Farming and Reclaiming Wasteland, I Pampered Hou Ye In Ancient Times

Chapter 881: Jiang Bilian's episode

Chapter 881: Jiang Bilian's episode

Chapter 881 Jiang Bilian's side story

Jiang Bilian was starved for several days in a row, and she was on the verge of collapse. Her tortured body was already weak.

In addition, I haven't eaten for several days, so now I can only lie on the haystack, gasping for breath.

"cough cough cough"

Jiang Bilian's stomach made a rumbling sound of hunger, mixed with the creaking sound of a mouse.

Besides that, it was impossible to hear any movement, and she lived in despair day after day.

Although it is so difficult, she doesn't want to die yet, because she is still young, maybe the master will think of her one day.

"No, I can't die, I definitely can't die, and when I stand up, none of those **** will feel better."

Jiang Bilian stared at the wall with red eyes, her lips trembling, and she muttered to herself like crazy.

After a long time, she finally calmed down a little bit. Now, it should be night.

If she doesn't find something to eat, she will definitely die when the sun rises.

Thinking of this, Jiang Bilian gritted her teeth and groped for a while in the grass.

Her clothes were stripped off by that vicious woman long ago, and she was thrown in the haystack of the woodshed.

Fumbled for a long time but couldn't find something to eat. Jiang Bilian didn't know whether she fainted from hunger or died of starvation...

Suddenly, she tried her best to sit up from the grass, she patted her chest with her hands, and breathed in the fresh air.

She opened her eyes wide in horror, looking at the familiar surroundings. Isn't this her unmarried boudoir?

Why is she lying here?

She remembered that yesterday she dreamed that the prime minister had come back, and then she was sent back to the haystack, she fainted from disappointment

And now it's back, what's going on? !

Jiang Bilian turned pale with fright, she shivered and backed away until she was close to the wall inside the bed.

She realized it suddenly, and immediately touched the quilt she was covering with her hand, but it was so real.

Jiang Bilian felt intense fear in her heart, and she sat up tremblingly, wanting to get out of bed.

But her legs were so weak that she couldn't exert any strength at all, and she was sweating profusely from anxiety.

"Lian'er, what's wrong with you?"

Just when Jiang Bilian was in despair, she suddenly heard a gentle and familiar voice calling her.

Jiang Bilian was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head to look at the door, and she saw a luxuriously dressed woman.

She walked towards the bed in a hurry while talking to her gently.


Jiang Bilian burst into tears as she looked at the beautiful woman in front of her.

"Mother, why did you come here? Lian'er is almost starving to death, mother. Woooo"

Jiang Bilian cried heartbreakingly.

She has been so hungry for the past few days that she has become skinny, and now she finally sees her mother.

She felt the grievance and fear in her heart burst out instantly.

While sobbing, she buried her head on the woman's shoulder and sobbed in pain.

"Lian'er, you've got a fever. If you say you're going to die, isn't it because you refuse to eat and you're so hungry that you have a fever? What are you afraid of?"

Prime Minister's wife rubbed Jiang Bilian's head lovingly, and then said gently.

She took Jiang Bilian's hand, "Mother's Lian'er, she died of starvation after not eating for a day. Mother asked someone to warm up the bird's nest porridge for you to eat."

"Mother, I'm so hungry, woo woo"

Jiang Bilian cried for a while before she stopped, and four maidservants filed in, one carrying wash water, one drooling, one holding a handkerchief...

The prime minister's wife took the handkerchief from the servant girl and gently cleaned her face.

Jiang Bilian shook her head, not letting the prime minister's wife touch her, "Mother, my daughter is skinny..."

"Haha..." Prime Minister Jiang heard the elder daughter's words as soon as he came in, making him laugh out loud.

He was angry at first, but when his eldest daughter went on a hunger strike for a day, he felt distressed again.

"Lian'er, what you said made your father laugh." The prime minister's wife said with a smile.

The man she likes the most, and the daughter she cares about the most, both are people she can't part with in her life.

But because of her daughter's marriage, the master has neglected her for several days. Now this warm scene makes her very satisfied.

"Lian'er, are you awake?" The prime minister's voice was full of excitement.

"Daddy, my daughter is unfilial..." Jiang Bilian wanted to confess.

She shouldn't be willful and want to marry Zhennan Hou, and in the end she almost died of starvation in a tragic way.

But before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by her father: "It's good that you are fine. You forced this marriage with your life, and now you want to divorce with death. You really don't have the face to go to the emperor." Say, you have to marry if you dont want to.

Jiang Bilian:

She hasn't married Zhennanhou yet? Could it be that she starved to death, and then reincarnated back before she got married?

She seemed to understand something, and then she seemed even more confused, not knowing what to say.

So, she threw herself into the arms of the prime minister's wife desperately.

Prime Minister's wife caressed her back and said, "Good boy, you cannot regret a marriage bestowed by the emperor, so don't be sad anymore."

Out of the corner of her eyes, she glanced at the master standing beside him, who had been silent all the time, although he seemed expressionless.

But the prime minister's wife knew that he must also feel very uncomfortable, and the master certainly did not want his daughter to marry a crippled Lord Hou.

Jiang Bilian also straightened out, she was back ten days before she got married, and she desperately didn't want to marry a cripple.

So he went on a hunger strike for a day, and finally fell into a coma with a fever due to hunger. After waking up, he still married the crippled Lord Hou.

She can't make her father sad now, she has to think of a perfect way, she wiped away the tears on her face and said: "Daughter is sorry to parents."

"Silly boy, what are you talking about?" The prime minister's wife wanted to cry, and she stroked Jiang Bilian's hair.

"Lian'er, take a good rest and get ready to get married in a few days." The Prime Minister came over and said, stroking Jiang Bilian's head.

Jiang Bilian nodded obediently, "Daddy, don't worry, I will take care of myself."

After the prime minister left, Jiang Bilian wolfed down three bowls of bird's nest porridge.

The prime minister's wife was very distressed: "Lian'er, drink slowly, and what's more, as long as you are willing to eat, let alone bird's nest porridge to fill you up, you can eat whatever you want."

Jiang Bilian didn't speak, she didn't have time to talk, but the speed of drinking porridge slowed down.

Her mother, how can she understand the suffering of a starving ghost reincarnated!

"Mother, my daughter won't marry the lame Marquis, let that idiot Jiang Xinyan marry her instead."

"A fool is your father's favorite, how could your father agree to it!" The prime minister's wife doesn't want a fool to marry her.

However, that is the master's heart, she dare not say this!

If she said so, she, the prime minister's wife, would never want to do it, even though the master usually treats her well.

But for that daughter's bloodline, he is as precious as an eyeball.

"My daughter has a way. Tomorrow, my daughter will go to the royal temple to burn incense..." Jiang Bilian told her mother about her plan.

The prime minister's wife's eyes lit up when she heard that, "Lian'er, this is a good idea, mother's daughter is extremely smart."

"It's better to be educated by mother. No matter how good a daughter is, she will inherit it from mother."

The mother and daughter boasted to each other about business, because the matter was resolved, and they felt much more relaxed.

Jiang Bilian drank three bowls of bird's nest porridge in a row, and her stomach was already full, but she still wanted to eat.

Afraid that in a blink of an eye, all this would be wiped out, and she would go back to the haystack in the woodshed.

The prime minister's wife is going to accompany the prime minister, and Jiang Bilian needs time to sort out everything at present.

So the mother and daughter said goodbye reluctantly. Although the prime minister's wife was very strange, the daughter became very clingy after being in a coma for a while.

After the prime minister's wife left, Jiang Bilian had the strength to get out of bed, and she walked to the mirror immediately.

Looking at her in the mirror, with her fair skin and beautiful self, she was in a trance for a while.

Before she was imprisoned in the woodshed, she didn't have such tender skin. She was sure that she was reborn.

God can't stand that vicious woman, let her come back for revenge, Chu Lixuan, that trash, she will definitely not marry again.

She has been very independent since she was three years old, studying piano, chess, calligraphy and painting hard, trying to please her father.

She is the first of the four beauties in the capital, and there are countless young talents who pursue her.

Why would she go into exile with a cripple? Let the fool marry her instead.

Actually, on the way to exile, she didn't suffer much at first. After all, Chu Lijie and his son brought many servants with them.

Carrying countless roast chickens and steamed buns, those government servants who are pushing high and stepping down don't dare to control them if they turn a blind eye.

Chu Lijie has a gentle and handsome face, but in reality he is full of bad taste and is a lustful and hungry ghost.

However, she does not reject him, because he is someone who loves her sincerely, will give her preference, and is willing to be exiled for her.

They were in pairs on the road to exile, and deliberately humiliated Zhennanhou, that trash, and even **** him off.

It was only later that the plague of locusts came suddenly, and all post stations were closed to prevent the exiled teams from entering the city.

She abandoned Chu Lijie and became a concubine with the master of Luoyuan's house because she was young and beautiful.

The masters of Futai loved her very much, and she lived a few years without worrying about food and clothing.

But a few years later, her idiot sister was not an idiot, and became a queen with infinite glory.

Mrs. Futai took advantage of her natal family's power to strip her naked and throw her into the woodshed to starve to death.

Since God let her live a new life, she must let the fool marry the lame Hou Ye.

The future emperor of the third prince belongs to this beauty, Jiang Bilian relied on her previous life experience.

Soon bought a fake master, ran into the prime minister on the road, and told the prime minister.

His second daughter is very compatible with Zhennan Hou, and she will regain her sanity after marrying him.

This made the prime minister so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, and humbly begged the eldest daughter to give up the marriage to the younger daughter.

This was originally a fake master that Jiang Bilian's mother and daughter bought with money, and their mother and daughter agreed clearly.

The prime minister's mansion was full of joy, and the preparations for the wedding were extremely lively.

In this way, Jiang Xinyan married Chu Lixuan, and everyone in the prime minister's house was happy, and the prime minister loved his eldest daughter even more.

While Jiang Bilian seduced the third prince, she spoke ill of Mrs. Luoyuan's natal family in front of her father.

Just like that, Jiang Bilian easily killed the family of the woman who starved to death.

Mrs. Futai didn't know until she died, why she offended the Prime Minister and caused her to be wiped out.

The third prince, Xuanyuan Junde, always liked Jiang Bilian, the head of the four beauties.

Helpless, he was married to Chu Lixuan by his father two years ago, so he could only like it silently.

This Jiang Bilian did not marry, he was very excited and wanted to ask his father to marry him.

Naturally, he dared not say that she was the eldest daughter of the prime minister, he told him that his father was the youngest daughter of the prime minister's mansion.

Thus, the emperor gave the two of them a marriage without hesitation, but unfortunately, the good times didn't last long.

Chu Lijie, who had returned from exile, found out and publicly identified that the person who followed him was Mrs. Hou Jiang Bilian.

He also told everyone with certainty that this Jiang Bilian was a fugitive, causing them to be thrown rotten eggs by the stupid people.

The emperor, Longyan, was furious, and immediately helped him point out another marriage, saying that the daughter of the prime minister's mansion is a fool and cannot be a concubine.

Jiang Bilian never expected that the marriage she had been planning for so long would be ruined by the man in her previous life who loved her to the bone.

But the deal is done, even if Jiang Bilian is a reborn person, she doesn't know what to do.

So she could only hold on to the third prince tightly, and the previous methods of trying to get him were useless.

She had no choice but to lose her virginity before she got married, and used her biggest capital to keep the third prince and let him marry her as his side concubine.

The side concubine was the closest to the position of the queen, so she became the side concubine without hesitation.

She believes that with her excellence, she will definitely be able to defeat the third concubine. She is very confident.

What she is most afraid of is that that fool will return to the capital, fearing that she will be the future queen again.

So, at the first time, she spent a lot of money to buy people from the Killer League to kill the fool.

Of course, she doesn't need to do these things herself, everything is done by her mother.

She didn't understand until her death in her previous life why her mother favored her instead of Jiang Zihao, the only seedling of their prime minister's mansion.

Back after being reborn, Jiang Bilian tried all kinds of things, and finally learned the truth, and the truth is so unimaginable.

Jiang Zihao and the fool are twins. Her mother is really powerful, and no one in the prime minister's mansion knows.

She knew that her father was devoted to court and didn't care about the affairs of the mansion, even the grandmother in charge of the backyard didn't know about it.

However, when the mother and daughter were whispering, they were overheard by that little bastard.

This made their mother and daughter anxious, and finally had no choice but to hire another killer to hunt him down.

This series of events made Jiang Bilian dizzy, not to mention many things are different from the previous life.

Year after year passed, but Jiang Bilian was getting farther and farther away from the queen's position.

But her mother wanted to put the prime minister under house arrest after her mother was found out by his father for chasing and killing Jiang Zihao.

That was impossible, so her mother was annihilated by the prime minister in a fit of anger.

Jiang Bilian was also disliked by her father, and Jiang Bilian without her mother's backing was not easy in the Third Prince's Mansion.

The third prince is also a lord who has no profit and can't afford to be early. Concubine Wei's natal family is highly regarded by the emperor, so he exclusively favors Concubine Wei.

Jiang Bilian couldn't get along in the Third Prince's Mansion originally, but the house leak happened to rain all night.

Her prime minister's father actually escaped, and she had to commit herself to the old emperor in order to survive...

She lived a new life, and once again witnessed the infinite beauty of the fool... This hatred will last forever~

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