Evil-like Duke Household

Chapter 51: Magic Item Store

Chapter 51: Magic Item Store

My name, is Anessa... Anessa=Nizzet.

I am the, young noble lady at earl household, per se. Several days ago, I was engaged to Jake-sama.

An-and so, when next year comes... I will have already graduated from the magic academy, my name, will change to Anessa=Ractos... Kuhihi.

Now, I am in the middle of my summer holiday.

Invited by Jake-sama, we prepared a plan together and arranged things, so we are now going to, da-date, in the noble district in the imperial capital.

We rendezvous, even, cro-crossing arms, together.

I've also done something that was so unlike of me, a thing that probably wouldn't happen even if I die, the thing that I thought only appeared in folktales, I, who become too merry because of this date invitation from Jake-sama, doing something so

outrageous that even I myself didn't believe I had done it.

If I thought the thing that I've just done, is something that's [Improper] for a noble

lady to do, Jake-sama didn't gave me any unpleasant feeling, even more than

that, he is happy about it.

--- As for why, I know Jake-sama is happy about it, that's right,

if I had to say the reason, I have a special sorcery trait in my possession.

<< Sorcery trait of psychological sensory>> . Roughly, this sorcery allows me to

perceive people's emotion to some extent.

Because of having such sorcery in my hand, I became able to know what Jake-sama actually felt.

In fact, the thing that made our engagement, a success, is also thanks to this sorcery trait...

From what I have stated above, people would think of this sorcery trait as

something that's really useful, handy, and a sorcery trait that's really amazing, but a little while ago ... the time when I wasn't engaged with Jake-sama yet, I hated

this sorcery very much, it couldn't be helped.

The reason, is that this sorcery trait is always active.

Putting it simply, this is a thing that didn't have any on and off button.

And so, with my appearance, that could be said to give off slightly, suspicious,

ominous feeling, I always feel the fear and disgust that other people have toward me.

Even if I say so myself, I can't help but fall into despair, until now, I always felt so.

That's right, until now.

The hate that I have for this thing is something that I have in the past.

The thing that I have before I was engaged with Jake-sama.

As I thought, the impression that people have toward me, still haven't


But, only Jake-sama. The warm feeling, but slightly embarrassing, his good will that he has toward me.

Since I am able to feel such feeling pointed toward me, I became not really worried about ill will that people have toward me.

No matter how people thought about me, Jake-sama's feeling toward me, brushing away, trampling it from above, and protecting my heart from those bad feelings, make me not mind those feeling.

That's why, the unspeakable fear and worry that, people who saw us greet each

other have, I don't really, mind about it.

Because Jake-sama is right beside me, because there's Jake-sama here to protect my frail heart.

... Though, it felt a bit embarrassing.

That's right. I, don't really mind anymore those bad emotions that are thrown toward me.

--- I, don't mind it, but ... ...

[ Look, we have arrived, Anessa. This is the imperial capital's magic item store... said that, I've never actually come here too...] - Jake

The place we go to after our rendezvous is straight toward the magic item store

as our date place.

As expected of a store thats opened in the imperial capital, and in the noble district on the top of that, the store has a splendid appearance and an abundance of item to choose from.

Normal writing implements, Illustrated book of magic, technical book... even something

that made one wonder if there would be someone willing to buy it for personal use like, the device to measure the aggregate amount of one's mana and it's spare part, or paper that could determine one's sorcery trait by color.

The store is wide and also huge enough to fit two big bars inside.

Though this shop is tad bit weird for a place to have a date, but in accordance to our quirky ways, to enjoy things that don't really have any interest in the normal dating spot... like boutique or jewelry, this is the result after we discuss it.

... Of course, in this big store, there was no way that the only customer would be only us,

but perhaps because of the time, there were other customer loitering around inside the shop, though not to the extent to be called crowded.

And, just as expected, when they saw, me... no, us, they started to have a fear and worry in their mind.

Just like what I've said above, I don't really mind about that much of treatment. The one that's thrown toward me, that's it.

[Hmm, look Anessa. It says a magic thread used for stitching, look. This place also handles the magic items for medical care, huh. There's even a needleless syringe here. I wonder how this is used?] - Jake

--- Magic is a subject, that's not too far from medical care and medical science.

Because of that, in such big store like this, they also seems to be deal with little to many magical items used for medical care, Jake-sama took the << Needleless Syringe >> in his hand.

Suddenly, I could feel unusual gaze and emotion.

An enormous worry, a fear that could also be called as panic.

[Hemh ... using a small magic stone and ejecting in high speed using magic ... the bubble ... amazing, huh, it even said that there will be no pain. With this no one will realized even if I shot them with, right? There seem leave no trace, too, kishishi] - Jake

in the contrast to Jake-sama, who is amusingly looking at the magic item in his hand, the customers fell into even more worry and panic, that seemed as if it could fill the entire store, even without using a sorcery trait of psychological sensor, one could see the customers dismay.

There were person who opened their eyes in surprise with a gaze of fear pointed toward Jake-sama, there were others whose faces paled and tried to not look at Jake-sama's face no matter what happened.

There was also another one who kept muttering, I didn't hear anything, I didn't hear anything, as if he was trying to run away from reality while shutting his eyes and hanging his head down...

This, made me remembered the thing before the marriage interview happened.

If I remembered correctly, when father brought out the talk about marriage interview, he said that Jake-sama is someone who have the same circumstance, as me.

That he was feared by everyone, that everyone misunderstood him.

I still felt that we have an affinity because of that.

Actually, I also heard about that matter again, from Jake-sama himself, even father-in law-sama, and mother-in-law-sama, too.

--- But, I never thought that it would be this horrible.

The fear and worry that people throw toward Jake-sama... was so much, that it made me mistake the bad emotion that people thought about me, was something that's trivial matter.

And right now, even without using my sorcery trait, while it was only able to vaguely perceive people's emotion, unrelated to that, even without that sorcery, I knew what the customers around us were thinking.

[[ What will he do with that << Needleless Syringe>> ]]

Probably, everyone inside the store was thinking of that.

Surely there would also be someone who imagined specifically how that item would be used.

Of course, Jake-sama, who kept thinking about love that was a bit embarrassing about me, didn't think about such things even one bit...

Somehow, I started, and couldnt stay put.

If it come to this, I have to do something to remove people's misunderstanding about Jake-sama.

This, is the future, wi-wife's, umm, duty, yep. I'll do my best.

[ Jake-sama, did you, umm, also know matter about medical care? ] - Anessa

[ Hm? Not at all, I'm entirely on magic development after all, I don't know anything

about medical things. ] - Jake

I know. I know about that, but I still asked.

By telling the surrounding that Jake-sama didn't have any prior knowledge with

medicine, at least, I think this will make them think that it's unlikely for him to find the usefulness of that needleless syringe.

[ Is that so, then there will be no chance that Jake-sama will use that(syringe),

right? Kuhihi ] - Anessa

[ Hmm? Yep, well that expected. Indeed, I, cannot use it ~ ... Kishishi] - Jake

Jake-sama who didn't realized my intention, with a slightly confused look on his face but without really minding it, I successfully make Jake-sama said that he will not use it.

I felt, like I've used Jake-sama little bit, for my plot, and now my heart felt slightly

cloudy, but this is for Jake-sama's sake. I'll, bear it.

... However, the condition inside the store, was still the same as before.

Far from having people let out sigh of relief, it seemed that their vigilance was even raised.

Eh, why? Even though Jake-sama already said that he will not use it... Uuh, I know what they thought, but I feel like I can't understand what they're thinking at all...

Tha-that's right, perhaps the fact that we talked about medical thing that could bring misunderstanding itself was a mistake.

Let's talk about, the more peaceful, right, the writing implement... let's move to, the writing implement booth.

It shouldn't bring any more misunderstood.

[ Ja, Jake-sama. I, umm, need some writing, tools. So, will you, choose with, me? ] -


[ ... Choosing the writing tool that Anessa will, use? ... Yep, it's fine. Let's go. Let's

choose together! Kishishi] - Jake

Aah, without using my sorcery, I know what Jake-sama's thinking.

His happy feelings are showing up straight to me... Probably, Jake-sama is thinking

About having a thing that matches with mine.

W, well, personally, I think that it's not that bad, I could say that it made my heart

dance, well, a bit embarrassed too, but it made me felt some fluffy feeling in my heart, matching items are amazing, I think.

Anyway, I successfully dragged Jake-sama away from the medical items booth

that could easily create misunderstanding.

With this, there should be no one who misunderstand about him for a while.

For a while, we loitered around the writing implement booth.

[ Hmm, what is this pen... Cartridge? I don't quite understand, the pen body is very thick though... ]- Jake

After a while, Jake-sama took a new merchandise which were pen nibs and its body that combined into one in his hand.

[ Ah, tha, that's ... inside it, there's a small container, the ink will be poured into that, container. It's quite popular now at the academy, I guess ... ? ] - Anessa

[ Heeh, So there's such thing, huh. People really put their thought into this, a little container inside, huh... ] - Jake

[ It has a structure. When you open the lid, you, can replenish the ink, by yourself ... look/ ] - Anessa.

[Ooh, so it's not one time use, heh. The pen nibs seems to exchangeable, too, it also has decoration... Yep, wouldn't this be sufficient? It'll be useful, too after all... Mine and Anessa's, we match. Kishishi. ] - Jake

Aah, this is good. This is really good.

This is, the perfect talk, between a co... couple.

Though, umm, I feel like we flirt with each other too much, but I, I don't hate it.

We did it, we have matching items.

Ah, wro, wrong. It's not wrong though, but the misunderstand... That's right, with this, people won't have any misunderstandings.

As I thought so, I looked at our surrounding.

--- I wonder, why did people just like before, rather, it seems like their fear is become deeper than before?

Even though we only have a talk between, a pair of lo, lo, umm, lovers, about buying matching pen.

[ Ah ! Anessa, we can also place custom made for the pen body, look. The colour and decoration... while were at it, why don't we make one? Only one pair in whole world, our matching pen... Kishi, kishishi! ] - Jake

Uuh, just as before, for some reason fear and worry filled inside the shop...

The... only pair in the whole world? Only mine and Jake-sama's? How charming is that.

Pending, right. Let's put the thing about the misunderstanding on hold right now.

It seems that it's impossible for me to remove the rumors surrounding Jake-sama.

It's regrettable, but right now, what is important is the custom made pen.

That's right. How about we put our name as the ornament?

Umm, since my, family name will change, how about only our first name, kuhi...


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