Evil-like Duke Household

Chapter 50: Date

Chapter 50: Date

For me, Jake=Ractos, several days already passed since the day I firmed my will to make Zen Helix our sacrifice, but till this day, I still haven't brought up the talk of his engagement with Erza at all.

Because, I have something that I have to do no matter what happened.

Right this moment, I walked to one corner where the shop and mansion for nobles were arranged together.

It wasnt like I was shrinking back on telling Zen-kun about that matter, or postponing it and now am bored and don't know what to do. Nor was it like I was lingering around without aim. I had another proper plan.

That's right, after this I have a date plan with my fiance, Anessa=Nizzet.

Before this, Anessa and I were already making a plan. We will make it so that it looked like we met by chance in the citizen town, and so that we wouldn't be dragged away by the knight in patrol. I already asked for advice from Father, and just like that, we reached this day.

Since Anessa was still living in the school dorm, the only days for us lovers to be able to go on a date together was when she was on summer break like now.

No matter what, we will be married next read after all.

The time when we can have a date like lovers will only be this year.

I couldn't let this matter go. This was absolutely an important matter.

To the extent that I couldn't sleep soundly yesterday.

I even arrived two hours before our appointment time because I couldn't hold down my excitement.

Honestly, right now, I don't really care about Zen-kun or even his engagement with Erza.

I was really looking forward to this.

To the extent that I didn't even care about how people were passing me with a frightened look in their eyes.

... My clothes didn't look weird, right?

I think it should be fine since Mother is nodding in satisfaction when she see my outfit.

[ So, sorry for making you waiting ... Jake-sama. ]

As my mind was full with such things, suddenly, there was a voice that sounded like the singing of an angel coming into my ears.

When I turned my gaze to where that was coming from, what came into my sight was a beautiful angel who was wearing a casual navy blue dress while still looking elegant.

Eh? That's weird, when did I arrive in heaven?

Wait, it's my fiance ! It's my fiance, Anessa=Nizzet!

Because of how beautiful her looks are, I mistook her as an angel. I even ended up thinking I went to heaven!

The person who invented the phrase "beauty is a sin" is indeed a genius ! Right now, I really thought that way.

Well, if I was a judge for the case, without a second thought, I would mark her as innocent though!!

[No, I didn't wait that long, don't worry, Annessa. Umm ... that's a really beautiful blue dress robe, it fits you perfectly.]

Really, I didn't wait at all!

Right now, it is still thirty minutes before our actual appointment time, so I was already standing here to wait for one hour and thirty minutes, but I didn't wait at all!

I didn't even feel like five minutes have passed since I waited!

Eh? Did perhaps Anessa have the sorcery aptitude of stopping time? I thought it was something that only come out of a legend, that's amazing!!

So a legendary figure is actually living this close to me

(TL: all of the statement above are Jake's delusion)

Lastly, that dress robe looks really good on her!

Elegant, pure, and pretty. The best combo.

Eh? Anessa, isn't she the strongest? My fiance, isn't she the strongest?

[ Ah, thank you very much. Ja ... ... Jake-sama, too, umm .... is looking ... cool]

---- Did you heard that?

Madam, she said that I was cool ! (TL : joke about how a noble lady talking to each other)

Furthermore, she also slightly blushed while looking all embarrassed and trying to praise me!

That's so amazingly cute, don't you think so?

What is she trying to do to me? Is she trying to kill me with that?

[Uhh... umm, Jake-sama ... well, please don't think to much, it's, umm, my sorcery

aptitude ... it's embarrassing ...]

Ouch! That's my mistake.

My fiance, Anessa, is in possession of some rare sorcery aptitude.

<< Sorcery Aptitude of Mental Sensory >>

Just like the name, that sorcery makes her capable of reading other people's emotion to some extent ... make her to catch what was in other people's mind no matter what happened.

The reason that the very cute Anessa was looking all embarrassed, is because she has that sorcery aptitude, and my love for her is transferred directly toward her.

Ooh, this is ba~d, I made Anessa embarrassed, yaa~h.

But, I won't stop. I won't stop thinking about her, not for a moment ! !

... Rather, even if I tried to stop, how should I do it?

Isn't it impossible ? I think it's impossible.

It was concluded that it was impossible to run away from sorcery type sensory.

It was a formal decision from the Magician Guild.

For those who protest, or someone with thoughts about this matter, please submit a 400 page paper with the signature from 150 higher ups from Magic Guild, to the magic guild headquarters.

And then after a moment of consideration, your paper will surely rejected.

[Auh .... uuuh ... ]

Ah, I've done it.

I made her too embarrassed and now shes hang her head to hide her face.

Even though what she did was really charming in its way, but still, it was not something good.

It was not good !

[ Kishishi ... Sorry, Anessa, I make you too embarrassed. Come on, raise your face ...

Thought it's faster than we've planned, but let's start it. That is, our date. ]

[ Uu ... Ah, yes ... ]

As I said so, while she was still looking slightly embarrassed, she finally raised her head.

No, she cutely raised her head.

[ Alright, first how about seeing a magic item store, shall we? I heard that recently their organization became wider, and their items have become more various. I'm sure that something will catch your attention ]

[ Ah, yes ... umm ... Ja, Jake-sama]

Since making her embarrassed more than this will be cu .. no, cruel for her, I quickly guided her and walked together toward our first destination, the magic item store for nobles in the noble city like we planned before, but then, Anessa called to me looking suspicious.

As I asked her what's happening, with a determined look on her face ...

[ That's, hand ... ar, arm, can I ... ... hold it ? ] (TL : LEWD GIRL ! ! )

---------- Hah ! ?

Hearing her say such outrageous thing, my mind went blank for a moment !

Arm? Linking our arms together? I'm fine with that though, are you really fine with that?

Really, are you fine, Anessa-san ! ?

[ Umm, that's, I read in novel, between lovers ... so, I quite yearning, for ... doing that

... is Jake-sama, don't want to? ]

The heck.

Upturned eyes, the heck.

Where did you learn something like that ?

While it's indeed very cute and very nice, isn't that trick quite a bit of a cheat, right, Anessa-san?

I wouldn't be able to say no if you do that, wouldn't I ?

[ ... O, of course, I'm fine with it. If you please ]

[ Th, then ... I'll be rude ]

With a very timid movement, Anessa glued closely to me as she gently hugged my hand.

This is, some bliss that I can't really describe with words alone, I won't get sued because of this, will I?

[ We, cross arms ... Kuhihi ... ]

I heard it.

I heard it, you know, Anessa-san.

That cute whisper enter my ears you know !

What are you trying to do to me? Hmm !

This is really the happiest day that I felt since I was born to this world, but how should I say it? Wouldn't I die today ?

[ We, well then, let's go, Anessa]

[ Y ... yes ! ]

Damn, I won't be able to hold my smirk as it is.

But hold it, hold it, myself.

The date is just starting !

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