Hero of Darkness

Chapter 925 Disrespect and Contempt

925  Disrespect and Contempt

After Atreus' blatant and disregarding words, an indescribable tension arose in the atmosphere.

In his tone, it sounded as if Atreus was telling the rest of the members that they were nothing but fakes and didn't deserve to be compared with him as members of the party in any sense.

[System, give me their details.] ordered Kahn as he used the system after so many months.

In the Hero of Nature's Party, there were several members, each possessing unique species, classes, and appearances.

[Here is an introduction to the party members:

1. Vikaat

Species: Tengu (Roc Descendant)

Class: Halberd warrior

This Tengu member has black feathers covering their body, with sharp, piercing eyes. They wield a long spear with deadly precision, showcasing their expertise in close combat.

2. Rolakan

Species: Snakekin (Basilisk Descendant)

Class: Elemental Mage

The gray Snakekin mage possesses scales of a muted gray hue, with a serpentine tail extending from their lower body. He emanates an air of mysticism, their eyes filled with ancient wisdom as they command powerful arcane spells.

3. Pokawor

Species: Naga (Serpent-like humanoid with multiple arms)

Class: Spearman

The Naga spearman stands tall and imposing, with a muscular physique and four powerful arms. Their scaly body glistens in shades of green and gold, and their mastery of the spear is evident in their every movement.

4. Xavolees

Species: Bearkin (Bear-like Beastman)

Class: Battleaxe Warrior

The silver Bearkin warrior is a formidable sight, towering above others with their powerful build and imposing presence. Covered in thick silver fur, he wield a massive battleaxe with ease, exuding strength and ferocity.

5. Borat

Species: Lionkin (Baihu Descendant)

Class: Knight

The Lionkin knight possesses a regal aura, with a mane of vibrant green surrounding their head. Their golden fur radiates nobility and courage, and they don a suit of gleaming armor as a symbol of their dedication to protecting the innocent.

6. Svana

Species: Feline-kin (Baihu Descendant)

Class: Assassin

The bipedal cat assassin moves with agility and stealth, her lithe body and keen reflexes making her the perfect predator. With sleek fur and sharp claws, she can blend seamlessly into the shadows, ready to strike with deadly precision.

7. Speki

Species: Avian (Roc Descendant)

Class: Fire Elemental Summoner

This unique member resembles a red feathered peacock, with vibrant plumage adorning their body. They possess hands along with two wings emerging from their back, and they possess the ability to summon and control powerful fire elementals.

8. Conan Doykle

Species: Tigerkin (Baihu Descendant)

Class: Swordsman

The white Tigerkin swordsman exudes an aura of grace and elegance. Their snowy white fur is complemented by piercing blue eyes, and they wield a finely crafted sword with precision and finesse.] reported the system about the Hero's Party member in one go.

Kahn remembered the last member very clearly.

Conan Doykle, the individual responsible for the loss of countless lives, was also present among the party members. This member is the one Kahn had previously encountered, rewarded with the title as the Sword of Salvation, famous for avenging the deaths of millions.

But in reality, it was he who caused their death by attacking a mythical rank monster named Hodag.

Despite his role in the tragedy, his expression betrayed fear, for he is well aware of the formidable strength and ferocity displayed by Atreus when they met last time.

Atreus, feeling the weight of his circumstances and frustrated by the lack of true heroism in the Hero's Party, decided to be brutally honest with his companions.

He addressed them with a firm and direct tone, making his opinions known:

"I'm not here by choice, and I don't have any time to play little mind games within this group. So, I'll be upfront with my opinion of this so-called Hero's Party." he spoke unhesitatingly.

He looked around at his companions, his gaze piercing and unyielding.

"Other than the Hero himself, I haven't seen or heard about any of you doing anything worthy of your title. Stop acting like you're all someone important.

I know that every single one of you is just discarded pieces from your tribes and clans. Some of you are here solely because being part of this party is beneficial to your clans and tribes in terms of public image."

He paused briefly, letting his words sink in before continuing.

"And from now on, when you speak to me... You will address me with respect.


"But the truth doesn't change the fact that you're all just poster boys for the most part. Most of you have never even truly fought for the sake of people or saved lives while risking your own.

So, do not talk to me as if you're all standing on some high moral ground just because you joined before me."

Atreus takes a moment to gather himself, his eyes narrowing as he assesses his companions.

"And from now on, when you speak to me... You will address me with respect.

Never forget how I got here."

The warning in Atreus' voice is clear, leaving no room for misunderstanding. He demanded respect and reminds them all of his own journey and the trials he has faced to reach this point.

With his proclamation, he seeks to establish his own position within the group and make it clear that he will not be treated as anything less than an equal.

"Ha ha ha!! Is this for real?!"

One after another, all the members laughed at Kahn.

As Atreus's bold statements were met with laughter and disdain from the party members, tensions within the group rose furthermore.

Displeased with his attitude, they expressed their dissatisfaction and gave a condescending look.

One member spoke up, fueling the animosity.

"Has this trash gone mad? This bloody halfbreed bastard is acting like he owns the place." spoke Xavolees, the Bearkin warrior.

Another member eagerly joined in, eager for confrontation.

"Let's put him in his place. Who wants to go first?" said Speki, the red peacock summoner.

However, amidst the growing hostility, Maximus, a voice of reason, stepped forward, attempting to diffuse the situation.

"This is not the time to fight amongst ourselves. Today's meeting was for deciding the strategy for the Conclave of Heroes and how we all fight as a team. That is more necessary than inner strifes."

Maximus's intervention aims to remind the party of their greater purpose, urging them to focus on the impending challenges rather than engaging in internal conflicts.

Nevertheless, his words were met with contemptuous looks, highlighting the disdain some party members hold for his attempt to prevent further escalation.

"I oppose this decision, 'Lord Hero'." Borat, the 6th stage saint lionkin declared.

"He has disgraced us and the sanctity of the Hero's party by his remarks. No one with a shred of pride will accept this disrespect."

The opposition to Maximus's plea for unity and his defense of Atreus's respect showed the deep division within the group.

Their pride and honor had been wounded, further complicating the already strained dynamics within the Hero's party.

The underlying tension and lack of respect towards them by Atreus created a challenging dynamic within the group.

On the other side... Despite his title and the authority bestowed upon Maximus, the other party members harbored deep-seated prejudices due to his human lineage. This prejudice undermined his ability to effectively lead and command the group.

Maximus, being aware of the contempt directed towards him, often found himself facing opposition and resistance whenever he made decisions or tried to assert his authority.

His voice carried little weight, and his attempts to lead were met with skepticism and resistance from the others.

The members of the party, driven by their own preconceived notions and biases, looked for opportunities to challenge Maximus's decisions indirectly. They found ways to circumvent his authority and assert their own agendas, often disregarding his leadership altogether.

As tensions escalated within the Hero's party, one member expressed the desire to test Atreus's fighting prowess and ensure their safety.

Atreus, fueled by his own confidence, welcomed the challenge, eager to put his companions in their place.

"Besides... we should know the real fighting prowess of our new sidekick before he ends up risking our lives due to his weakness." spoke Svana, the feline assassin.

"Alright then, it's better this way. I was raring to put you losers in your place anyways." suddenly, Atreus' haughty and unapologetic voice resounded in the hall.

The decision was made to engage in a training session within the villa, utilizing the training formations available. As they stepped into a pocket dimension filled with a forest and ancient ruins, tension hung in the air like debris.

However, Maximus, observing the situation, voiced his opposition, recognizing the injustice towards the new member.

"Count me out. This seems nothing but bullying the new guy." he spoke with a dejected countenance.

His refusal to participate highlighted his moral objection to the proposed confrontation.

Nonetheless, the green-maned lionkin was undeterred, suggesting someone step forward to teach Atreus a lesson.

"So, who wants to teach this bastard a lesson first?" spoke Borat in a tyrannical voice.

But before anyone else could respond, Atreus interjected, his tone dripping with arrogance.

"What do you mean 'who'? Looks like I didn't make myself clear. I'm going to fight..."

His wicked grin betrayed a sinister intention as he challenged his entire party, seemingly relishing the opportunity to prove his strength against them collectively.

"All of you together at once."

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