.

This was unusual.

It was standard practice to report missions individually.

This was to prevent mercenaries from hiding anything or inflating their achievements.

Yet Garland requested that the three come up together.


As Dale was about to head upstairs with the other two, the employee stopped him.

Um, excuse me. Are you going to take that wolf with you?

Is it not allowed?

Well, its just that

Then, could you look after it for a while?

When Dale asked this, Harty glared menacingly at the employee.

The startled employee asked in return,

It looks fierce, but it doesnt bite, does it?

Well, it does know the taste of humans.

This wasnt a lie.

The wolf had once devoured the arm of the woman who wielded that relic staff.

The employees face turned pale.

Dale asked again,

Will you look after it?

A-ah, ah, its-its fine, you can bring it upstairs,

With a nod of his head, Dale climbed the stairs. Harty followed him, and Harkin who followed a bit late asked him.

Why do you have to scare the staff like that?

Sometimes, a bit of fear works better than a hundred words of persuasion.

Hmm. Just to be clear, youre not enjoying scaring them, right?

Of course not.

Dale responded briefly and stopped in front of Garlands office door. He stretched out his hand and knocked lightly on the door.

A voice from inside called out,

Come in.

The group opened the door and entered. Garland was not alone inside the room.

A dwarf with a thick waist and strong arms, Kadal, the outer district captain of the guards was sitting there.

Garland greeted the party with a welcoming face.

Youve done well. Sir Dale, Mazel, Harkin, and Mr wolf?

Upon seeing Garland, Harty crouched low and showed signs of being on guard.

This was the first time the relatively docile Harty had reacted this way.

Mazel and Harkin were puzzled as to why Harty was behaving like this and Garland was taken aback.

Hmm. It seems youve acquired a fierce companion in a short time. He wont charge at us, will he?

Dont worry.

Dale tapped Harty lightly and made him step back. Harty still kept its guard up against Garland but became docile again at Dales command.

Garland wiped his sweat with a handkerchief and spoke.

First, we need to hear the report on the request. Could you please explain in detail?

Mazel, who had been silent, asked a question.

Before that, Id like to know why we were all summoned together. I dont see why the captain of the guards is here.

Ah, about that.

Garland exchanged a glance with Kadal and then continued.

The mercenary guild is planning to issue a large-scale recruitment notice soon.

Mazel reflexively inquired.

A large-scale recruitment notice? What could that mean?

The announcement implied the mobilization of mercenaries on a grand scale.

It was obviously not an ordinary matter.

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