Hero of Darkness

Chapter 908 The Disrepect

Chapter 908  The Disrepect

From the very outset, as Atreus and Dahaka unleashed the full extent of their powers, a hushed silence descended upon the arena, captivating every spectator in the Nadur Empire. The atmosphere was palpable, with the audience transfixed, not daring to make even the slightest sound, as they sought to imprint every fleeting moment of this monumental clash deep within their memories.


"Lightning Fury Barrage!"

The sky crackled with an electrifying energy as Dahaka summoned forth his formidable army of colossal lightning panthers, each towering at an impressive height of 100 meters. In a breathtaking display of power, these majestic creatures unleashed a blinding assault that traversed a staggering distance of 5 kilometers within a matter of seconds.

Dahaka, with his claws aglow in a shimmering, violent electricity, mirrored the luminous gaze of his lightning panthers. With unwavering determination, he launched his own simultaneous attack upon his adversary. The convergence of their combined might intensified the already electrifying atmosphere, filling the arena with an otherworldly aura of raw power and anticipation.



In a breathtaking display of speed and power, the lightning-fast legion of colossal panthers, bolstered by the presence of a formidable 5th stage saint, tore through the formidable array of millions of razor-sharp waterblades and colossal 500-meter-long sea dragons. This relentless charge shattered the supposedly impregnable defenses of Atreus' domain in a mere 10 seconds.

However, Atreus, ever the cunning strategist, opted not to bear the brunt of the onslaught head-on. Instead, he swiftly conjured multiple hurricanes, their swirling vortexes unleashed in a torrential display of elemental fury. In addition, he summoned billions of razor-edged waterblades, forming a formidable barrier against the encroaching army.

In a clash of titanic proportions, the gargantuan sea dragons emerged as Atreus' greatest weapons of retaliation. These massive beasts, their immense size matched only by their ferocity, surged forward to meet the lightning panthers head-on, their colossal frames colliding in a cataclysmic collision of raw power and primal might.

The resulting clash shook the very foundations of the arena, an awe-inspiring spectacle that left spectators breathless with anticipation.

"Hah! Look at this. He's just for show.

See how strong lord Dahaka's lightning panthers are. They easily broke past through those dragons and typhoons in mere seconds.

This Fenrirborne is dead for sure." spoke a Saint member of the Black Panther tribe loudly, revealing his disdain as he berated Atreus openly.

However, his bootlicking comment wasn't received well because the As the colossal sea dragons, crafted from a combination of ice and intensely boiling water, joined the fray, they fulfilled their intended very next second in the pocket dimension…


As the colossal sea dragons, crafted from a combination of ice and intensely boiling water, joined the fray, they fulfilled their intended purpose with devastating effect.

Despite suffering significant losses in the face of the relentless assault, these formidable creatures managed to exact a toll of mutual destruction. Among the charging legion of lightning panthers, numbering in the thousands, at least 300 were swiftly cleaved apart and dissipated into nothingness even before Dahaka closed in on Atreus.


The resounding echoes of thunderous clashes reverberated throughout the battlefield, as the collision between these ethereal beings forged from lightning and water/ice sent powerful tremors across the expansive sky and vast sea. The sheer force of their clash created an awe-inspiring display of elemental might.

Among the onlookers, the saint hailing from the esteemed Black Panther tribe felt a sinking sensation of dejection wash over him. Instant regret flooded his thoughts, feeling embarrassed for the ill-fated remark he had made about Atreus in the heat of the moment.


In the grand scheme of things, the lightning panthers and sea dragons were mere manifestations of the boundless world energy assimilated with the unique elemental affinities of Dahaka and Atreus, respectively.

The abundance of world energy reserves and the level of mastery in controlling them served as clear indicators of one's talent and prowess as both a saint and a warrior. In this particular scenario, Atreus stood out with his overwhelming advantage, commanding a staggering force of over 20,000 sea dragons, with many still emerging from the depths of the sea.

On the other hand, Dahaka's capabilities allowed him to create a comparatively modest army of 5,000 lightning panthers, which proved to be significantly outmatched.

Despite the lightning panthers holding an elemental advantage over the water/ice-based sea dragons, the clash resulted in the destruction of more than 300 of Dahaka's creations.

This fact held a profound meaning. It showcased the extraordinary strength and resilience of each sea dragon, as it took only two of them to overcome and vanquish a single lightning panther.

Simple arithmetic reveals that Atreus would require a mere 10,000 sea dragons to annihilate the enemy's 5,000, leaving him with an ample reserve of 10,000 still at his disposal.

This stark numerical disparity further emphasizes Atreus' unparalleled proficiency and control over his element and skills. Despite sharing the same rank as Dahaka, Atreus unequivocally demonstrated his superior command of world energy.

The culmination of his mastery was evident in the typhoons and billions of waterblades that complemented his awe-inspiring abilities.

This initial clash, replete with its thunderous impact and astonishing displays of power, served as a resounding testament to Atreus' unmatched control over world energy and his exceptional talent. It spoke volumes about his unassailable dominance as a saint and warrior in the face of formidable opposition.

Unbeknownst to the spectators and even some of the combatants Atreus faced previously in their matches, Kahn had been deliberately utilizing a mere 50% of his vast reserves of world energy at that very moment. Unlike Dahaka, who had already unveiled his full power, Kahn had not even tapped into his peak capabilities, keeping them shrouded in secrecy.

Moreover, Kahn possessed a unique advantage that set him apart from his adversaries – the boundless supply of world energy known as Rathnaar's core. This limitless source meant that he would never exhaust his reserves of world energy, granting him an unparalleled advantage in the battle.

To those observing from the sidelines, it might appear as though the match was uneven, with Kahn holding an unfair advantage.

However, true warriors understood the deeper truth…

That every tool and weapon at one's disposal in a battle was an integral part of their strength. It was the culmination of their skills, strategies, and access to resources that defined their true prowess as a warrior.


As Dahaka transformed into a bolt of black lightning, closing the distance in a mere microsecond, his aim was set on Atreus' heart, his sharp claws poised for a devastating strike.



In a stunning display of reflexes, Atreus swiftly intercepted Dahaka's claw, snatching it from its trajectory before it even made contact with his skin. With a look of disdain in his eyes, he locked his gaze onto Dahaka's.

"You dare to humiliate me by not even wielding a legendary rank gauntlet as your weapon," Atreus spoke in a grim voice, his tone filled with an undercurrent of anger and contempt.

Dahaka, seemingly unfazed by Atreus' display of power, responded in a condescending tone, his figure appearing a few hundred meters away from the initial encounter.

"I have no need for a mere weapon to triumph over the likes of you." Dahaka retorted, his voice dripping with superiority and arrogance.

Unfazed by Dahaka's words, Atreus maintained his serious countenance, his voice growing even grimmer as he prepared to share a crucial piece of information that would undoubtedly alter the course of their battle.

"Is that so? Then let me enlighten you before things take a turn for the worse." Atreus declared, his somber tone and serious demeanor casting a solemn atmosphere over their surroundings.

"My skills are not made for some fancy competition.

My skills are honed to kill." his tyrannical voice resounded, sending shivers to the audience across the Beast Empire.

"So anyone who wants to compete with me should pay with his or her life should they choose to come unprepared or look down upon me." he openly declared with no fear or hesitation.

"I also do not need anyone's respect.

I'd rather have people fear me." his angered expression revealed his killing intent as Atreus increased his aura.

His expression contorted with rage, revealing the unmistakable aura of a true killer. As the intensity of his aura grew, the surrounding atmosphere became charged with an overwhelming presence, further emphasizing his deadly intent.


In a stunning turn of events, Atreus, driven by his unyielding determination, unleashed the power of the War Dominance blessing. The arena was enveloped in an unprecedented surge of energy as his aura surpassed all expectations, surpassing even the assumed strength of a 5th-stage saint.

Everyone including the Heavenly Kings themselves were caught off guard, their expressions filled with a mixture of awe and astonishment.

Dahaka, on the receiving end of Atreus' overwhelming power, was overcome with a profound sense of dread and an undeniable feeling of impending doom. Even his very body seemed to freeze with sheer terror, his confidence in his own strength for the first time wavering.

He questioned his own judgment in choosing not to bring his own weapons for this momentous deathmatch.

With a malevolent voice that echoed through the arena, Atreus coldly addressed his opponent and those who dared question his strength. His words dripped with a sinister intent, designed to strike fear into the hearts of all who listened.

"Kill one formidable enemy, and the rest will think twice before foolishly displaying their meager skills and questioning your true strength." Atreus declared, his words laced with a twisted sense of satisfaction.

He had grown tired of the challenges and doubts cast upon his abilities.

"So from now… I won't give you the chance to die with the honor of a warrior.

From now…" he revealed his unscrupulous intentions to the masses.

"I'm going to make an example out of you."

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