Hero of Darkness

Chapter 907 The Law

The momentous clash between a True Descendant of the Godbeast Baihu and Fake Descendant of the Godbeast Fenrir commenced, causing the entire Nadur Empire to hold its collective breath. The battleground chosen for this extraordinary confrontation was a realm of ethereal beauty—an expanse of nothingness, with only billowing clouds above and an unending deep sea below. The absence of solid ground ensured a level playing field, enabling both combatants to showcase their skills without any inherent advantage.

The choice of this unique battlefield was deliberate, taking into account the elemental affinities of the two warriors. Dahaka, the Lightning elemental brawler saint, and Atreus, the Water/Ice elemental brawler saint, stood on equal footing.

The limitless expanse of the sky and sea provided an ideal environment for them to unleash their respective powers to their fullest potential.



The expansive sky overhead rumbled ominously as the once serene and pristine clouds transformed into a dark and dense mass, a visible manifestation of the power unleashed by Dahaka. In a bold and unprecedented move, he activated his Domain from the very outset of the battle.

This marked the first time Dahaka revealed the true extent of his capabilities in the Elysium Tribal Tourney, as none of his previous opponents had pushed him to unleash his full potential. However, facing Atreus, he recognized the need to treat this match with utmost seriousness.

Both warriors were acutely aware of each other's abilities and combat techniques, having observed and analyzed one another throughout the competition. Engaging in a mere exchange of basic attacks would be a futile waste of time. They stood on equal ground, each possessing immense strength and skill, rendering conventional tactics ineffective in this pivotal encounter.

With the activation of Dahaka's Domain, the atmosphere crackled with an intensified energy. The domain served as an extension of his elemental prowess, augmenting his lightning-based abilities and allowing him to exert even greater control over his surroundings.

The darkened clouds became charged with electrical currents, ready to unleash devastating bolts of lightning at Dahaka's command. The stage was now set for a battle that would push both combatants to their limits and beyond.



The vast sky crackled with an awe-inspiring display of power as thousands of lightning bolts cascaded downwards, each possessing the potential to decimate an entire small village with a single strike. The raw force of nature reverberated through the arena, accompanied by the resounding roars and growls that echoed with the fury of the unleashed storm.



As the bolts of blue lightning converged, they coalesced into ethereal forms, taking on the shape of feral animals. The spectators across the Nadur Empire watched in astonishment as Dahaka's Lightning Panthers emerged within his Domain. More than 5,000 monstrously large panthers materialized, each standing a towering 100 meters tall.

The sheer size and ferocity of these creatures sent a shiver down the spines of those who bore witness, even from outside the confines of the pocket dimension.

Through the tokens that granted the spectators a tangible experience of the combatants' strength, the onlookers could feel the immense power coursing through the Lightning Panthers.

They realized that the release of just one of these awe-inspiring creatures would be enough to lay waste to a sizable town within a matter of minutes, reducing buildings to rubble and leaving behind only charred remnants of unfortunate victims.

Yet, in his peak strength, Dahaka possessed the ability to summon and control more than 5,000 of these formidable Lightning Panthers. It was a testament to his mastery and control over his lightning-based domain, a demonstration of his status as a 5th stage saint and a stark reminder of the cataclysmic power wielded by individuals of such caliber.

The sight of these massive creatures served as a stark reminder to all present that those who reached the 5th stage of sainthood and beyond were no different from world calamities when they unleashed their wrath upon the helpless, non-magical populace.

It underscored the precarious nature of their existence, where the line between protector and destroyer blurred, and the unleashing of their powers could bring about devastating consequences for those caught in their path.

As the immense army of Lightning Panthers prowled within Dahaka's domain, their presence sent waves of trepidation and awe throughout the empire.

The spectators held their breaths, realizing the magnitude of the battle unfolding before them. It was a display of power that left an indelible mark on their hearts and minds, a testament to the extraordinary capabilities of those who had transcended the limitations of ordinary beings who couldn't use magic.

"Not bad. Looks like I should also go all out from the start then." spoke Kahn aka Atreus as he saw the spectacle from 10 kilometers away in the sky.


A dark blue aura erupted from his body and the massive surge of world energy emanating from his position spread in the sea below.



From the depths of the seemingly endless sea below, a transformation began to take shape. Whirlpools emerged, swirling with ferocious energy, while colossal pillars of water shot upward, reaching heights of hundreds of meters.

Atreus harnessed the power of his legendary skill Ocean Eddies and tapped into the depths of his abilities inherited from Cthulhu during his time in the Zivot Empire, also known as the Elven Empire.I think you should take a look at

Ocean Eddies granted the current 5th stage saint Atreus the ability to manipulate water in all its forms within a 25-kilometer radius. With a mere thought, he could create underwater whirlpools, conjure devastating hurricanes, and manipulate water storms, all at his whim.

The scope of this skill was limited only by the presence of substantial open water bodies, and in this battlefield, there was no shortage of it.

Embracing his mastery over water, Atreus then unleashed his pseudo-domain, the Waterblade Hurricane. Within a radius of 25 kilometers from his position, billions of razor-sharp water blades materialized, each a mere 10 meters in length yet possessing an incredible cutting force capable of cleaving a typical house in two.

The sheer magnitude of this power left the spectators in disbelief as they witnessed Atreus' incomparable control over hurricanes, whirlpools, and the lethal arsenal of water blades.

The impact of Atreus' abilities resonated with the onlookers, who comprehended the devastating potential that lay within his command.

If Dahaka represented a walking disaster capable of leveling cities with his lightning-based domain, Atreus embodied a force that commanded billions of water blades and unleashed hundreds of destructive hurricanes. With a flick of his will, he could drown life and structures beneath the unforgiving currents or wield his domain to carve through anything in his path.

The spectators, attuned to the catastrophic implications of such power, could not help but gulp in disbelief. The mere thought of billions of water blades and the vast destructive force of the hurricanes filled them with awe and trepidation.

Even on Earth, a single hurricane passing through a populated city or settlement caused billions of dollars in property destruction. Now, at this moment, Atreus had created an environment of unparalleled disaster, one that surpassed any previous devastation on a scale hundreds of times greater.

The gravity of the situation sank in, leaving the spectators in awe of the immense power wielded by Atreus.



As if the spectacle of hurricanes, whirlpools, and water blades wasn't enough, Atreus continued to astound the onlookers with his mastery over water. In a stunning display of power, thousands of colossal sea dragons erupted from the depths of the sea, their immense forms stretching up to 500 meters in length.

These majestic creatures were crafted from scorching hot water and freezing ice, their presence commanding the battlefield with resounding roars that reverberated through the air.

The ear-deafening echoes of their roars surpassed even the intensity and terror evoked by Dahaka's Lightning Panthers. The sheer magnitude of these massive sea dragons clashing against one another sent shivers down the spines of all who witnessed it.

The mere thought of these colossal beings engaged in a battle of epic proportions was enough to evoke goosebumps in every spectator present.

Even the Heavenly Kings and the Empress, who held positions of immense power and authority, found themselves taken aback by the awe-inspiring abilities displayed by the two finalists.

They couldn't help but be impressed by the raw strength and skill exhibited by Atreus and Dahaka.

The entire Nadur Empire, from the lowliest citizen to the highest-ranking officials, stood united in their astonishment. They marveled at the extraordinary powers on display, understanding that they were witnessing an unparalleled battle between two formidable opponents.

It was a moment that etched itself into the memories of all who bore witness, forever capturing the magnitude of the strength, determination, and sheer might of these warrior elites.

The battlefield had become a convergence of unimaginable forces, where the clash between lightning and water, panthers and sea dragons, created a symphony of power that resonated through the very fabric of existence. The spectators stood in awe, unable to tear their eyes away from the spectacle unfolding before them.

"Both of them are talents that could hardly be found in centuries. Shame that one of them must die today." said the Empress Kaali Adisesha from her pavilion.

The profound words of Empress Kaali Adisesha echoed throughout the arena, permeating the hearts and minds of all who heard them. Her poignant observation captured the sentiment that had settled upon the entire Nadur Empire.

The realization that both Atreus and Dahaka possessed rare talents and abilities that appeared only once in centuries hung heavy in the air. It was a bitter truth that one of them would meet their end on this fateful day.

The Empress's words carried a weight of melancholy, for she recognized the immense potential held by both warriors. They were individuals of extraordinary strength and prowess, capable of becoming the pillars that would safeguard and propel the empire into a prosperous future.

The undeniable truth was that they embodied the essence of power, possessing talents that surpassed the realm of ordinary saints.

The sentiments shared by the Empress resounded across the Nadur Empire, reaching the ears of countless citizens. It was a solemn reminder that despite their remarkable potential and the contributions they could make, the traditions and customs of the Beast Empire dictated the outcome impartially. 

This law, deeply ingrained within the fabric of their society, demanded that a sacrifice be made for the sake of determining the rightful victor.

The weight of this tradition, while steeped in honor and respect for strength, cast a somber shadow upon the proceedings. The empire's citizens understood the gravity of the situation, recognizing that the outcome of this battle could dictate the course of their future. 

The sacrifices demanded by their tradition stood as a testament to the unwavering pursuit of strength and the indomitable spirit that defined the Beast Empire.

The Law of the Jungle… Only the strongest shall Survive.

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