Farming and Reclaiming Wasteland, I Pampered Hou Ye In Ancient Times

Chapter 880: The story of Emperor Dongchen

Chapter 880: The story of Emperor Dongchen

Chapter 880 The Story of Emperor Dongchen

Everyone, dont look at my licentiousness in my later years, even wanting to occupy my own daughter-in-law.

But when I first came to power, I was also a good emperor who worked hard for the country and the people.

I was born in the imperial palace, a prince of Dongchen, but I have more than twenty half-brothers.

There are also many half-sisters, and their mother and concubine usually give birth to one.

The most favored or the tough mother clan will give birth to a few more, but generally there are not a few survived.

My mother and concubine were the only ones who gave birth to three princes and princesses in a row. One emperor sister was seven years older than me, and the emperor brother was eight years younger than me.

Fifteen years apart, it can be seen how favored my mother and concubine are, and have been favored by my father and emperor for more than ten years.

But my mother and concubine dont have a strong natal family, just relying on my fathers meager love is not enough to support us.

So I lived very hard from childhood to adulthood, and I was beaten into a disability several times and almost lost my life

And my encounters were all caused by my half-brothers and sisters.

I hate them, but there's nothing I can do about it.

Because I dare not disobey my queen mother and my brothers, because they all have great grandparents.

And my grandfather was just a wealthy businessman in the south of the Yangtze River, without any power, and compared with other concubines, his money was pitifully small.

My princes brothers wife is Dongchen, who is a great scholar, and my father named him Cheng Taifu.

I learned to flatter the prince since I was a child, so the brother of the prince will almost always take me with him in class.

Cheng Taifu saw that the prince liked me, so he also taught me along the way, although I am smarter than the prince's brother.

But I can hide my clumsiness. The prince and brother didn't find out, but Taifu Cheng knew it.

Although he didnt say anything, he still secretly taught me to be upright.

Taifu Cheng didn't know my suffering, he only knew how to educate me blindly, and when there was no other way, I could only pretend to accept it humbly.

So he not only taught me literary talent, but also taught me to manage my emotions well, as emotions are the most important prerequisite for success.

One's life is a process of constantly playing games with oneself.

Only by constantly defeating yourself and cultivating yourself can you live a good life.

The self-discipline deep in a person's bones is to guard against what he says and stop what he does.

There is fear in the heart, and people are also cautious in their words in ancient times.

The mouth is the door of disaster, and the tongue is the knife for cutting the body.

The more irritable you are, the easier it is to say things that you regret.

Talk to each other in a hurry, utter bad words, and small irrelevant conflicts will also explode into an unmanageable mess.

Cheng Taifu deserved to be a well-known bachelor at that time, just read an article.

It was already past noon, and I still had an aftertaste lingering on the tip of my tongue, reluctant to leave.

He put down the book in his hand, and sighed: "Today's chapter has hit the point, come back tomorrow."

When I was touched by his concern for me, I saw him turn his eyes to the prince brother who was aside.

Seeing a look of sadness in his brows and eyes, he couldn't help but ask concerned: "Your Highness, is there anything that doesn't go your way?"

The prince smiled wryly when he heard the words, and slowly shook his head and said, "Father's body has always been like this. The imperial doctors in the imperial hospital have tried their best, but they can't make it better."

"Prince please ask the genius doctor from Tianyi Valley to take a look, maybe the emperor is poisoned."

The prince was shocked when he heard the words: "Could it be that after the father is poisoned, he will be unconscious due to the toxin?"

Cheng Taifu pondered for a moment: "There is also this possibility, the imperial doctor is helpless, it must be poisoned."

"Thank you, Taifu, I will send someone to Tianyi Valley to ask the owner to come and have a look."

Cheng Taifu suddenly asked: "His Royal Highness will definitely be a Mingjun in the future, not only with great virtue and talent, but also with both ability and political integrity.

Rescue the world and save the people, benevolent and upright, sincere and loyal to the sun and the moon, from culture to martial arts, both civil and military, prospering Zen and protecting the Dharma, promoting goodness and punishing evil, and suppressing the world with fists and ambitions. "

Teacher Cheng's praise to the prince's elder brother made me so angry that my heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys ached.

At that time, I was thinking, if I can sit in that position, I must exile Cheng Taifu thousands of miles away.

My father, the emperor, was also healed by the Lord of the Heavenly Medicine Valley, and he was running the government vigorously again.

Silly prince brother, he still followed his father on his saddle, if I didn't heal his father.

Is it not good to directly ascend the throne? The brother of the silly prince is still a fool.

So, I work hard every day, because I have learned a lot, and I am slowly drifting away, and I am no longer so clumsy.

Occasionally, he would show it in front of his father to prove that he was better than the silly prince.

When I was fourteen years old, I met the assassination for the first time in my life, which was also an opportunity for me.

At that time, the weather was already very cold, but I felt hot all over.

At that moment, I thought, if I could die in the arms of the savior, it would be worth it.

So I closed my eyes and waited for the fatal pain to come.


A clear and piercing piercing sound sounded, my heart contracted suddenly, and an unspeakable severe pain spread throughout my body.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a muffled groan, and I opened my eyes suddenly.

I saw my savior fell to the ground clutching his chest, his face covered with blood.

I was so shocked that I didn't know how to react for a while.

Until a court lady next to me couldn't stand it anymore and shouted: "Prince Eighteen, what are you doing so stupidly? Call the imperial physician quickly."

I came back to my senses, ran to the man lying on the ground in a hurry, hugged his arm and said anxiously.

"How are you? I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay." He smiled weakly.

Looking at his pale face, I felt even more guilty, tears could no longer be restrained, and rolled down my cheeks.

The maid saw me crying, and said impatiently: "Okay, okay, send him back to Donghua Palace, do you think he lived too long?"

After finishing speaking, the maid helped the man on the ground and walked away.

I looked at the figure from behind and felt a twinge of pain in my heart.

I know who that man is and why he was hurt.

But I can't help it.

I looked at the man who was helped away by the maid, and secretly swore in my heart that I must become stronger!

And that court lady dared to yell at the prince, hum! I'm going to let her end badly.

In Donghua Hall, I looked at the man on the bed, and my heart was full of worries.

The imperial physician said that if he was not treated in time, he would soon lose blood and die.

However, Donghua Hall is too close to the Imperial Study Room, and I am afraid of alarming the people in the Imperial Study Room.

So the palace people invited the imperial physicians from the Imperial Hospital, but those imperial physicians were helpless.

These days, I stay in Donghua Hall every day to take care of that man, but his physical condition has been very bad, and he vomits blood every day.

On this day, I sat by the bed and helped him wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, only to find something sticky.

I stretched out my hand to touch it, and even touched a pool of blood. I looked at the dying man on the bed, and felt sad for a while.

I was unwilling to just watch him die like this. At this moment, I suddenly saw a knife on the table.

With a flash of inspiration in my mind, I picked up the knife on the table, aimed at the man on the bed, and stabbed it hard.

With a sound of "", the sharp dagger pierced straight through his heart, and blood gushed out instantly, staining my clothes red.

The man on the bed looked at me with wide eyes in disbelief, and I kindly explained.

"You are going to die anyway, I decided not to let you die in vain, I will blame the prince brother, let him go to **** to accompany you..."

" are indeed an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, no wonder His Majesty wants to kill you..."

I was not surprised at all when I heard what he said. I knew that the person who wanted to kill me was the emperor who doted on my mother and concubine.

Father also doted on me very much when I was young, maybe it was Aiwujiwu.

Later, I encouraged my mother and concubine to give my royal family to General Chu, who was very respected by my father at that time.

Father began to neglect my mother, concubine and me. I was only eight years old that year, and my father ignored me.

It is conceivable that my life in the palace is more difficult, but I hold on to the prince brother.

That idiot is a bad guy, the one who treats me sincerely is good!

I blamed the crown prince, but my father didn't believe me, but everyone saw it, so there was nothing he could do.

I can only suppress my anger, maybe I want to take my time, he is a good emperor, diligent and caring for the people.

He is a talented emperor, and when he encounters a huge problem, he can also gain some room for maneuver.

But he is old after all, can he be my opponent?

When I was eighteen years old, my imperial sister, the eldest princess of Dongchen, helped General Chu give birth to three sons and a daughter.

General Chu likes her very much, so he obeys my mother and concubine, and my mother and concubine obeys me.

I kept killing other brothers in the palace and framed the prince. The honest and honest General Chu believed it was true.

Combining civil and military officials to challenge the prince, my wise father was furious to death.

So I took the supreme position logically.

There is a saying that goes well, people go to high places, water flows to low places, civil and military officials see that things are a foregone conclusion, and they no longer struggle.

My own brother-in-law and his sons helped me guard Yazhou in the south. The Nanban had nothing to do with the six generals of Chu.

I have been the emperor for decades, and it can be said to be stable, because I am also the emperor of Wen Tao Wu Lue.

But there is an important reason, that is my elder sister, she is my father's first daughter.

Emperor Father liked her very much, and even summoned her temporarily, and he didn't know what the father and daughter said.

So I have always been afraid of her, and always imagined that she would die of illness, but she was loved by General Chu and lived happier.

I, the emperor, dotes on those concubines too much, and the ministers who don't like the concubines are either exiled or executed.

Actually, how could such a wise emperor like me listen to the concubines!

Of course I want to exile or kill those ministers, but I can't be an ungrateful emperor.

This kind of excellence has lasted for more than ten years. It can be said that every day is a pleasure for me.

For the sake of my grand plans and wishes, what is it to kill a few ministers?

As long as I am on the throne, those women will prostrate at my feet, and those ministers will let me slaughter them.

But the heights are too cold, and after a long time in power, I want to dance to clear the shadows and enrich my life.

One day, a confidant **** suggested that I watch the daughters of the ministers dance, which may relieve loneliness and pain.

But when I saw it, the problem came out. The dancing posture and style of the youngest daughter of General Chu caught my attention at once.

My feelings for Elder Sister are very complicated, including admiration, gratitude, and fear.

If she knew that I had a crush on her little daughter, then it would be strange not to encourage General Chu and his son to rebel.

No one can get what I can't get, so I sent Jin Yiwei to kill that girl.

I was also afraid that the Dongchuang incident would happen, so I started colluding with Nanman to frame General Chu and his son.

But in the end, the exiled Zhennan Hou became the overlord of one party, gradually threatening my throne.

So, when I learned that Zhennanhou's wife was the second daughter of Prime Minister Jiang's family.

I wanted to control my confidant Minister Jiang Chengxiang, but he ran away, so I took my anger out on my daughter-in-law Jiang Bilian.

However, when I saw my daughter-in-law posing in front of me for the sake of her life, my eyes were full of fanaticism and wildness.

Jiang Bilian is beautiful and has a hot body, and she also knows how to please men.

Every time I see me, there is always a trace of shyness, a trace of coquettishness, a trace of tenderness, and a trace of gentleness.

I never thought that there is such a perfect woman in this world.

She is like a rose in bud, waiting for someone to pick it, taste it, and appreciate it.

She looks so pure and flawless, so exciting, but she is actually a fairy.

My heart is like soaking in honey, sweet and intoxicating, so when she begged me to spare her from dying, I took her into the palace.

But I didn't make her a concubine, after all, I'm still an emperor who wants face.

I became more and more obsessed with her, and she gradually became bolder and more ostentatious.

She is getting bolder and bolder, and I am becoming more and more dissatisfied with the status quo. What I want is her person, and I also want her heart.

However, she was unwilling to be lonely. She tried her best to seduce my third son, and even wanted to conceive his child.

All this made me feel extremely angry, so I decided to **** Wei side concubine who was pregnant with her child.

At first, it was just because she was pregnant and wanted to teach her third son a lesson.

But who would have thought that I, who had no scruples, tasted the sweetness from it, and it was out of control.

But she is not as good as I want. In her heart, there will always be the third son.

I was angry, so I disregarded her life and death. During that time, my life was very rotten, sinking all day long...

It wasn't until the Nanban was wiped out that I became sober. The more sober I became, the more difficult it was. I died not long after.

When I died, I never thought that one day I would lose myself for a woman.

I even paid a huge price for this, that is, my reputation was ruined, and I finally became the king of subjugation...

If there is a chance to do it all over again, I will definitely kill Zhennanhou.

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