Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 191 That name sounds familiar...

Chapter 191 That name sounds familiar...

With just one look at his eyes, Eris was already sure that this Symbolist bowing elegantly in front of them was up to no good.

She can perfectly see that this Symbolist was a scheming one, which was the type of people that Eris loathed the most.

"We don’t need your help here, filthy Symbolist!" Eris hissed as she glared at the blonde Symbolist. "My master and I can deal with this lizard easily. So if I were you, you should just scram out of here."

"And let two beautiful ladies like you fight this ugly thing? There’s no way that I will do that." The blonde Symbolist said as he shook his head. "You two are too pretty to dirty your fair hands!"

"Ugh, don’t think your flattery can move me or my master." Eris said as she ignored the Devourer in front of her, who looked visibly angered with what the blonde Symbolist said. "You are just one dirty pla-"

But before Eris could finish her sentence, her master, Miss Anya, interrupted her

"Aww, that’s so sweet. You really think that Eris and I are both beautiful?" Anya, who seemed oblivious of her butler’s scandalized reaction, gave the blonde Symbolist a brilliant smile, as if she was trying to entice him.

"I don’t need to think at all. Just seeing your fair visage was already enough to show your beauty." The blonde Symbolist replied, which prompted more veins to appear on Eris’ forehead, and a wider smile on Anya’s face.

"Hehehe..." To Eris’ disappointment, she saw Anya giggling as the said Celestial gave the blonde Symbolist a coy smile.

"If you’re really serious about fighting for us, then I shall allow you to do so, Mister..?"

"You can call me... Sigmund." Sigmund said as he faced the pissed-off Devourer.

"Well, Mister Sigmund. I shall give you a minute to fight that lizard." Anya said as she pointed her finger at the Devourer’s direction. "If you don’t kill him within a minute, I will be really disappointed~"

Eris, who just heard what Anya said, could not help but gulp as she personally knew what happens when to those who makes Anya ’disappointed’.

"Fear not, pretty miss. I shall deal with this matter shortly."

"Hehehe, we shall see that, Mister Sigmund. Please, do not disappoint me."

"I won’t dare to do that to someone like you! I swear that with my soul!"

"Aww, I’m liking you more and more here!"

"I can perfectly say the same thing to you."



"..." As Anya and Sigmund seemed to start flirting with each other, the Devourer, who was pretty much ignored by the two, started to roar with rage.

"You dare ignore me? The great Igneus? You f**king Celestials and Symbolists shall pay for that!" Igneus, who looked like a genuine dragon right now, let out streams of fire from his nose and mouth as his massive body lumbered towards the bemused Sigmund.

"He’s all yours now...." Anya said as she lightly giggled. She then pulled back away from Sigmund, with Eris trailing just beside her.

"I’m watching you, filthy Symbolist." Eris managed to say these words to Sigmund right before Igneus’ fire breath hit the Symbolist.


Igneus did not waste any time at all, covering Sigmund with his scorching fire breath.


This attack of his was so potent that Eris could see the ground under Sigmund’s feet literally melting from all the heat being let out by the fire breath.

"So, what will you do now?" Eris muttered to herself as she looked at the location where Sigmund’s body was originally in. "Let’s see if your flowery words can help you out here!"

"Hahaha! So where’s that punk of yours now?" Igneus looked extremely jubilant as he did not stop on pumping out his fire breath. "Come on, you can shout in pain already! You should do that so that your death will be a little more comfortable for you!"

"..." A few seconds passed by, and no reply came out of the spot where Sigmund was supposed to be.

As Eris started to smile smugly, and Anya’s eyes began to droop in disappointment, something unexpected occurred.

Igneus’ fire breath, which was now going on for a minute, suddenly disappeared, as if it was not there at all.

"Mr. Lizard. Is that all that you can do?" Sigmund, who looked perfectly unharmed, gave Igneus a condescending smile as he tilted his head. "Come on, that is your strongest flame attack already? Even the flames from my kitchen are much hotter than yours!"

"You... how could you have survived that?" Needless to say, Igneus was extremely surprised with Sigmund’s current status. "Nobody can survive from that!"

"Well, too bad for you, my symbols were able to trump you." Sigmund smugly replied as the telltale golden glow twinkled right in front of his chest.

As Eris followed the source of the golden glow, her eyes widened as what she saw almost made her do a double take.

Floating right in front of Sigmund were 10 golden symbols, with them arranged in a straight line.

These 10 golden symbols were not attached to anything, as they were actually floating on the air itself!

"He can write Symbols in the air that quickly?" Eris’ eyes narrowed in wariness as she began to treat Sigmund with more caution. "So, this guy really has some talent to back up his boasts huh."

With her association with a noble family of Celestials, Eris naturally was drilled with important information pertaining some qualities and abilities of the Symbolists and Devourers.

One such information was the difficulty of using the air as a Symbolist’s medium for their abilities.

Air, which was one of the mediums where a Symbolist can write his/her symbols, was actually the most difficult mediums out there.

With the near intangible property of air, any Symbolist will have a hard time writing their symbols on the air.

And if they try to write symbols in the air, it will take them much longer to do so, compared to the other mediums such as liquids and solids.

Because of that, most of the Symbolists opt to just write their Symbols on other mediums and store them in preparation for their upcoming battles.

But just like any sample population, there’s a minority among the Symbolists that are not affected by this dilemma.

From the information that Eris had, there exists some Symbolists that are actually skilled enough to dabble their abilities on the air itself!

Of course these Symbolists are not common. Only the extremely talented Symbolists can reach this kind of level!

And if these Symbolists were skilled enough, they can even write symbols in the air during combat!

In Eris’ opinion, it was these kind of Symbolists that are extremely dangerous to fight against!

After all, if a Symbolist can write their Symbols in the air, they can easily react to any situations by just writing their needed symbols in the air!

These kinds of Symbolists were extremely versatile, and their battle prowess was much higher compared to the typical Symbolists, who usually use pre-written Symbols on combat.

"Miss Anya, should we really continue to talk with this Symbolist?" Eris asked her master worriedly as she watched Sigmund walking nonchalantly towards Igneus. "He has reached the level where he can use air as a Symbol Medium! That just means that he’s an extremely dangerous person!"

"Eris, why should we avoid him? If anything else, I’m more interested in him now..." Anya replied as Eris saw her master licking her lips excitedly. "Aren’t you interested too?"


Eris tried to suppress a sigh, knowing that now is not the right time to blow up at Anya.

Eris knew that at this moment, only proper words of logic can stop her master from doing something extreme again.

"Miss Anya, you should think about clearly. That guy is obviousl-" Whatever words Eris wanted to say was cut off as Sigmund’s words rang out at the whole area.

"Since you made your move, it’s time for me to impose mine." The Symbolist fearlelssl said as the tip of his right index finger began to glow gold.

"No, you don’t get to play those tricks in front of me!" Igneus seemed to have abandoned any of his restraints as he lunged towards Sigmund.

From the looks of it, Sigmund was planning to tear Sigmund apart with his bare hands, just before Sigmund could start writing his Symbols in the air.

"Lizard, its too late for you already." Sigmund said as he seemed to be nonplussed with Igneus’ action. "You’re no match for my speed."

Then, in front of Eris’ unbelieving eyes, she saw Sigmund writing 12 golden symbols in the air, all in a span of one second!

"Wha?" Igneus, who looked just as surprised as Eris, had tried to back up, clearly knowing that the symbols that Sigmund wrote was definitely dangerous.

But that retreat of his was useless, as the effects of Sigmund’s written symbols started to appear.

"Cool down your rage, lizard. You definitely needed to chill right now.’ Sigmund said as tons of ice suddenly poured down on Igneus’ body.

"Argh!" The sheer amount of ice pouring down on Igneus was too much, that Eris could see the Devourer actually being affected by the falling ice.


Everyone who saw what was happening, including Eris and Anya, were all somewhat confused with what they saw.

But even if Eris was slightly confused with what was happening now, there’s actually one thing that she was sure off.

And that the tons of ice assaulting Igneus right now was the result of the symbols that Sigmund just wrote!

"Now that you have cooled your rage already, it’s time for you to face my blade!" Sigmund shouted as he wrote symbols on the air once more, this time writing around 15 symbols in front of him.

As Sigmund completed these Symbols, they started to glow golden before an object materialized in front of the Symbolist.

The said object was a silver sword with a hilt covered with snakeskin, and its blade looking sharp enough to cut through anything.

"Argh!" Igneus, who seemed to have realized what Sigmund was planning to do, tried to stand and move out of the way. But the effects of the ice on his body seemed to be too much, as Igneus could be seen reverting back to his normal form.

"As the fighter chosen by two fair maidens, I, Sir Sigmund, hearby judge you, Igneus the Devourer, the punishment! Death by Decapitation!" Sigmund then wasted no time at all, swinging the silver sword with ease.

Igneus’ head effortlessly separated itself from his body, which obviously rendered the unlucky Devourer dead.

As the Devourer’s head tumbled on the ground like a used ball, Eris could not help but grit her teeth in worry and frustration, as she knew that this Sigmund guy is definitely a bad news for and her master.

"I... must do my best to keep Miss Anya away from Sigmund. If I fail on that... My master’s future will be derailed! That must not be allowed to happen!"

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