Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 192 No Pain, No Gain!

Chapter 192 No Pain, No Gain!

At the instant that Igneus was killed, the crowd that was watching the fight started to disperse, as if they already lost what made them watch in the first place.

A few seconds later, and there was nobody else left on that street, with the exception of Eris, Anya, Sigmund, and Igneus’ corpse.

"Hmph, those pathetic bastards. They actually did not do anything! They just watched the fight as if it was a show to them!" Even if Eris knew that killing Igneus will be easy, she still could not help but feel disgruntled at the attitude shown by the people around them earlier. "I swear, once I go back to our mansion, I will inform the Grand Minister about your transgressions!"

After the crowd fully disappeared, Eris could not help but notice another thing.

"Where are the city guards? A disturbance just happened here. Shouldn’t they be coming here to stop fights like this?" As Eris had these thoughts in her head, she could not help but look at Sigmund, who was busy adjusting his ruffled robes.

"..." As she stared at this Symbolist, Eris could not help but be suspicious of him.

"Is this Symbolist related to the guards’ lack of response here?" As she formed this conclusion inside her head, Eris’ eyes started to narrow as she began to feel pissed at Sigmund.

"So, how about that, miss bodyguard?" The blonde Symbolist, who deftly picked up the Devourer’s head, looked at Eris’ direction as he gave her a sneering smile. "Do you still think that I’m an effervescent lad?"

"You!" But before Eris could blow up to Sigmund, Anya stepped forward, giving Sigmund a dazzling smile of her own.

"That’s impressive, Mister Sigmund." Anya said as she slightly twisted her torso, which was in Eris’ eyes, an attempt to show off her curves. "It’s rare for me to see outstanding young me like you. What you did... was interesting."

"Oh, spare the pleasantries, Miss...?"

"Anya. You may call me Anya."

"Spare the pleasantries, Miss Anya. I just had to do what I had to do." Sigmund said as he approached Igneus’ twitching headless body. "Your beauty is just too much for me to ignore! I feel like my heart will break if you get wounded by this filthy beast! That is how I feel right now!"

After Sigmund said these words, Eris could see Anya blushing a little, as if what the Symbolist said had tugged her heartstrings.

Obviously, Eris’ mood just worsened after seeing this.

"So Mister Sigmund, did you just fight Igneus in order to protect us?" Anya asked Sigmund with a teasing tone in her voice, although some hints of flirtations could be discerned from her words. "Or do you desire something else?"

"..." Eris, who was busy glaring at both her master and Sigmund, could barely stop herself from jumping and attacking the blond Symbolist.

After all, it was quite obvious that her master was subtly inviting this Sigmund to go with her!

Even an idiot could see that!

As Anya’s butler, there is no way that Eris could be happy that a suspicious person like Sigmund would just easily get close to Anya!

"Miss Anya, don’t bother him anymore. He just wants to practice his chivalry." Eris hastily said before Sigmund could reply. "Just give him some money, and then we should set off now."

"I have to apologize miss butler, but I actually wanted to invite Miss Anya to a dinner with me later." Sigmund smoothly said as he gave both Eris and Anya a dazzling smile.

"Oh my, you’re pretty straightforward here, Mister Sigmund." Anya said as the blush on her face increased. "Well, well, well, since you have worked out the courage to ask me out, then I shall reward you with my affirmation!"

"Miss Anya!"

"Fetch me from my apartment 6 hours from now, and then bring me to the best places here in this city." Anya said as she ignored Eris’ protests behind her. "I hope you can make me happy later, Mister Sigmund. I am quite expectant of you, so please don’t disappoint me."

"Don’t worry, Miss Anya. I will give you what you always have yearned before." Sigmund then leaned forward, showing his perfect white teeth as he muttered,

"Just make sure that you’re prepared for what’s about to come."

"Oho, now I’m in." Anya said as she let out a giggle. "See you later then, mister Sigmund."

"In that case, I shall say my goodbye here, όμορφη κυρία " Sigmund said as he waved his finger around, creating 5 layers of symbols, with each layer containing 20 symbols.

After writing these symbols, a hole in space appeared just beside Sigmund, and in this hole Sigmund dumped Igneus’ head and body.

As Eris and Anya watched what happened with fascination, Sigmund gave him another bow before he turned around, leaving the duo on the abandoned street.

"Isn’t he just great?" These were the words that Anya said as Sigmund’s body disappeared after he turned at a corner. "Just that husky voice of his was already hot enough! Eris, don’t you like him too?"

"Hmph, I don’t like him at all." Eris replied as she let out a snort. "That guy’s appearance earlier was just too suspicious. I think he’s up to something... So Miss Anya, I advise you to stay the hell away from him! Please, do that for your safety!"

"Eris, don’t be like that. I know that Sigmund is a good guy." Anya replied, with her voice making it sound like she will not accept any arguments against Sigmund anymore.


"You know what Eris? Let’s just go and enter my room. I have a date later, so I need to have a beauty sleep right now! After all, I can’t afford looking messy for my dinner with him!"

"...Ok, Miss Anya. Follow me then." Eris, who realized that she was unable to change her master’s mind, could only let out a helpless sigh as she led her master to her room.

Today, which was supposed to be a resting day for Eris, has turned out to be a hectic one.

"Sigmund, whoever you are, and whatever you are planning to do with Miss Anya, I will be there to stop you!" Eris thought to herself as she carried Anya’s items.

"So, just you wait!"


At an alley 10 blocks away from Anya’s room.

"Blergh. Did I just say those cringy words? Ugh, I’m already regretting this now!" Sigmund, the Symbolist who just asked out a Stellar Celestial for a dinner later, was currently slumped against the wall, with his face looking extremely ashen.

"Ugh, I’m here to obtain materials and spy on the conference! How did it end up like this? For god’s sake! I’m just a Traveler struggling to survive! I’m Alex, and I’m not like this cringy Sigmund guy!"

Sigmund who turns out to be actually Alex, could only shake his head in disappointment as he remembered the set of events that led to this day.


After Alex left Alina and the others, he immediately used Envy’s shapeshifting spells to change his appearance entirely.

Of course Alex could have used Asteria’s fairy dust, but with the current awkwardness between them, Alex decided to use Envy’s abilities for disguise.

"Voice Warp"

"Skin Warp"

"Muscle Warp"

"Bone Warp"

"Action Warp"

"Envy Counter"

Alex used all of these spells together in order to give him a good disguise.

Voice Warp gave Alex the seductive voice of a mature man, Skin Warp gave Alex a pristine white skin that even Alina could not beat.

Muscle Warp changed Alex’s facial and body features, making him look lean and gorgeous.

Bone Warp also changed Alex’s skeletal structure, increasing his height to 6’7’.

Action Warp allowed Alex to mimic the way that rich princes acted everyday, while Envy Counter enhanced all of the Envy Spells that Alex used by 5 times.

All of these spells working together allowed Alex to create the identity of Sigmund, a rich and elegant Symbolist wandering the world for the sake of pleasure.

With this appearance and the Symbolist skill that he had pillaged before, Alex was able to enter the City of Marshes, which was the venue for the Three Faction conference.

When he entered the city earlier, Alex’s first plan was to find a place where he can stay and rest.

But as he wandered the city itself, he suddenly saw the commotion between a Devourer and two ladies.

As Alex looked at the two ladies, his eyes narrowed imperceptibly.

Guided by the memories scoured by Alina, Alex was 100% sure that the smug-looking blonde lady talking to the Devourer was a Celestial!

And from the way that this lady held herself, there is a high chance that she’s a Heaven or even a Stellar Celestial!

At that point, Alex’s mind began to turn its gears as he formulated a plan at that moment.

As he finished formulating his plan, Alex began to smile as an excited expression appeared on his face.

If this plan succeeds, then he will be able to obtain 2 of the 3 materials needed to recreate Professor Frances’ body.

Alex of course has to be careful, but when has Alex screwed up his plan?

After fine-tuning the details of his newly created plan, Alex decided to swoop in to fight the Devourer.

What happened after that was already history.

Alex easily defeated Igneus by using the Pillaged Symbolist skill, and he was also able to ask out Anya for a dinner later that night.

"Ok, now I already have one of the materials that I need for the body recreation." Alex muttered to himself as he remembered Igneus’ corpse, which was now stored in a safe place.

"Corpse with great vitality: That will be the Devourer corpse that’s with me right now."

"As for the glass of liquid filled with power, I could obtain it from Anya later..." Alex muttered to himself as he let out a sigh. "But do I really need to say those cringy words again?"

Ok, Alex will not deny it.

Sometimes, he says cringy statements or puns, which can make Alina or Asteria groan in exasperation.

But what he was doing with Sigmund earlier was just too cringy even for Alex!

"Ugh... I just have to endure all of this for my team!" Alex muttered to himself, as a serious expression appeared on his face, as if he was about to make a great sacrifice here.

"No pain, no gain!"

After saying these words, Alex took a deep breath to compose himself, He then shook his head to clear his head of errant thoughts.

"I still have 6 hours before the dinner date. That’s enough time for me to scout the city...."

Alex then started to continue walking, this time with the intention of memorizing the city layout with his eyes.

It was a good thing for Alex that Asteria was not here, as right now, Alex could walk in peace without any pesky fairy buzzing beside his ear.

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