Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 277: Pretense 1

Chapter 277: Pretense 1

Young Corporation's Board Room

The room was filled with executives Directors and Managers from different departments, anticipating the arrival of the long lost granddaughter of Chairman Young. Some of them had been in the company for over two decades and had worked for Katherine's father, Mason, when he was still alive.

It was the first time that Katherine had met them personallyrather, professionally because of businessshe had met a few of them last Saturday at her Welcome Home Party. But that morning, she came prepared and familiarized herself with the faces of everyone in the room as well as some details about them that could come in handy. It was Styles and Amelia who compiled everything for her.

This wasn't entirely new for her as she had done this a lot of times in the past while working for Shadow. It was essential to learn about people around her if she were to go on undercover missions. The only difference about this now was that she wasn't wearing any disguise or playing a different persona, making it difficult on her part because she couldn't just escape if something goes wrong.

Katherine looked at everyone's faces as she stood in front of the room with her Aunt Deborah and Grandfather Theo next to her. Seeing the mixture of expressions on the faces of the ladies and gentlemen who were seated at the meeting table, she could see some who were quite excited to see her and some who were hesitant or wary. Director Bai, for example, was all smilesprobably because of the expensive and rare gift that he received earlier, while a manager from the Marketing Department had her brow raised as she judged Katherine's outfit from head to toe.

Katherine ignored her judgy stare and gave her a very warm smile to piss her off with kindness. She couldn't care less about superficial women at the moment. They could all hate her for all she cared, she was there to catch a killer and not get head to head with a Queen Wanna-Bee.

As the CEO of Young Corporation, her Aunt Deborah gave a speech about her late brother Mason and miraculously finding her niece Katherine and having her back in the family. Katherine kept a gentle appearance and waited for her aunt to introduce her.

"We are very glad to have you back in the family as it is truly a wonderful moment. I'm sure wherever your father is right now, he's very proud that you're joining the company. Now, I hope you're ready for the challenges. I know you won't disappoint us," Deborah Young said, holding Katherine's hand. "May I present to you, my niece, Katherine Young, who will be a new addition to the Department of Procurement and Supply."

Everyone clapped their hands to welcome Katherine as she made a small bow to all of them. Chairman Young couldn't have been more proud to see her joining the family business. When she told him that she wanted to work in the company, he didn't hesitate to say 'yes'.

Looking at the eyes of the important people in the room, Katherine started, "It's an honor for me to work here. I am definitely looking forward to overcoming any challenges and witness as Young Corporation reaches greater heights. I wouldn't have it any other way." There was another round of applause before they stood up, one by one, to shake hands with her.

Katherine and Chairman Young came to an agreement that she would stay in the department and shadow one of the manager's responsibilities until she was ready to replace him. Although Katherine couldn't see that happening very soon, it was a good compromise that allowed her to be in the loop while also having the flexibility to do what she needed to do. 

"Katherine darling, I'd like you to meet Michael Price" Deborah Young introduced her to the current Manager of Procurement and Cost Control. He was a thirty-four-year-old English man and he looked a lot like Liam Hemsworth.

"It's a pleasure, Mr. Price," Katherine said as she shook hands with him.

"Please Ms. Young, call me Michael," he said, flashing a gorgeous set of teeth.

"Michael it is. Then call me Katherine."

The two of them got acquainted and Katherine's first day at Young Corporation was spent getting to know the basic procedures in the company as well as knowing who is who all while taking mental notes about each person that she came across with that day.

Crown Resort Group

Damien Park spent the whole morning attending meetings left and right and by lunch break, he was about to eat out when he decided to just stay in the office and have food delivered, hoping to get a couple of hours of break before tackling Monday afternoon.

He slumped on the office sofa and leaned his head on the backrest when his cellphone rang. He looked at the screen and saw that Nana was calling him.

"Hi, Nana," he answered.

"Damien, you sound tired. Have you had your lunch?" Nana asked.

"I'm just waiting for food. Do you need something, Nana?"

"Are you getting rid of me already? I just called," she huffed.

Damien pinched the bridge of his nose when he heard Nana got sensitive over nothing. "You know that's not what I mean. It's just you rarely call me on Mondays. Is everything okay?"

"Mm. Everything is okay. You haven't visited me lately. I'm calling because I want you to have dinner with me tonight."

Damien shifted his gaze to the computer on his desk and tried to recall what his schedule was but when he couldn't remember, he excused himself and checked it through his phone. "I have dinner with a business partner tonight, Nana. Can I meet you another day?"

"Oh no. You cannot cancel on me again, young man. I won't take no for an answer this time!"

"Nana, but"

"No buts. I want you here at six in the evening tonight. You have to come or I will disown you. Are we clear?" Nana's voice was serious, leaving no room for negotiation.

Damien didn't have a choice. There was no way he could get out of it now. The last time that he saw Nana was last month and he was sort of avoiding seeing her because she gets really adamant in asking him to chase after Katherine like it was that easy like he knew where she was like he knew how to get her back.

After a long and heavy sigh, Damien agreed, "Fine. I'll cancel my appointment and I'll be there tonight."

"Good. Don't be late," she said before ending their phone call.

Damien stared at his phone screen and sent a quick email to cancel the dinner meeting. When he was done, he found himself checking his messages despite not receiving any notification and ended up opening the message thread with Katherine.

He hadn't heard from her since last night. There was an indication that his message that morning was definitely read and he wondered why she didn't respond.

Damien got a little frustrated that she didn't reply so he began typing another message for her but when he was about to send it, he stopped himself and deleted the composition thinking that he didn't want to appear too pushy.

Therefore, he tossed his phone aside and spent the rest of the day getting annoyed even on little things.

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