Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 434 432-A Familiar Feeling

Chapter 434 432-A Familiar Feeling

The sight of this creature stirred a sense of déjà vu in Ethan, a feeling of eerie familiarity with its grotesque appearance, yet he couldn't quite place why it seemed so recognizable.

One thing Ethan was certain of, though, was that he had never encountered this creature before.

As Ethan gazed at the creature before him, he couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity, despite being certain he had never encountered such a being before.

Its appearance was so extraordinarily peculiar that if he had seen it previously, it would have undoubtedly been etched in his memory.

A creature with such a unique form, Ethan believed, would be unforgettable to anyone who laid eyes on it even once.

Therefore, he was confident that this was his first encounter with this being.

Yet, the nagging sense of familiarity perplexed him; how could he feel such recognition towards an animal he had never seen?

Just then, a memory surfaced in Ethan's mind.

He recalled a conversation with Sherry, during which she had mentioned a bizarre creature.

Sherry had told Ethan about a terrifying legend in the Venomous Serpent Swamp, where it was rumored that the swamp itself could consume people, swallowing passersby whole.

Initially, many had dismissed this tale as baseless and exaggerated – after all, the idea of a swamp actively devouring humans seemed too outlandish, the kind of thing that would be hard to believe without seeing it with one's own eyes.

However, the legend grew more bizarre as it spread.

There were tales of witnesses seeing the swamp suddenly extend something resembling a hand, grabbing nearby passersby and swallowing them whole in the blink of an eye.

The only trace left on the swamp's surface were a few bubbles, and then nothing else.

These stories, detailed and vivid, gradually became hard to dismiss.

Over time, it became a widely accepted belief that the mud of the Venomous Serpent Swamp was alive, capable of devouring anyone who dared to tread too close.

Consequently, very few dared to venture into the swamp.

It was only later that a crucial discovery was made, correcting the earlier misconception.

It was found that the actual predator in the Venomous Serpent Swamp was not the mud itself but a creature residing within it, known as the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent.

Sherry had explained to Ethan that this Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent had a very peculiar appearance and usually remained hidden under the mud, making it difficult to spot.

However, if any person or animal happened to pass by, the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent would suddenly leap out of the swamp and consume them.

This creature was incredibly fast, often catching its prey off-guard and swallowing them before they had a chance to react.

This was the true explanation behind the stories of the swamp consuming people.

However, due to the elusive nature of the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent, which appeared and disappeared without a trace, very few had actually seen it.

Most descriptions were based on hearsay, suggesting that the creature resembled a snake with an enormous gaping mouth.

Realizing this, Ethan understood that the creature before him was likely the very Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent Sherry had told him about.

Initially, Ethan had thought the stories to be mere legends.

The descriptions of such a bizarre creature seemed too fantastical to be real.

But now, confronted with the living embodiment of the legend, Ethan recognized that the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent was not just a figment of folklore but a tangible, fearsome reality.

He had not only seen this enigmatic creature but had also managed to capture it.

Ethan remembered Sherry mentioning the mysterious nature of the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent.

Its incredible speed made it nearly impossible for any eyewitnesses to get a clear view of it.

Yet, in this unprecedented encounter, Ethan had not only gotten a good look at the creature but had also dragged it ashore.

This feat felt almost monumental, an accomplishment so rare that even Ethan felt a surge of excitement.

However, despite having captured the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent, Ethan knew that he needed to act quickly to neutralize the threat it posed.

His previous experience with the brown Venomous Serpent had taught him that even seemingly insignificant adversaries could cause significant trouble.

A moment's carelessness could prove fatal.

Therefore, facing the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent, Ethan resolved not to underestimate it.

He decided to act swiftly and decisively to eliminate the creature, minimizing the risk of any further complications.

At that moment, Ethan no longer hesitated.

He directed a forceful punch towards the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent.

Typically, these creatures remained concealed beneath the swamp, rarely surfacing, leaving Ethan uncertain about their strength on land.

This uncertainty piqued his interest; he was eager to test the capabilities of the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent outside its usual muddy habitat.

In the legends, the creature was known for its elusive and terrifying nature, emerging suddenly from the swamp to devour unsuspecting victims, instilling fear in many.

However, no one had ever witnessed this creature on land, and its terrestrial abilities remained a mystery.

This was Ethan's first encounter with such a being, and he was keen to discover how the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent would perform on solid ground.

As his fist approached the serpent, it seemed to sense the incoming threat and swiftly dodged to the side, evading Ethan's attack.

Ethan was taken aback by this display.

The Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent was eyeless and, presumably, blind, yet it had managed to avoid his punch with what appeared to be an acute sense of perception.

This suggested that the creature's sensory abilities were incredibly advanced, compensating for its lack of vision.

Confronted with such a unique and adept creature, Ethan's surprise was matched only by his growing curiosity.

The ease with which the serpent had evaded his strike was both astonishing and intriguing.

It should be noted that Ethan had grown exceedingly powerful at this point.

Even for creatures and beings with eyes, evading Ethan's punches was no small feat.

However, the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent, devoid of eyes, effortlessly dodged his attacks.

It became increasingly clear that this Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent was truly formidable.

Just as Ethan's fist missed its mark, he swiftly followed up with a kick aimed at the serpent.

Once again, the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent managed to evade the kick.

Simultaneously, it opened its gaping maw and lunged towards Ethan with jaws wide open.

Ethan, with keen reflexes, evaded the impending bite.

In this moment, Ethan began to grasp the true extent of the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent's strength.

After enduring this prolonged battle, Ethan came to the realization that this creature was exceptionally formidable.

In the Venomous Serpent Swamp, the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent was undoubtedly one of the most powerful beings.

This revelation was unexpected for Ethan.

After all, these Swamp Hidden Blind Serpents typically dwelled beneath the murky swamps, where they were virtually invincible.

However, once they ventured onto dry land, Ethan assumed their strength would be significantly diminished, as is often the case with many creatures transitioning from one environment to another.

Yet, to his astonishment, Ethan discovered that even on solid ground, the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent retained formidable power.

This realization defied his expectations and left him thoroughly surprised.

At the same time, having witnessed the prowess of the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent, Ethan felt a surge of excitement.

He had encountered a formidable adversary, an opportunity for a thrilling and challenging battle that he eagerly anticipated.

Although Ethan had just engaged with the brown Venomous Serpent, which was lethal in its attacks, its overall strength was not particularly formidable.

The fight with the brown serpent was perilous and at times desperate, but it lacked the satisfaction of a truly challenging combat.

This encounter with the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent, however, was different.

Ethan recognized that this creature's strength was formidable enough to provide him with the exhilarating fight he craved.

The thought of this impending intense battle brought a smile to Ethan's lips, as he relished the prospect of a fulfilling and spirited confrontation.

At that moment, Ethan observed the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent lunging at him again after its initial strike had missed.

Despite its lack of eyes, the serpent seemed unhampered in its ability to pinpoint Ethan's location accurately, a fact that astonished him.

The serpent's precision in targeting was uncanny and impressive.

Without hesitation, Ethan swiftly dodged another attack from the Swamp Hidden Blind Serpent.

Simultaneously, he launched a counterstrike, aiming a kick at the body of the serpent.

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