Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 440 438-The Hidden History of the Shadow Tribe

Chapter 440 438-The Hidden History of the Shadow Tribe

Ethan, confronted with being sealed at the bottom of Shadow Moon Lake by countless Shadow Elves, was understandably anxious. 

He had already attempted to break the seal using the skills at his disposal. 

However, all his efforts had been in vain. 

The Power of Shadow possessed by the Shadow Elves, once unified, was overwhelmingly potent. 

Ethan realized that he might have to resort to using Primordial Light to break through their seal.

Extending his right hand, Ethan concentrated, channeling Primordial Light into a glowing orb in his palm. 

This orb of Primordial Light radiated immense power, instilling fear even in the Shadow Elves at a considerable distance from Ethan.

"Since you recognize the power of Primordial Light, then cease your hostility towards me," Ethan implored. 

"My initial intent was merely to investigate the anomalies of Shadow Moon Lake. Now that I have discerned its peculiarities, understand that you, born from the Power of Shadow, should not be enemies of the Shadow tribe's people."

"The members of the Shadow tribe and you, the Shadow Elves, are both followers of the great God of Shadow. Why do you oppose them? Have you completely lost your senses, now controlled by some malevolent deity?"

Ethan sensed the fear in the Shadow Elves. 

He still hoped to persuade them to abandon their hostility. 

However, after hearing Ethan's words, not only did the Shadow Elves not cease their aggression, but they also seemed less intimidated by the Primordial Light in Ethan's hand.

"It seems you are truly intent on opposing me to the end! Then do not blame me for my lack of courtesy; I shall demonstrate the formidable power of Primordial Light to you."

With persuasion proving futile, Ethan no longer hesitated. 

He released the orb of Primordial Light he had concentrated in his hand into the air. 

The orb burst instantly, scattering countless streams of Primordial Light in all directions. 

As the Primordial Light encountered the Shadow Elves, they were obliterated one by one.

Although it appeared that these Shadow Elves had been utterly erased by the Primordial Light, since all Shadow Elves are essentially embodiments of the Power of Shadow, this meant that the Primordial Light had essentially returned them to the source of the Power of Shadow. 

This source is one of the Second-generation Deities, the God of Shadow, who is also the deity worshipped by the people of the Shadow tribe.

Ethan's actions not only resolved the threat posed by the Shadow Elves in Shadow Moon Lake to the Shadow tribe but also helped to enhance the power possessed by the tribe's members. 

Ethan was naturally very pleased with this solution that killed two birds with one stone. 

So, he patiently waited for the Primordial Light to eliminate all the Shadow Elves.

The speed at which the Primordial Light eradicated the Shadow Elves was astonishing. 

In a short while, the majority were annihilated. 

The remaining Shadow Elves merged together, seemingly preparing for their final stand. 

"Why must you insist on being my enemy? Moreover, you refuse to answer any of my questions. If you are facing some kind of trouble, can't you just tell me? I might be able to help you solve whatever problems you're encountering."

Ethan found himself moved by the resolute spirit of the Shadow Elves. 

He also didn't believe that the Shadow Elves were the only anomaly in Shadow Moon Lake; there must be other reasons behind the lake's peculiarities.

Since all the remaining Shadow Elves had merged into one, this Shadow Elf, endowed with immense Power of Shadow, should be able to regain its sanity with such strength.

The final, most powerful Shadow Elf seemed to understand Ethan's words. 

Facing the threat of the Primordial Light, it ultimately chose to respond to Ethan's inquiries.

"The reason we oppose you is because you are an ally of the Shadow tribe. We can sense that you are blessed by the Hero Spirits of the Shadow tribe. Those Hero Spirits are the enemies of us Shadow Elves!"

Ethan was pleased that the Shadow Elf finally chose to communicate, but the answer he received did little to alleviate his confusion. 

"What do you mean by that? I have learned about the history of the Shadow tribe in Valhalla. They have always been keen on cooperating with the Shadow Elves."

"They even collaborated with you to repel the attacks of other hostile elemental factions. Furthermore, some of their Hero Spirits can transform into Shadow Elves like you."

"The people of the Shadow tribe are aware that their Hero Spirits can become one of you. So, it's impossible for them to be continuously at enmity with you. "

"Moreover, I have spent some time in the territory of the Shadow tribe. I have not witnessed any member of the Shadow tribe attacking you."

Ethan relayed all the information he knew in one breath, hoping to persuade the Shadow Elves to cooperate with him. 

He believed the Shadow Elves could provide him with ample information to quickly discern the root of the anomalies in Shadow Moon Lake.

The Shadow Elf, however, was not satisfied with Ethan's response. 

It revealed a part of the Shadow tribe's hidden history that Ethan was unaware of. 

"The information you have is all from the people of the Shadow tribe. Naturally, the information they provide you is greatly favorable to them. They would never disclose anything that could be detrimental to their image."

"Let me tell you what they have done to us, the Shadow Elves. Do you really think those Hero Spirits in their Valhalla are the transformed warriors of the Shadow tribe?"

"Most of those Hero Spirits are not their warriors at all. The majority of them are members of our kind, the Shadow Elves. They have been imprisoned in Valhalla by the High Priest of the Shadow tribe."

"The Power of Shadow possessed by these imprisoned Shadow Elves is continuously channeled through the magical array of Valhalla to the members of the Shadow tribe."

"If the Power of Shadow of the Shadow Elves is depleted, the Shadow tribe simply expels them. You must be well aware that without a strong enough Power of Shadow, Shadow Elves cannot maintain their sanity. They ultimately fall into absolute madness."

"The so-called anomalies of Shadow Moon Lake are because of these insane Shadow Elves. "

"Although Primordial Light can pose a significant threat to us and even has the power to send us back to our great deity, if the Shadow tribe does not abandon their past actions, the number of Shadow Elves descending into madness will only increase."

"Do you think you can stay here indefinitely to help them eliminate these crazed Shadow Elves?"

Ethan was genuinely taken aback to learn of this hidden history within the Shadow tribe. 

If what the Shadow Elf said was indeed true, the actions of the Shadow tribe's people in exploiting the Power of Shadow seemed excessively harsh.

"How can I determine whether what you're saying is true or not? Even if I were to believe, I would tend to trust the people of the Shadow tribe more," Ethan expressed his skepticism.

The Shadow Elf, undaunted by Ethan's questioning, answered straightforwardly, 

"You only need to see for yourself to know the truth of my words. The bottom of Shadow Moon Lake is rich in the Power of Shadow, and you possess Primordial Light." 

"If Primordial Light and the Power of Shadow are combined, we can create a Chronicle Gateway. "

"Through this gateway, we can travel back in time. Once we go back, you will witness firsthand how the Shadow tribe's people have treated us Shadow Elves!"

Ethan hesitated slightly at this proposal. 

He was indeed aware of the information related to the Chronicle Gateway. 

The fusion of Primordial Light and the Power of Shadow could indeed create a force capable of traversing time. 

However, this time-traveling force was not entirely stable. 

They might be able to learn about past events, but they could not intervene in what had already occurred.

After some deliberation, Ethan decided to go along with the Shadow Elf's plan. 

He too wanted to uncover whether the Shadow Elf's claims were true. 

If the Shadow tribe had indeed been imprisoning Shadow Elves to harness their Power of Shadow, as alleged, Ethan felt compelled to consult with Sherry. 

As the High Priest, she would have the authority to release all the Shadow Elves from Valhalla.

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