Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 435 433-Impenetrable Defense

Chapter 435 Chapter433-Impenetrable Defense

At that moment, after evading an attack from the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent, Ethan swung his leg in a powerful kick towards the creature.

Yet, once again, the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent effortlessly dodged Ethan's assault.

Witnessing this, Ethan was genuinely astounded, even beginning to doubt whether the serpent truly lacked vision.

The idea that an animal, purely relying on sensory perception without sight, could so easily evade his attacks was baffling to Ethan.

Had he not witnessed it himself, he would have found such a feat impossible to believe.

As the saying goes, 'seeing is believing,' and Ethan had seen firsthand the extraordinary sensory capabilities of the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent.

Despite his initial skepticism, the evidence before his eyes was undeniable.

For several dozen exchanges, Ethan and the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent engaged in a back-and-forth battle, each move and countermove creating a thrilling and intense duel that Ethan found immensely satisfying.

In truth, Ethan's actual strength far surpassed that of the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent.

However, under the cover of night, with darkness enveloping them and only the dim light from a torch to guide him, Ethan's visibility was significantly limited.

On the other hand, the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent, devoid of eyes and hence vision, relied solely on its acute sensory perception.

This ability allowed it to navigate and respond effectively, even in total darkness.

This gave the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent a distinct advantage in the nocturnal environment.

Compared to the serpent, Ethan was at a considerable disadvantage, a fact that became increasingly apparent as their battle continued.

Under these circumstances, Ethan's battle with the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent felt evenly matched.

The disparity in their abilities was reduced, providing Ethan with the exhilarating challenge he relished.

Had it been daylight, he would have likely found it much easier to deal with the serpent.

However, it was precisely this narrowing of the gap in strength that made the fight more engaging.

Ethan was thoroughly enjoying the thrill and excitement that the battle brought him.

But he soon noticed an issue.

Both Ethan and the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent were incredibly fast, and the strong winds generated by their movements caused the lone torch to flicker wildly, its flame dancing precariously, as if it might extinguish at any moment.

This situation was far from ideal.

The flickering torchlight was not a good sign.

If the torch were to be snuffed out by the wind, Ethan would be plunged into total darkness, placing him at a significant disadvantage.

The night was pitch black, and without the torch, his vision would be severely impaired.

Although Ethan's physical attributes, including his eyesight, were superior to those of an average person, seeing clearly in complete darkness was still a challenge.

Realizing the precariousness of the situation, Ethan knew he had to conclude the fight swiftly.

He could no longer afford to solely focus on the enjoyment of the battle without hastening to defeat the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent.

It was clear that he needed to act quickly and decisively, bringing an end to the confrontation with the serpent as soon as possible.

With these thoughts in mind, Ethan abandoned any further hesitation and delivered a powerful punch directly at the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent.

Ethan was determined to swiftly eliminate the threat, so he put his full strength into the punch.

Evading such an attack would be an arduous task.

However, at this very moment, the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent sensed Ethan's incoming fist and managed to evade it with a swift dodge.

Ethan was taken aback by this turn of events.

He hadn't anticipated that the creature would still be able to dodge his attacks.

Ethan's strikes were lightning fast, and the fact that the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent had successfully evaded one was a testament to its remarkable reflexes.

This revelation surprised Ethan.

Now, having witnessed the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent's agility, Ethan realized that eliminating it would be more challenging than he had initially imagined.

It would likely take more time than he had hoped.

With this realization, Ethan understood that he was in for a tough battle.

It was evident that his encounter with the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent would not end as easily as he had hoped.

In this moment, Ethan couldn't afford to dwell on anything else.

He focused all his attention on the creature.

Following the missed punch, Ethan quickly lifted his leg and launched a powerful kick toward the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent.

While the serpent had managed to evade Ethan's previous attack, this time, it clearly hadn't expected Ethan's moves to be so relentless.

Without leaving any gaps, Ethan's consecutive attacks made it challenging to defend against.

However, the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent's reflexes were truly exceptional.

Seeing that it couldn't dodge in time, it rolled and tumbled across the ground, avoiding Ethan's kick by swiftly maneuvering to the side.

Although it might seem somewhat chaotic, it had to be acknowledged that the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent's evasion tactics were exceptionally effective.

In this instance, the serpent swiftly rolled to the side, successfully avoiding Ethan's attempted kick, causing his attack to once again fall short.

This turn of events left Ethan astonished once more.

He was acutely aware of how difficult it was to evade his combination attacks, yet the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent had managed it.

It was nothing short of astounding.

The agility of the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent was beyond imagination, nearly flawless in its execution.

In this critical moment, Ethan couldn't afford any more delays.

He understood that the creature's strength far surpassed his initial estimations.

If he didn't resolve this predicament promptly, he feared the situation might escalate beyond control.

What if the torches were extinguished or burned out before the battle concluded? For Ethan, that would mean a very unfavorable turn of events.

So, Ethan knew he had to find a solution quickly and identify the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent's weaknesses.

He was aware that, no matter how formidable an animal appeared, there must be vulnerabilities.

After all, there was nothing in this world that was truly invulnerable.

Once he pinpointed the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent's weak points, dealing with it would become considerably easier.

If this were during the daytime, Ethan would have had a high degree of confidence in quickly identifying the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent's weaknesses and dealing with it.

However, the current situation was set in the darkness of night, where Ethan's observational abilities were significantly hampered compared to daylight.

In this shrouded night, finding the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent's weaknesses would likely take some time.

Consequently, Ethan began to carefully observe.

At that moment, the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent lunged towards Ethan once again, attempting to bite.

Ethan couldn't afford to be complacent and swiftly evaded, jumping to a spot a bit farther away from the serpent.

Ethan's decision to maintain some distance from the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent wasn't due to fear; it was a strategic choice.

He wanted a better opportunity to closely observe the serpent.

Being too close would make it challenging to scrutinize the creature, especially considering the remarkable speed he had witnessed.

If Ethan got too close, he might find himself under attack before he had a chance to observe properly.

Thus, this time, Ethan intentionally positioned himself at a distance, hoping for a chance to observe closely.

However, it appeared that the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent was not inclined to grant Ethan the chance for a thorough observation.

The serpent had a strong desire to attack and, upon seeing Ethan maintaining his distance, it immediately pursued him, heading in his direction once again.

It seemed that the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent was not inclined to give Ethan any respite.

This was understandable, considering Ethan had forcibly extracted the serpent from its natural muddy habitat.

Evidently agitated by being removed from its familiar environment, the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent was displaying considerable aggression, relentlessly attacking Ethan without holding back.

The serpent's non-stop assaults left Ethan with little opportunity to observe it closely, rendering his initial plan somewhat futile under these circumstances.

However, even without the chance for detailed observation, Ethan was undaunted by the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent.

At this point, he realized that the only option was to engage in a direct, fierce battle with the creature.

With no room for tactical analysis, Ethan prepared for a straightforward confrontation, ready to face the serpent head-on.

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