I Became a Gallery Manager in Another World

Chapter 95: A Big Step Forward (4)

Chapter 95: A Big Step Forward (4)

“Son of a…!!…sigh… I’m going to take a shower, so wait for me…”



As soon as we arrived in the inn room, Evelyn slammed the bathroom door and went straight in to wash.


Yuris seemed to have been waiting, as she tried to approach me…


“…Hey. I don’t think it will happen, but… just in case… what if you two get caught doing something silly while I’m showering?”

Evelyn opened the bathroom door and spoke in an eerily cold voice.

“…Then, I don’t know what I would do.”

“O…Of course. Don’t worry.”

“Right… Keep your distance. You bastard…”

Bang-! Clank-! Swoosh-!!

Evelyn, who gave me one last glare, seemed to have really gone to shower this time.


Naturally, our destination was room 703 of the Creampie Inn.

However, the atmosphere in the room was a bit different than usual.

From the entrance to the bed, rose petals were scattered everywhere, and on the table, there was champagne and even scented candles, seemingly prepared specially by Evelyn.

…Just by seeing this, it was clear how much Evelyn was looking forward to today.

“Phew! That was close, Master.”

“Bitch… Why did you accept Evelyn’s proposal?”

Honestly, it was unexpected for Yuris to accept Evelyn’s proposal.

Even when Evelyn was begging, Yuris didn’t even blink, so I naturally thought she would refuse this proposal as well.

“Let’s do it!”

But Yuris accepted it without a hint of hesitation.

“Huh? That’s because Master wouldn’t be satisfied with just Evelyn… Evelyn said she would give up if she couldn’t satisfy you with sex… Conversely, if she can’t satisfy you, she would give up monopolizing you, right? Either way, it’s a win for the bitch!”

“What if… I lose?”

“Eh? Master, you lose?”


“Hehe…! I knew it! There’s no way Master would lose!! And the bitch knows… even when you had sex with me recently, it wasn’t enough for you, right?”

Yuris was right.

Initially, after a lot of sex, I felt refreshed because my balls were empty, but lately, no matter how much I ejaculated, there was a lingering heavy sensation.

Sex was like exercise, so it’s natural to improve with practice, but this was beyond that level.

‘…My guess is.’

Perhaps the ‘Destiny Power’ I had absorbed so far had affected my body.

“Haah… It’s so hard to resist being a bitch with Master next to me…”

“Bitch. But what if… really what if I lose?”

“Eh?… It’s so obvious that we’ll win that I haven’t even thought about it… Just a moment, Master…umm…”

Yuris tilted her head adorably.

Yuris, with her boundless trust in me, really hadn’t considered the possibility of losing at all.


Would I be able to give up Yuris even if she said she would give up on me here?


As if there was no need to worry, Yuris, who had come closer, whispered in my ear.

“Then… like we’ve done before, please secretly devour me! Hehe…♥”

I never imagined such words would come from the mouth of the next Saint candidate, but I was a bit happy that there was no option of giving up on me.

“…Yeah, of course, you bitch.”

“Haa!! I’m so happy! As expected, Master is my ‘destined partner’!! …Um, but Master?”


“It’s boring waiting for the shower to end, shall we kiss?”

Yuris licked her lips with her tongue.

“…What? Didn’t you just hear? Keep your distance. Even being this close is dangerous.”

“But… I think Evelyn won’t notice just a kiss…”


Yuris, hanging her head, glanced at me and whimpered.

“Ahh… Soon, I’ll have to just watch Master and Evelyn having sex… Haah… It’s going to be hard… But if Master kisses me now, I think I can bear it…”

It was strange.

According to her Sextaterus, Yuris was supposed to be shaped more to my liking, but somehow, she became more provocative as time went by.

‘…Could it be that I actually like being dominated by women?’

Recalling my relationship with Evelyn so far, it didn’t seem like a wrong assumption.

After all, the times I spent with Evelyn were always enjoyable.



“…Don’t be too presumptuous. You bitch.”


“Even if I’m your ‘destined partner,’ I’m still your Master, and you’re the bitch.”

To be exact, it seemed like I enjoyed being dominated by a woman until she ended up panting beneath me.

“Ha..!..Hehe!!♥…Rea..Really!..♥…Uh!…Sorry!…Mas…Master…Haah!…I’m a…bitch!♥…..Too…Too presumptuous..!♥”

Just being held by the breast made Yuris’s eyes go blank, and drool flowed from her lips.


Yuris’s sensual voice dried my mouth.


Something that was not yet allowed for me and Evelyn.

But with Yuris, as much as we want…





The sound of the bathroom lock unlocking coincided with me and Yuris maintaining a ‘safe distance.’

“Phew… Even a cold shower doesn’t calm the anger… What’s this atmosphere? …Hey, Ian, don’t tell me you two actually did something?”

“…Didn’t do anything.”

“…We didn’t.”

“Shit, it’s really suspicious, huh? Did you? You did, didn’t you? You did, right?”

“…Really didn’t do it.”

We might have thought about a kiss, but since it didn’t happen, it was innocent.

Slurp- Squeeze-!

Then, Evelyn, dropping the towel covering her body, buried my face in her chest.

“Haah…there you go, shit. Hey, how is it? Soft, right? This is my chest.”

“…Yeah, really soft.”

Smelling the unique honey scent, it seemed like Evelyn was speaking with her body.

‘How about that! My breasts are bigger than Yuris’s!!’

Indeed, comparing them in this state, Evelyn’s seemed larger than Yuris’s.

…But I knew.

Under Yuris’s bandages lay a sealed ‘monster’ of tremendous size.

And from the sensation of touching it a little while ago, it seemed that the ‘monster’ was still growing!



I left a bite mark on Evelyn’s pristine skin.

“…Haah…♥So, you’ve turned into…♥a real… horny bastard?…♥Why… suddenly… bite…uh…♥”

“You’re the one who got me riled up.”

“Ha!…What are you saying…♥…Haah…!♥”

“Haah… It feels good… so deep… me too…”

As I was being caressed, Evelyn, whose face was flushed, hardened her expression at Yuris’s murmured words.

“…Yuris, you’re a nuisance. Go over there and quietly play with yourself or whatever!”

“Eh? Why, why? Can’t I just watch from here?”

“Ah!! You’re bothering us!! Go!! We made a promise!!”

“…Uh… Okay, Evelyn.”



After sending Yuris to the sofa, Evelyn, looking pleased, opened the fridge, revealing it was full of ‘tonic drinks.’


“What, what! What! Got a problem!! So what!! They’re not for you! I’m going to drink them all!!”

Glug-! Glug-! Glug-!

“Hey, that’s the fourth bottle… Aren’t you drinking too much?”

“Hmph! None of your business! With Yuris here, I won’t die, will I? Haah..!”

Evelyn’s face began to flush as the drinks started to take effect.

Still, it was a better decision than last time when she used ‘Benzocaine’ to dull her senses.

From experience, drinking ‘tonic drinks’ increases one’s maximum stamina and recovery rate but has the side effect of increasing sensitivity and decreasing defense.

…However, Evelyn’s defense was always 0 in front of me.

Since her defense couldn’t drop any further, it seemed like she planned to endure with her increased stamina and recovery rate.

“Phew… Now I’m starting to feel it!!”

After finishing her fifth bottle, Evelyn climbed onto the bed and raised her buttocks.

“Let’s do it!”

“…Are you sure this is okay?”

“Ah! Just do it already, would youuhhuh?!♥♥”


“…Haah…!!♥Haah!!..Su…Suddenly..!!…If…If you do it like this!….♥Guh!…Heck!..!!♥..But!..It’s nothing..!..♥”


It was the first time Evelyn didn’t climax when I fully penetrated her.

“…Huh!!♥…It’s…It’s poor!♥…Such poor lovemaking!..Haah!♥”

Despite her trembling all over and being close to climax, she was barely holding on.

It was impressive she endured it.

‘I get it, Evelyn…’

I made up my mind.

Feeling Evelyn’s desperation, I decided to go all out to make her acknowledge me.

‘I’ll make sure you pass out before your first climax!!’

Thrust-!! Thrust-!!

“Huhuh?!♥…Ha♥…So rough!!!..♥…Haah!..Why…Why today!♥…So rough!!..Doing it like this!!♥”

Getting Evelyn to acknowledge me wouldn’t be easy.

‘So, I’ll make Evelyn pass out from pleasure!!’

Even if she verbally refused to acknowledge defeat, ‘passing out from pleasure’ would be undeniable evidence that she couldn’t endure sex with me.

Thrust! Thrust!

“Acknowledge it! Evelyn!! Acknowledge it!!”


“What are you saying while we continue like this!! Admit it!! You can’t handle it alone!!”

“Huhuh?!…No way!!♥…Hueh!!♥..I…I can do it alone too♥…I said I could!!…Huhuh!!♥”

Thrust-!! Thrust-!!

‘Something’s off?’

Despite my efforts, even after climaxing several times, Evelyn did not faint.

‘Passing out from pleasure’ was something I had achieved even with Helen, who was experiencing it for the first time.

Evelyn, my ‘exclusive pussy,’ who had grown accustomed to sex with me, should naturally be unable to handle it.

‘…Could it be?’

I belatedly realized my mistake.

The reason Evelyn had fainted before was because her brain judged the pleasure as ‘unbearable’ for her body.

But now, with her stamina and recovery boosted by the ‘tonic drink’?

“Huh..!..♥.Hueh!..Huek!!..Shi..Shit!!♥…Never!!..Huh!♥…I…won’t…acknowledge..!♥.Ian…Huhk!…you’re…mine..!…Huhuh!!..My man♥!..I won’t share you!♥…Huet!..♥…All…All mine!!..Huhuhuik!!♥”

Now, Evelyn’s brain, along with her firm will, was deluded into thinking it could ‘handle’ the pleasure I was giving her.

Ultimately, ‘As long as her will doesn’t break, Evelyn won’t faint.’

Thrust-! Thrust-!!


Evelyn’s 14th climax.

But despite experiencing a number of climaxes she had never soberly encountered before, Evelyn’s will remained unbroken.

“Evelyn. It’s enough now… Acknowledge it and be at ease!”

“Ha…Huhuh…!♥…Shut up!!♥…More..Stronger!!.♥…I can!!..Huhuh..Ha…I can do it!♥..Me…Me too!..Huhuh!♥…I can do it… all day!!♥”



Evelyn’s pussy, as if to prove her will, clenched tightly, instantly bringing me to the brink of ejaculation.


Feeling my imminent climax, Evelyn’s pussy spasmed crazily.


“Hu….♥Huhuh…!!♥…Ha..Hah!!..Ask…how many times..!!♥…Won’t.♥..Won’t do it!!..♥Absolutely!♥….Huhuh!!♥…Won’t acknowledge it!….Huek!♥”

In fact, I could endure the climax if I tried.

…But I didn’t want to.

My ‘will’ was defeated by Evelyn’s ‘will.’

Gulp-! Gulp-!!


With a pleasant sense of defeat, I poured my semen into Evelyn’s vagina.

“Turns out… I can’t win against you, Evelyn. I lost…”

“…Huhuh…♥Huh?..♥..Hueh?♥…Did…you just… lose?♥….Huh!…..So, that means…?♥”

I was arrogant.

By calculations, I should have been able to make Evelyn faint, but love was never a matter of calculation.

Evelyn proved that.

“…Yeah, Evelyn.”

So, I too had to prove it to Evelyn.

“I was wrong to try and make you acknowledge it before my first ejaculation.”

“…Eh?…What did… you say?…..Huhiiik!!♥”


Even if Evelyn broke, I was determined to be acknowledged!


“…So, from now on, whether you faint or wet yourself, I won’t care and will keep going until I’m satisfied.”

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