Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 438 436-The Peculiarities of Shadow Moon Lake

Chapter 438 436-The Peculiarities of Shadow Moon Lake

Having promised Sherry to swiftly deal with the threat of the water creatures in Shadow Moon Lake, Ethan wasted no time in taking action. 

Despite his formidable strength, he knew that gathering sufficient intelligence was crucial for ensuring the success of his mission.

By noon, Ethan returned to the Shadow clan's territory to inquire about the information the clan members had on Shadow Moon Lake. 

However, Ethan found it somewhat strange that whenever he mentioned Shadow Moon Lake, the clan members seemed to be engulfed in fear.

"You shouldn't ask about that. Shadow Moon Lake is cursed, inhabited by terrifying creatures. Moreover, anyone seeking information about these creatures will also be cursed," an elderly member of the Shadow clan said in a trembling voice. 

She appeared very reluctant for Ethan to explore Shadow Moon Lake.

"You must know more about Shadow Moon Lake, right? You're well aware of my strength. I saved the Shadow clan before, and this time, I can help you eliminate the threats in Shadow Moon Lake. Just tell me everything you know."

After hesitating for a while, the elderly clan member finally decided to share all the information she knew with Ethan. 

After all, besides placing her trust in Ethan, she had no other choice.

"Shadow Moon Lake is extremely dangerous. No High Priest of the Shadow clan has ever dared to approach it directly, for the stronger a member of our clan is, the greater the threat they face in the lake."

"Only those of us with lesser strength dare to venture near Shadow Moon Lake. Even so, many of our people have lost their lives to the lake."

"Actually, I have never been near Shadow Moon Lake myself. The information I know is only what I've heard from others. When I was young, Shadow Moon Lake wasn't as perilous."

"Back then, the High Priest allowed our clan members to visit Shadow Moon Lake. However, when I was seven, the High Priest suddenly restricted access to the lake. He forbade any member of our clan from nearing Shadow Moon Lake."

"He claimed that the lake had been cursed and that all creatures within it had become cursed monsters. These cursed creatures would attack any Shadow clan member who approached the lake."

"At first, some of our braver clan members didn't believe the High Priest's warnings. When the guards around Shadow Moon Lake were few, they decided to explore its vicinity. After that, they never returned."

Upon hearing this, Ethan felt slightly puzzled. 

If Shadow Moon Lake was as dangerous as described, why hadn't the Shadow clan members completely sealed off the path leading to it?

Ethan had known since his arrival in the Shadow clan's territory that there were several paths leading directly to Shadow Moon Lake. 

Moreover, when he had encountered Sherry, it was by the shores of Shadow Moon Lake. 

So, Ethan suspected that the elderly Shadow clan member he was speaking to might have a fading memory due to her age, or perhaps she was overly cautious, using such stories to deter the younger generation from venturing to Shadow Moon Lake.

"From the look on your face, it seems you don't quite believe what I've told you," the elderly Shadow clan member observed, noticing Ethan's skepticism.

Ethan felt a bit embarrassed; after all, she was trying to help, and he should be grateful.

"You don't need to apologize to me, as I've only told you half of what I know. What I mentioned earlier were just the dangers of Shadow Moon Lake. In reality, Shadow Moon Lake also has its benefits for our Shadow clan."

"Shadow Moon Lake can provide us with a very powerful Power of Shadow. Our Hero Spirits of the Shadow clan must visit Shadow Moon Lake before heading to Valhalla."

"At least, that was the case when I was younger. But over time, the danger level of Shadow Moon Lake has increased significantly. This has made it so that our Hero Spirits dare not venture there anymore."

"After Dart's rebellion, the danger level of Shadow Moon Lake escalated to the point where anyone approaching it could potentially be cursed. Perhaps this is why the new High Priest wishes for you to eliminate the threats in Shadow Moon Lake?"

After hearing the latter part of the Shadow clan member's story, Ethan felt that her information sounded more reliable. 

However, he didn't intend to rely solely on the information from one clan member. 

Subsequently, Ethan sought out other members of the Shadow clan who could provide him with additional information. 

The details provided by these members were largely similar.

All the Shadow clan members knew about the dangers of Shadow Moon Lake, but they also understood that the lake could provide them with the Power of Shadow. 

However, they were unclear as to why Shadow Moon Lake had suddenly become so perilous. 

Just a few days earlier, the lake hadn't been nearly as dangerous.

After ensuring he had gathered enough information, Ethan found Sherry and relayed to her everything he had learned. 

Sherry listened patiently to the information Ethan had collected, her expression one of helplessness.

"If I weren't the High Priest of the Shadow clan, I would join you on your venture. But here, I have many more responsibilities to attend to. I can only let you face the dangers of Shadow Moon Lake alone."

Sherry still seemed somewhat apologetic. 

In her view, as the High Priest of the Shadow clan, it was her duty to protect her people. 

Under normal circumstances, it should have been her, as the High Priest, personally investigating Shadow Moon Lake and eradicating the threats within.

Ethan hadn't expected Sherry to be so deeply thoughtful. 

The reason he shared the information he had gathered with Sherry was to ease her worries, as he was confident in handling the threats within Shadow Moon Lake.

"I made a promise to you, so you shouldn't feel so guilty now. As the High Priest of the Shadow clan, it's natural for you to prioritize the affairs of your clan." 

"I informed you of this information only to let you know that I have already made significant progress. You don't need to worry about anything; just wait for the good news of my success."

Ethan's words finally brought some peace of mind to Sherry. 

She smiled faintly at Ethan, saying, "I have always had great faith in your success!"

After communicating with Sherry, Ethan headed straight for Shadow Moon Lake. 

Despite having learned much about the lake, he needed to personally inspect the surrounding area.

Upon arriving at Shadow Moon Lake, Ethan indeed felt a powerful surge of Shadow energy emanating from it, and this energy was growing rapidly.

"Something's not right here! Can't the Valhalla of the Shadow clan bind all this Power of Shadow? If this power continues to grow, it will undoubtedly affect all life in the forests surrounding Shadow Moon Lake."

Ethan quickly understood the love-hate relationship the Shadow clan members had with Shadow Moon Lake. 

If his primary attribute were also Shadow, he too would consider the lake a precious resource.

After observing the southern shore of Shadow Moon Lake for a while, Ethan decided to circle around the entire lake. 

He wanted to scrutinize every aspect of the area surrounding the lake.

Ethan did not want to miss any crucial information due to a lack of thorough observation, especially since Sherry placed great importance on this mission. 

He couldn't afford to fail, knowing that any failure on his part would have severe consequences for the Shadow clan.

Ethan first headed toward a small hill on the eastern side of Shadow Moon Lake, believing it would provide a good vantage point. 

As he made his way to the hill, he felt as though something was constantly watching him. 

He didn't react outwardly but remained vigilant, observing his surroundings.

To Ethan's surprise, although he could sense something watching him, he couldn't locate the source of this observation.

"It seems the situation around Shadow Moon Lake is much worse than I anticipated. I must be fully alert; I cannot afford a major failure here due to my own negligence."

Ethan continued to scan the area while inwardly reminding himself to stay sharp. 

The fact that the enemy was hidden while he was exposed made him consider the situation even more seriously.

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