Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 278: Pretense 2

Chapter 278: Pretense 2

Young Corporation

Because of Katherine's college degree, it wasn't hard to place her in a department that had a huge role in the company. Chairman Young initially wanted to appoint her directly as the Procurement and Cost Control Manager, and although it was flattering for her, she was against his decision because of the really huge responsibility. She still had a lot to learn in the company and she couldn't possibly take on that role while also working on a personal mission.

Katherine followed Michael Price as he went on a couple of meetings during the day while she took down notes on the important stuff. She found everything interesting and wondered if she didn't have any other motives in the company, would she be doing good in the job that her grandfather expected her to do? She couldn't help but suddenly feel pressured about everything.

She had always wanted to work in the company ever since she was young. She even remembered that she had told her father that she would replace his position as the CEO one day. Feeling guilty that she had let her parents down because of the situation that she was in right now, she closed her eyes and took deep breaths in an attempt to compose herself. 

Katherine didn't notice that everyone started getting up and was leaving the meeting room except for Michael who was still seated at the end of the table, watching her as she tried to regain her composure.

When she got out of her trance and opened her eyes to see the almost empty room, she straightened up and slightly flinched when she heard Michael ask her, "Are you okay, Katherine?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Yes, I'm fine. I just It's been a long day," she answered.

"It's naturally busy on Mondays. I'm sure you experienced the same thing while you were working at Crown Resort Group?" he asked. He sounded Americanprobably because he lived in the country for a long time already but she could hear a hint of British accent in some words.

Hearing his question, Katherine immediately thought of Damien. Of course she experienced busy Mondays

"Right Yes." She cleared her throat and made a small smile.

Michael leaned forward and lightly held his hands on top of the table as he carefully said, "I heard about your medical condition. It must be tough not remembering a lot from your past. Do I need to take note of anything that could put you in an uncomfortable spot?"

"It is quite tough. But I've been doing a lot better the past few years while trying to relearn the course that I took when I was in college," she answered in a calm manner. "Thank you for your concern. I'm pretty much okay at work but I do need to take a break from time to time because my doctor strictly told me not to overwork myself."

It was a good thing that he asked her because it allowed her to inform him beforehand about her "condition" and what the doctor's order was. This way, it would be easier for her to use it as a cover in case she had to disappear so suddenly if the need arises. Katherine didn't really want to look weak but this persona she was working on was going to be a lot of help for her in the future.

"Of course. I understand. Don't worry if ever you need some time to breathe, just let me know." Michael's low voice was pleasant to hear. His concern was genuine and it made Katherine feel at ease.

He got up from his chair and buttoned his black suit as he added, "I've heard great stories about your father when I first came to the company years ago. It's too bad I wasn't able to meet him. I'm very sorry for your loss."

Katherine got up from her chair and could only show a hesitant nod at his words.

"How does it feel like working in the family business? Do you feel any pressure?" he asked in an attempt to move on from the topic.

"Definitely. It's not easy and I don't want to disappoint them. It hadn't been a long time since I got reunited with my family. But being here now it feels like home." Her honest answer wasn't hard to say. However, she left out the part where she's nervousbut it's not because she's working in the family businessrather because she didn't know what to expect while she tries to find out the truth about her parents' deaths.

"You're lucky your grandfather and aunt got your back. Do you remember if you have always wanted to work here when you were a child?" The two of them headed outside the meeting room and he gestured for her to go out first.

"I don't remember much about my childhood but I guess I do like working here."

"Well, you survived Monday and you haven't thought of quitting yet, I assume. So, I think you'll do just fine."

When they got back to Michael Price's office, his secretary told Katherine, "Ms. Young, someone is waiting for you in the lobby."

"Who is it?" she probed.

"I'm sorry, but they didn't give me a name."

Katherine wondered who it could be and while she was trying to think of possibilities, she heard Michael say, "Go on. You can leave now. It's past five in the afternoon."

"Are you sure? What about you?" Katherine didn't think it was polite to leave first before her senior.

"Don't worry about me. I still have a few things to finish. I'll see you tomorrow." He turned around and entered his office.

Katherine then went down to the ground floor to see who was waiting for her. She wasn't expecting anyone and when she arrived, she didn't see any familiar faces. 'That's strange,' she thought.

As she was about to exit the building, a man's voice called her from the side, "Ms. Young?"

She turned to look at the middle-aged man and was surprised when she realized who he was. "Yes?" she answered with a hesitant tone as the man walked closer.

"The Madame wants to see you," he said, gesturing towards the car that was waiting outside the building as he made a bow.

Katherine was baffled and she couldn'tfor the life of hermake her heart calm down. She felt a lump in her throat, finding it hard to decline the invitation.

So reluctantly, she walked out of Young Corporation and got inside the waiting car quietly, not saying a word while they rode outside of the city and until they arrived at the vast estate of the Park Family.

Katherine was ushered towards the dining room where Nana was waiting for her.

"Katherine, my dear. It's so lovely to see you again." Nana embraced her tightly as soon as she appeared.

She felt overwhelmed by the welcome but easily composed herself and returned the hug. She drew a smile when she faced Nana and said, "I've missed you, Nana."

"Then why haven't you visited me? This silly girl! I hope you are hungry because I had the chefs prepare a lot of food tonight."

There was a sound of footsteps from the side and they heard Damien's voice as he walked into the dining room, "Nana, I'm here."

Damien stopped in his tracks when he laid his eyes on the beautiful woman next to his grandmother. "Katherine W-What are you doing here?"

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