Hero of Darkness

Chapter 924 Not By Choice

Chapter 924  Not By Choice

Two weeks had passed since the tumultuous events that had unfolded within the Fenrirborne Tribe. In the capital city of Tenochtitlan, the heart of the Nadur Empire, all eyes were fixed on the grand imperial palace, a sprawling complex that served as a symbol of sovereignty and strength.

Within its ten-kilometer expanse lay castles, imperial department halls, and the renowned Hall of Justice, each structure representing a pillar of the empire's power.

Unlike other empires, the Nadur Empire did not follow a hereditary succession system. Instead, their emperors and empresses were determined through a Trial by Combat, where challengers fought to the death for the throne.

This unique approach ensured that only the strongest and most capable individuals ascended to the position of ruler.

Given the significance of the imperial palace, many vital institutions and offices were strategically located in its vicinity. This arrangement facilitated the swift gathering of thousands of people who came for various purposes, be it conducting important affairs of the empire or seeking an audience with the Empress herself.

The close proximity of these institutions to the palace created an efficient system that allowed the Empress to convene meetings with key figureheads from different departments with ease.

However, on this particular day, the atmosphere within the imperial palace was charged with anticipation. Within the grand hall of a golden castle, adorned with banners bearing the insignia of the imperial guard, a select few had gathered for a momentous occasion—the coronation ceremony.

This solemn event, held at the very heart of the palace, was reserved for those who held positions of utmost importance within the empire.

Within the hallowed halls of the imperial palace, a momentous ritual unfolded. The Empress, accompanied by the four Heavenly Kings, presided over a ceremony where Atreus, the newly appointed member of the Hero of Nature's Party, would take an oath of allegiance before these formidable powerhouses.

Standing before an ornate altar, Atreus cast his gaze to his right, taking in the sight of his fellow party members. Apart from Maximus Gladius and a certain Tigerkin, most of them were unfamiliar faces to him.

It was a gathering of individuals united by a common purpose, bound by the calling to fight against the demon god.

A priest, whose appearance resembled that of a white-feathered peacock—a clear indication of their lineage as descendants of the Godbeast Roc—stepped forward. His voice carried a solemn authority as he began to speak, guiding Atreus through the oath.

"I, Atreus Bellator, shall place the interests of the empire above all else. I pledge my unwavering servitude to the cause of combating the war against the demon god, as a dedicated member of the Hero's Party." the Priest cited with unwavering conviction.

Kahn, in his Atreus persona as a towering 3-meter-tall ice and water elemental Wolfkin, echoed the words of the oath after citing the Priest's exact words.

As the priest intoned the final incantations, a mystical golden and emerald pentagonal formation materialized in the air, gradually descending upon Kahn and imprinting itself upon his chest and head.

This sacred symbol, known as the Mark of Servitude, was a legendary rank seal that adorned all members of the Hero's Party upon their official induction. It signified the acknowledgment and formalization of their position within the party by the authorities.

However, Romulus had confided in Kahn a few days prior, revealing a darker truth behind this revered mark. It was not only a symbol of servitude but also a slave mark, designed to track the whereabouts and monitor the mental state of its bearer.

The imperial authorities held the power to supervise the behavior of party members, and in extreme circumstances, they could mete out capital punishment.

In simple words, it was like a bomb placed in your chest and brain with the imperial authorities holding the kill switch.

[It is done.] spoke Vildred from the True Dimension.

Kahn was not one to willingly submit to a slave contract, especially when he had a master of magic like Vildred by his side.

Vildred, a 2,000-year-old Royal Dragon who had attained the rank of Sage, possessed unparalleled mastery and profound knowledge of magic spells and formations.

Among the vast empires of Vantrea, he was counted as one of the world's three living Sages.

During the ritual, Vildred used his immense magical expertise to subtly manipulate the Mark of Servitude that had been imposed on Kahn. While the mark would still appear to be imprinted on Kahn's body and mind, its true effects were altered in a way that deceived the imperial authorities.

The mark would give the illusion that Kahn was compliant to their orders and showed no intentions of betraying the empire. This would pacify the authorities and give them a false sense of control.

Furthermore, Vildred ensured that the tracking aspect of the mark could be severed at Kahn's will.

If the need arose for them to escape from the clutches of the empire, Kahn had the power to sever the connection, rendering the authorities unable to track him and his companions.

Most importantly, Vildred's manipulation of the mark ensured that it had no hold over Kahn's life. Even if the imperial authorities attempted to activate the Mark of Servitude as a means to kill him, they would find themselves powerless.

The mark, as modified by Vildred, would be rendered inert, leaving Kahn unharmed and completely immune to its lethal effects.

With Vildred's magic weaving its protective web, Kahn now possessed a safeguard against the potential dangers imposed by the empire. The apparent compliance of the mark would grant them a semblance of safety while concealing their true intentions.

They would remain one step ahead, their lives untethered by the control of the imperial authorities.


As evening fell and the ceremonies of the day came to a close, Atreus made his way to the dedicated villa of the Hero's Party.

This secluded abode served as a meeting place where the members would gather to discuss their priorities, strategies, and the protection of the empire's citizens in the name of their revered deity.

Officially, this villa was a hub of activity, where important discussions took place and decisions were made. However, in reality, it was primarily a space for the members to gather and engage in casual conversations amongst themselves.

The villa saw little use outside of their monthly meetings, and most of the members resided in their own estates within their respective clans and tribes.

Their actual missions were relatively minor, involving the occasional monster subjugation to maintain a facade of bravery and justice, appeasing the public's expectations.

The majority of their time was spent maintaining the appearance of heroism and fulfilling the public's perception of their role.

However, due to the coronation of Kahn, also known as Atreus, the members were summoned to the villa on this particular day. The significance of the event warranted their presence, gathering them together for a purpose beyond the usual mundane activities.

As the members of the Hero's Party gathered in the villa, Atreus found himself face-to-face with his fellow comrades. Among them was Maximus Gladius, the current Hero of Nature, who greeted Atreus with a mix of surprise and acknowledgment.

"It's good to see you again, Atreus. I didn't expect our paths to cross under these circumstances." Maximus spoke, his tone laced with a hint of genuine curiosity.

Maximus held a favorable impression of Atreus, formed during their shared battle against the mythical rank monster known as Cherufe.

In that encounter, they had engaged in deep conversations about morals and the reasons behind Maximus's unwavering dedication to protecting the lives of those who often failed to appreciate their sacrifices.

Furthermore, during the Elysium Tribal Tourney, where all the members of the Hero's Party were present as spectators, they witnessed the remarkable display of Atreus's overwhelming power.

His victories were ruthless and uncompromising, leaving an indelible mark on their memories. Particularly, the finale, where Atreus tore out Dahaka's head along with his spine, remained vivid in their minds.

Despite Maximus's positive impression, many of the other members harbored doubts and reservations about Atreus.

They questioned whether his brutal nature and unconventional methods made him more suited to be an executioner rather than someone who embodied the virtues of righteousness and justice that they strived to uphold.

These misgivings were carefully concealed beneath polite exchanges and cordiality during the ceremony in front of others. However, now that they were gathered together, it was time for their true faces and opinions to come to light.

Each member would have the opportunity to express their thoughts, concerns, and apprehensions about Atreus, forging the path for future interactions within the Hero's Party.

"Oye, new guy. Let me tell you something before you get all of your hopes up." spoke one of the members. A tall lionking with green mane and golden glowing eyes.

This was one of the 6th stage saints of the group.

"All you have to do is keep your head down and not make a mistake during the Conclave of Heroes.

Don't talk, ask questions or become a hindrance to us. Do you get that?" his commanding voice resonated in the hall they entered.

"Airsh… Who the fuck starts a conversation like that? I just sat down." said Atreus after he casually sat down on a luxurious chair and gave a disregarding look towards this lionkin.

"Don't get me wrong, but unlike you losers… I'm not here by choice.

I bet all of you feel prideful for being the member of the Hero's Party; while I feel like I'm in a cage.

So no matter what happens, just know this..." said Kahn unhesitatingly and revealed his honest thoughts…

"We're not the same."

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