I Became a Gallery Manager in Another World

Chapter 96: A Big Step Forward (5)

Chapter 96: A Big Step Forward (5)

Sigh- Sigh-

“Gasp!…*Khe…!♥…!*Gulp…*Gasp!♥…St…Stop…Enough…Ah…I get it already!!♥”

“You admit it, Evelyn?”

“That’s…not it!♥…But…*Grrr?!♥ You…you jerk!♥…!!*Gulp!♥…Why, why go so far♥…to make me admit…♥…*Sob..I, I can’t…go on like this…♥…Ju…Just…give up…Yo…Yuris likes…*Sob sob..that so much?”

“Of course, I do like Miss Yuris.”

“…Ha, Hah?..Yo…you, you bastard!!..*Gasp!….You…cra, crazy…really?…Ho…How can…*Sob..you say another girl is…good while your…dick is inside my…vagina….*Sob..”


Hearing that, I realized I had gone too far.

I couldn’t deny that I was acting like garbage, but still, I had crossed a line.


“Fi, Fine!!..You bastard!..*Sob!!…Really…hate this..*Sob sob!?♥♥”


*Puff-! *Puff-!

“*Sob sob!♥Ha..Don’t do it!!.♥Stop it!…Do..Don’t poke my…vagina!! Stop it!!♥”

But I didn’t stop.

The mistake I had just made wasn’t something that could be easily apologized for…

It was more about getting Evelyn to admit it sooner rather than later.

“Are you admitting it?”

“*Sob!?….Ugh!..*Sob sob!!..No..I won’t!..You basta…♥..*Gulp!!♥…Sto..Stop it!.Oh *Sob♥!…*Sob sob!!!♥”

“Then I can’t stop!!”

“*Sob…Ugh!♥…Squeal!!…♥…I…I get it!!…♥Sob…!! I know, so…ju…just stop for now…♥”

“What do you get?”

“You…you fucker….!…I admit it!!…*Sob…Yuris is…….*Sob…Ah…*Gasp…I…I’ll admit it….”

“You can’t handle it alone, can you?”

“*Sob…Yes, yes…you…bastard!…Oh *Sob…I can’t…alone…I can’t handle it…Fi, Fine..? Are you…satisfied now?”

With her lips tightly bitten, Evelyn responded, her voice dripping with resentment.

*Swish- *Swish-

“Sorry and thank you…Evelyn…”

I gently stroked Evelyn’s head as I spoke.

“…*Sob…You…jerk…bad guy..garbage…Ha!..*Sigh….”

“But you’re wrong.”

“Ha…?…What…did you say?”

“What Evelyn needs to admit now is not Yuris but my ‘harem’?”

I was a guy who was a bit quick-witted.

Evelyn was ‘acting’ to a certain extent right now.

She was reluctantly pretending to admit it while stating ‘Yuris is the end’, implying that if the harem increased further from here, she would kill me.

“……You, you, you fucking asshole!!! …You, you, you!!! Made me wait for 10 years, you damn insensitive jerk!!! Why are you only quick-witted at times like this!!! Fuck, and I was crying, saying I’d admit Yuris!!! Even if you noticed, you should have pretended to be fooled, you fucking bastard!!!”


Evelyn, failing her strategy, hit my chest in anger, but I had nothing to say.


Why was I especially dense when it came to Evelyn?

Was it because Evelyn was my ‘childhood friend’?


“You…you fucker..!!….Having 2 in the harem already!!!…Pe, People should know when to be satisfied!!!…Then…how many more do you plan to add!! You bastard!!”


As Evelyn shouted, I spread my hands wide and showed her my fingers.



“Just 10 people!”

Honestly, I was not even sure if I could fill up to 10.

But considering the women I had been involved with so far, just Evelyn, Helen, Laplace, and Yuris made four.

Of course, since ‘Helen’s’ outcome was uncertain, excluding her still left three, so it made sense to set a comfortably high number.

“Ha…Huh?…10 people?…Yo…you, you…bastard, really!! Are you asking for death?!♥♥♥”


When Evelyn’s eyes showed a murderous intent, I targeted a weakness with my words.

“*Sob..!♥…*Gulp♥!…Yo…You, Ian!…*Gasp!♥…Oh…*Hehe!!!♥”

But what if…

Just a hypothetical…

If I were to make an 11th…?

“Oh…*Hehe!!!♥…No..No!…*Sob sob!♥…I…I’ll kill you!!…Yo…You’re dead..♥♥”

Then I really might die by Evelyn’s hand.

‘…Well, no point worrying about that now!’

The chances of that happening were practically 0%.

And if it did happen, ‘future me’ would deal with it.

For now, ‘current me’ needed to survive, right?

“*Sob sob?!♥..Uhaha…*Whimper!!…♥Yo, Yuris…you say something too!!♥..*Sob!..Damn!! This guy wants 10 people!!♥”


“Damn!…♥*Gasp!…You…you witch!!..Are you…even fit to be…a saint?..*Hehe!…♥Stop, stop touching yourself and speak up!! This guy!….*Sob♥…Is it okay to make a harem of 10?!”

“Eh?…Witch? Ah! Tha…That’s fine?”


“Uhuh…♥…Because…my…master will always cherish his witch…right?…*Sob!♥”


This was bad.

Yuris had completely gone into heat, calling me ‘master’ instead of ‘Ian’.

“…Wha, what? Damn?…Ma, Master?..Wha…what exactly…did you two…do!!”

Naturally, Evelyn wouldn’t miss that.

“*Sob sob!!♥♥”

“Sorry, just admit it for now, and I’ll explain later.”

“You bastard…♥…*Sob..!♥..10..people, damn…if it’s going to be like this…*Sob…!♥Rather…tell me to…just give up…”

“I’ll never do that!!”


I shouted as I thrust forward with all my might.

“Evelyn, didn’t I say you’re my life? Same here!! A life without you is meaningless to me!!”

“..You bastard!….You bastard!….You bastard!….You bastard!…You bastard!!…I, I’ve loved you for over 10 years!! And I’ve tried so hard for you all this time…*Sob!…Wasn’t that enough?!”

“No! It’s more than enough!! But I’m a bastard!! So, I’ll have everything I want!! That’s my dream!!”


“Crazy…*Sob sob!!♥”

“Evelyn! I’m going to kiss you now!!”

“*Sob…!!.♥..Do…Don’t♥…You..bastard!..I’m not…♥…going to…kiss you!!♥”

“If you hate it, dodge! It’s okay to resist too! But if we kiss, we’re lovers!!”

“Ha!♥…You crazy bastard!!..♥…How can…I dodge while you’re…thrusting!♥…*Sob!!..How..how is this…♥…different from…rape!♥”

“I don’t care if it’s rape!!! I’ll make you my woman no matter what! Even if you give up on me, I’ll make you look back!!”

“Ha…!Ah…!♥You, idiot…*Sob…!♥…If you like me that much!!..♥..*Sob!!..You should have…confessed…sooner..you..bastard…*Sob..!!♥”

“It’s okay to curse me!! But I swear!!!”

“I…*Sob…!Gasp…!…What exactly…what are you…swearing to!♥”


With a deep breath, I shouted with all my sincerity.

“I will definitely make you happy!!!!!!!”


“I’ll make sure you never regret it!!! One day, when you remember today, you’ll think, ‘It was like that back then.’ and smile. I’ll make it into a memory that brings you happiness!!! I will definitely make you happy!!”

“Ha…!!…♥*Sob…This…really…!♥…This…bastard…only his mouth is…alive…♥..*Sob..!”

Evelyn, looking at me for the last time, slowly…

“You…really have to…make me happy.”

…said, closing her eyes very slowly.

*Thump-! *Thump-! *Thump-! *Thump-!

The sound of a heart about to burst.

The heat of breath.

The salty taste on my fingers.

The warmth of a heated body.

Evelyn’s pale skin.

The strange marks I made on that skin.

The sweat that seeped out.

The disheveled clothes.

The ears, flushed bright red.




Our lips touched.

It was a light kiss, but the weight it carried was heavier than ever before.

‘…I will definitely make you happy.’

As I made that vow and kissed…




Suddenly, Evelyn wrapped her arms around my neck and pushed her tongue in.

…My first true kiss with Evelyn tasted like sweet and salty honey candy.

“Haah…♥Haah…!♥…Phew!…Damn…it’s delicious…To keep something this delicious…to yourself all this time…you bastard..♥”

“…Yeah, sorry. But let’s do it a lot from now on.”

“Of course…you bastard!! We’re going to do it every day!!! ….And, and!!”


“Now…we’re, we’re, lovers…so, so, so, say it…boldly!!…Say…you, you, you love me…”

“…I love you, Evelyn. I really love you more than anything.”

As I confessed to Evelyn with all my heart and a smile.

*Gulp! *Gulp!

I was so happy that I couldn’t help it and…


And Evelyn, who had been holding back all this while, relaxed too much and fainted right then and there.


Evelyn bit my shoulder hard as she came to her senses.

“Ouch!! It hurts!”

“It’s supposed to hurt, you fucking bastard!! Thinking it over, it pisses me off!!!…Haah, 10 people?…Hey? Are you really going to make 10?”

“…Yeah. Probably.”

“Ha… you bastard… Why do you like women so much…”

Evelyn sighed heavily and asked, leaning on my shoulder.

“Even among the 10… You will love me the most, right?”


I couldn’t answer this question.

I was trash who decided to create a harem…

But even as trash, I couldn’t give in to loving everyone equally without leaving anyone out.

Even if it was Goddess Elise, as ‘my woman’, I would treat everyone the same.

“…You bastard… At times like this, you should at least lie and say yes…”

“Sorry… I have no intention of treating anyone as special.”

“Even if it’s me?”


I wasn’t always honest with Evelyn, but there were lies that could be told and lies that couldn’t.

“Really… fucking… hate this… you fucking bastard… really… a bastard..”

“Still, I’ll risk my life to make sure you’re happy.”

“Ha… fuck… what are you talking about, you idiot. What’s the use of risking your life…”


“How can I be happy without you… So don’t ever think about dying… Live as long as possible… and keep loving me.”

Evelyn’s face was buried in my chest, so I couldn’t see her expression, but I could guess from her reddened ears.

“Yeah, I got it. I’ll live as long as possible and love you forever.”

“…Even if I get fat?”


“…Even if I become ugly?”

“That won’t happen. You will always look beautiful to me.”

“…Don’t ever… meet another woman and say… you’re tired of me…”

“Evelyn, you know I would never do that.”

“…Really?… Really make me happy… love me until the end?”

“Yes. I promise.”

“*Sob!… And… your first child will be mine?”


I couldn’t answer that easily.

Life was unpredictable, wasn’t it?

No matter how careful I was…


“Answer me, you bastard. It’s over if you don’t answer now.”

“…Okay, I got it.”

“*Phew… sh… Then…I…I…I…Ah!!…Fuck!..Yeah!!…I’ll acknowledge it.”


“Ha!!! Ian!! You’re screwed!! You said you had no intention of treating anyone as special, right? But as a human, once the first child comes, things will change? I will make myself the most special woman to you!! So…!!”

Evelyn smiled brightly at me as if she had settled everything.

“I love you, Ian. Since 10 years ago… And I will continue to love you.”

“I love you too, Evelyn. I will definitely make you happy.”

“*Heh… Hmph! Of course, you should, you bastard! …But what are you going to do now?”

“Do what?”

“If my dad hears about this, he’s going to try to kill you. And mom will be incredibly sad.”


I thought I had overcome the biggest obstacle with Evelyn, but there was still a bigger wall remaining.

“I’ll have to find a way… Evelyn, if your father really draws his sword, help me then.”

“Wow… really, you… are an incredible bastard… Are you really asking me for help now?”


I had no choice.

If Evelyn couldn’t be happy without me…

Shouldn’t I somehow live and make her happy?


“What! What is it!”

“I love you.”

“…Hmph!! I fucking love you too, you bastard!!”

And so, our relationship…

Took one big step forward.

“…Master? So, can Yuris join in now?”

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