I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 37: The Wolf (2)

Chapter 37: The Wolf (2)

When the staff broke, the woman and the wolves she commanded all fell to the ground.

She displayed powerful abilities thanks to the power of the relic staff but she had to pay the price when it broke.

Harkin who had been single-handedly holding down the wolves, rushed forward in a hurry.

He asked as he looked at the woman who died in such a miserable state.

Is she dead?



Harkin let out a sigh of relief. At last, his home village was free from the threat.

Dale surveyed the wolves lying scattered around.

They were numerous and large. It struck him how Harkin had remarkably managed to hold his own amidst them.

Have you improved your skills?

Haha. Im not so weak as to be defeated by mere beasts.

They were not creatures who could be called mere beasts. But Harkin just leaned against his shield and grinned.

Maybe its true that having something to protect makes you stronger.

Harkins growth was a welcome development.

Dale would likely have many more tasks for him in the future.

Lets take care of the aftermath then. Do you know how to skin them?

Fairly well.

Harkin pulled out a sharp dagger from his pocket and began to skin the wolves hide. Many had died cleanly by the blade, so the quality of the hides was decent.

Meanwhile, Dale approached the dead woman and searched through her belongings.

The loot was meager.

A couple of coins. A few daggers. Smelly jerky and rotten cheese.

She must have been a warrior or a thief before.

She had likely been skilled. He could tell just by looking at the state of her muscles that she had rigorous training.

Her ample combat experience was clear from her adept use of the relic staff.

Could she have been a soldier?

The thought suddenly crossed his mind.

However, there was nothing to confirm the womans identity.

Not even her name was known.

He had even tried to glimpse into her memories while absorbing her life force.

But the memories were unclear, like a video plagued with noise, rendering them unreadable.

In a way, it was to be expected.

Her mind had been corrupted by such a staff, so it was unlikely her memories would be intact.

Ultimately, one question remained.

How did she come into possession of this staff?

The relic staff could unleash tremendous power depending on how it was used. It was an object of desire for many and certainly held great value.

It seemed too much for an unknown woman like her to possess.

Of course, there was a chance that the woman had fortuitously stumbled upon a ruin and acquired it.

But the circumstances are too convenient.

Soldiers returning from the front lines, the appearance of a demons servant, a warlock and crossbowmen coming into the slums, and troublemakers scheming to bring chaos to the city.

In the midst of all this, it seemed unlikely that this woman had coincidentally come upon a powerful staff and decided to release a horde of crocodiles into the underground sewers.

There must be someone behind the scenes orchestrating these events.

Whoever it is, theyre causing quite the headache.

The feeling was that they were still testing the waters and only lightly probing.

It was as if they were throwing a few punches to see how the other side would react.

A proper response was necessary.

If they thought they were dealing with an easy target, there was no telling what they might try next.

Of course, devising a response strategy was not Dales responsibility.

That was for the citys rulers to handle.

Dales current priority was to become stronger.

After thinking about it, Dale approached Harkin to help him. Harkin was skillfully skinning the wolfs hide.

Ill help.

Thats alright. I can handle it. But That guys gaze is kind of intense.

There was a wolf standing where Harkin pointed. It was the one that had bitten off the arm of the woman.

The wolf, with a wound on its neck, looked at them with a sorrowful gaze.

It seems sad to see its familys hides being removed.

Ill deal with it.

No need. Its already sad enough having lost its family.

It was uncharacteristic of Harkin to say such things.

Normally, he would have been excited to hunt for an additional hide.

Perhaps he felt compassion for the creature who was now a lone wolf having lost all its companions.

Or maybe he saw his own past losses reflected in the wolfs plight.

Harkin was gradually changing.

In that case.

Dale sheathed his sword back.

Afterward, they devoted themselves to skinning the hides. The wolf only looked at them pitifully from a distance but did not come closer.

Since there was no hostility, Dale also left it alone.

After finishing all the work, the two returned to the village.

The village had completed all the preparations for the feast. As people saw Harkin and Dale, they exclaimed,

Harkin! What would we do if the star of the feast disappeared! We couldnt start without you But, are you alright?

They were concerned about Harkins disheveled appearance.

Harkin responded with a hearty laugh and then presented Mary with the wolf hide.

Heres a freshly skinned wolf hide! Tan it well and sell it!

Oh, is this a gift?

Of course, but you have to pay for it.

As expected

Mary immediately paid for the hide. Harkin took the silver and shared it with Dale.

See, walking with Sir Dale, my pockets never stay empty.

Harkin then hesitated, seeming like he had something more to say.

Just as Harkin was about to speak after a long pause, the villagers surrounded him.

What are you doing? Come on.

Its time to drink!

The villagers forcibly grabbed Harkin and urged him to drink. Harkin lifted a barrel of beer and poured it directly into his mouth.

The villagers erupted into cheers at this.

However, when Harkin immediately spat out the beer he had swallowed, the cheers turned into jeers.

Nonetheless, Harkin seemed happy.

It was as if he had finally returned to his rightful place.

Dale merely pretended to drink from his beer mug while sitting in a secluded spot. A few villagers approached and invited him to join in the fun, but Dale declined.

The villagers didnt show it, but their fear hadnt completely disappeared yet.

No matter how much he had saved the village, a heretic knight remained an object of fear.

He didnt want to intrude and spoil the good mood.

After all, Dale was still an outsider.

The feast continued into the night.

Everyone had consumed so much alcohol that they were extremely drunk.

Marys son, his face flushed red, stared pensively at Harkin and then spoke out.

I wish Dad could have been here too.

Harkin looked surprised with wide eyes as if suddenly sobered up by the comment. The child added,

Uncle, next time bring Dad along, please.

Harkin gently stroked the childs head as he spoke.

. Yes. Uncle will definitely bring him.

Is it a promise?

Just make sure you listen to your mom until then.

Having said this, Harkin playfully messed up the childs hair and then gulped down his beer.

He then slumped his head onto the table.

It was unclear whether he was really drunk or just pretending to be.

The child and the other villagers quietly moved Harkin somewhere else.

Dale just watched this scene in silence and set down his glass.

Footsteps approached the village from outside.

Someone is coming.

The steps were stealthy.

Dale went outside to see who it was.

A tall hunter with cold eyes. Mazel was approaching the village with an expressionless face.

Mazel also spotted Dale. His cold face was strangely distorted.

. Sir Dale?

He spoke in a voice that conveyed disbelief even after seeing him.

Dale spoke.

Youre a bit late.

What is this? Did you really manage to cross the giants territory?

Weve also finished the fight with the mage. Well, she wasnt a real mage though.

Mazel nodded his head as he observed the bustling atmosphere of the village.

This noise was proof that Dale and Harkin had triumphed in their fight with the woman.

Had they lost, the village would have been engulfed in a chilling silence.

Mazel, seemingly baffled by the situation, rubbed his face a couple of times.

Crossing the giants territory I thought it was reckless, but to think you were actually confident about it.

Mazel sighed and said,

I boasted about hunting the mage alone, but now I just look foolish. Ill give you my share of the reward I will receive from Garland.

Dale refused.

Theres no need for that. You stuck to your work principles. It was us who acted on our own.

Mazel shook his head.

My master used to say this: In this world, anything can happen, so never be too certain. Yet, I was sure you two couldnt cross the giants territory and completely excluded you from the plan. And as you can see, I couldnt do anything because I was too late.

Maze tapped the large scar etched across his face and said,

A painful scar ensures the lesson is long remembered. So, Ill give all of this missions reward to you and Harkin.

The notion that scars leave lasting lessons seemed to be a principle Mazel held.

Honestly, Dale thought Mazel hadnt done anything wrong, but

If thats what he believes.

There was no need to keep refusing. Dale could already picture Harkins face lighting up with glee at receiving the extra money.

Dale gestured towards the village.

Come in. Theres a feast going on; you can eat and drink as you please.

Ill pass on the drink. Just a vacant house to shelter from the rain will suffice.

Mazel trudged into the village.

That night, Swamp Village was alive with stories and laughter.


Although he drank heavily the night before, Harkin was up at dawn.

It was a habit formed from his time serving at the front.

Rubbing his bleary eyes and scratching his curly hair, Harkin asked,

Huh? When did Mazel get here?

He arrived last night.

Harkin laughed slyly.

Haha. So, you havent heard the story of us two defeating a terrifying mage? You know, we might have to claim Mazels share too.

He said this half-jokingly. But Mazel sighed deeply.

He looked to be clearly regretting having promised to give his share to this man.

Harkin who did not know that fact grew flustered and quickly added.

I-it was just a joke.

As the party was preparing to leave, Mary approached Harkin. And she spoke to him with a worried look on her face.

Are you leaving?


Take care of yourself. Make sure you eat properly and do your laundry regularly. And find someone to marry soon.

I will.

And tell that guy Youre sending too much money. We can live well with less. Dont overwork yourself for our sake; earn less if you need to, but stay safe. You got that?

Yes, Ill let Quill know.

Harkin rambled in his response with an awkward expression on his face.

Ah, I might have drunk too much last night. I need to go relieve myself before we depart.

With that, he quickly vanished.

Mary, looking worriedly at his retreating figure, spoke to Dale.

Sir Knight.


Please take good care of Harkin. He might be a bit impulsive and silly at times, but hes a tender and good person at heart. Hes even hiding the death of his friend and taking on the responsibility for that friends family all by himself.

Dale paused briefly before asking,

You already know?

Mary smiled sadly.

How could I not, after all the time weve spent together? When he kept making excuses for not coming to the village, I had my suspicions. Seeing his face this time confirmed it.

Harkin must have been sending money home and covering for Quill as well.

I wondered why he kept complaining about being short on money. That explains it.

Mary then pulled out a heavy pouch. She opened it to reveal sparkling silver coins inside.

This is all from Harkin. I havent spent a single coin; Ive been saving it.

Thats a lot.

Yes. If Harkin ever quits being a mercenary, I want to help him make a fresh start. So, please Im asking you. Could you make sure that Harkin returns safely?

After gazing intently at Mary for a moment, Dale responded.

Ill do my best.

Mary nodded her head. She seemed to be satisfied even with his gruff answer.

She attempted to take money out of the pouch to hand to Dale, but he refused.

The fee for a request is to be received upon its successful completion, not in advance.

Meanwhile, Harkin had returned.

Eh? What are you two talking about?

Nothing important.

Then lets get going! We have a long journey ahead.

Harkin, having gathered his belongings, started walking with a vigorous stride.

Dale and Mazel followed behind him. After walking for a while, Dale suddenly looked back.

Mary and her children were still waving their hands.

A relationship where they deceive each other for each others sake

Though not related by blood, they were undoubtedly a family.

Dale felt a sense of envy towards Harkin.

A place to return to.

On the day Harkins adventure ended, he would return here.

But on the day Dales adventure ended, could he really return to the embrace of his family?

Suddenly, Harkin who was leading the way clenched his fist tightly.

Ive made up my mind!

What is it?

Didnt I say I would even become your servant if you would help me this time? I will follow Sir Dale for the rest of my life, even if it leads to a pit of fire!

Dont say things you dont mean.

Dale had been given a request by Mary just a moment ago, so he couldnt possibly throw him into a pit of fire.

Harkin, who had been smiling foolishly at the blunt reply, suddenly lifted his head to look at the sky.

Oh. The rain has stopped.

A ray of sunlight broke through the gloomy clouds, pouring down below.

The rainy season was ending, and the seasons were changing.

Summer was approaching.

But it wasnt just the seasons that were changing.


Dale looked at the gradually brightening sky and the crows leisurely preening their feathers on an oak tree and he eventually lowered his head.

It was time to return. He needed to go back and conclude this affair.

The party strode vigorously along the pathway.


At the mercenary guild.

A visitor arrived in Garlands office.

Kadal, the busy captain of the guards, was overwhelmed with various matters these days.

He handed over a document to Garland without saying much.

Take a look at this.

Haha. Whats so urgent?

Garland scanned the document with curious eyes.

His expression soon turned serious.

Are you serious?

If we just sit back and do nothing, wont that be a problem? The citizens are getting anxious.

Still, to go to such lengths

Garland murmured to himself and swallowed a sigh.

The city will be noisy again for a while.

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