Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 425 423-Defying Convention

Chapter 425 Chapter423-Defying Convention

It must be said that Ethan truly is a man who defies all norms.

The Unicorn Venomous Serpent, probably until its last breath, would never believe that it could be slapped by a human.

Such a method of humiliating a Unicorn Venomous Serpent was likely unthinkable to anyone but Ethan.

Throughout history, the list of those who have dared to slap a Venomous Serpent would likely only contain Ethan's name.

However, after delivering the slap, even Ethan felt a tinge of regret.

The Unicorn Venomous Serpent's body was coated in a slimy, sticky secretion.

When Ethan's hand made contact, this viscous substance clung to his skin, evoking a sense of disgust.

Post-slap, Ethan disdainfully wiped his hand on the ground, attempting to rid himself of the unpleasant slime.

This action was truly a devastating blow to the Serpent's pride.

Never before had the Unicorn Venomous Serpent experienced such an insult.

Pushed beyond its limits by Ethan's demeaning behavior, the Serpent, consumed by a mix of humiliation and rage, charged at Ethan once more.

At this juncture, the Serpent's physical energy was already severely depleted.

Yet, in such a state, it managed to summon an astonishing burst of power.

Its attack speed was almost undiminished, a testament to the Serpent's sheer fury.

Anger, it seemed, could indeed endow one with formidable strength.

However, Ethan, once again, chose to break away from conventional tactics.

As the Serpent barreled towards him, Ethan did not dodge.

Instead, he extended his hand and, in a daring move, grasped the horn atop the Serpent's head.

Despite the Unicorn Venomous Serpent's rage-fueled attacks maintaining their speed, its physical condition had reached a breaking point.

The force behind its assaults was a shadow of what it had been at its peak.

Now, it was nothing more than sheer fury propelling its efforts.

When Ethan grabbed the horn atop the Serpent's head, the creature immediately lost its remaining strength.

Ethan, holding the Serpent's horn with one hand, exerted his force and, astonishingly, swung the massive creature into the air.

Ethan's physical prowess was exceptional, and his strength was beyond ordinary comparison.

Especially after absorbing the energy sealed within a mysterious stone, Ethan felt an unprecedented surge in his power.

Lifting the colossal Unicorn Venomous Serpent seemed effortless to him, akin to twirling a child's toy.

This method of engagement appeared to Ethan almost like a novel game, bringing him an intense sense of thrill.

He swung the Serpent around several times by its horn, reminiscent of dragon dancers at a market festival.

However, while Ethan found enjoyment in this, the Unicorn Venomous Serpent was far from amused.

Despite its robust physique, it was still a creature of flesh and blood.

Being swung through the air relentlessly would be unbearable for any animal.

The Serpent, dizzy and disoriented, felt as if its body might come apart at any moment.

After several rotations, Ethan finally released his grip.

The Unicorn Venomous Serpent's massive body, following the momentum, flew through the air and landed heavily at a distance.

The Unicorn Venomous Serpent was thrown hard to the ground by Ethan's action, lying there dazed and unable to recover for quite some time.

Ethan's forceful maneuver had left the Serpent in a state of utter disarray, struggling to regain its composure.

Under normal circumstances, this would have been the ideal moment to attack the Serpent, as it lay incapacitated, unable to even crawl, let alone fight back.

At this juncture, had Ethan chosen to strike, the Serpent would have had no means to resist, resigned to its fate at the hands of its human adversary.

However, Ethan did not seize this opportunity for a lethal blow.

Having derived a certain pleasure from toying with the Unicorn Venomous Serpent, he was not inclined to end its life just yet.

Ethan preferred to prolong the encounter, savoring the game he had orchestrated with the beleaguered creature.

Thus, as the Serpent lay fallen, struggling to rise, Ethan did not rush to attack.

Instead, he waited patiently, observing as the Serpent laboriously picked itself up from the ground.

The fall had clearly taken a toll on the Serpent; it seemed dazed and unsteady, its movements sluggish and disoriented.

Ethan found the sight of such a formidable creature in a state of dishevelment quite amusing.

The thought that he was the architect of the Serpent's pitiful condition only added to his amusement, eliciting an uncontrollable chuckle from him.

At this moment, the Unicorn Venomous Serpent seemed to become acutely aware of Ethan's mocking demeanor, and upon hearing his laughter, even this beast, not understanding human speech, could no longer endure the humiliation.

Ignoring the pain that threatened to tear its body apart, the Serpent lunged at Ethan once more.

This time, however, the Serpent appeared to have learned from its previous mistake.

Instead of charging headfirst into Ethan as it had done before, it opened its mouth and aimed a bite at him.

In their last encounter, the Serpent had been seized by the horn when it had tried to ram Ethan, allowing Ethan to swing it through the air, leading to its current battered state.

Clearly, the Serpent was wary of repeating the same error and having its horn grabbed again, so it opted for a different mode of attack, using its teeth instead.

Initially, Ethan had expected the Serpent to repeat its previous tactic of a head-on assault.

He was prepared to replicate his previous move, grabbing the Serpent's horn and swinging it around once more, a maneuver he found immensely entertaining and had not yet tired of.

Seeing the Serpent adapt and avoid using its head to attack was a surprise to Ethan, and he realized he needed to alter his strategy accordingly.

Thus, as the Serpent opened its mouth for the bite, Ethan swiftly extended his hand and, in a daring move, seized one of the Serpent's venomous fangs.

Ethan's speed in this maneuver was extraordinarily rapid.

Considering the incredibly swift nature of a Venomous Serpent's bite, Ethan's ability to instantly reach out and grab the Unicorn Venomous Serpent's fang was a testament to his remarkable agility.

This act not only demonstrated Ethan's confidence in his own speed but also highlighted a level of daring that few others would possess.

Most would shy away from such a perilous move.

The moment Ethan grasped the Serpent's venomous fang, the creature itself seemed taken aback, clearly not expecting such a bold and unconventional approach.

Ethan's actions consistently defied normal tactics, each move more surprising than the last.

From slapping the Serpent to grabbing and swinging it by its horn, his strategies were unpredictable and unorthodox.

This time, Ethan had taken it a step further by daring to seize the Serpent's venomous fang, a move scarcely imaginable to the average person.

Even if someone could conceive such a tactic, executing it would require reflexes as quick as Ethan's.

Ethan's latest action could certainly be described as unprecedented and unrivaled.

The Unicorn Venomous Serpent, caught off guard by such an unexpected move, seemed unsure of how to react.

With its fang firmly in Ethan's grasp, it found itself in a peculiar predicament, unable to close its mouth comfortably or open it again.

This situation was undoubtedly distressing for the Serpent.

At that moment, Ethan exerted force once again, and the Unicorn Venomous Serpent's body was hurled into the air, flung far backwards.

During this action, Ethan still firmly gripped the Serpent's fang in his hand.

With this forceful move, the Serpent's venomous fang was wrenchingly torn from its mouth by Ethan.

As the Serpent landed back on the ground, it immediately felt an intense pain in its mouth, letting out another cry.

However, this time, with one of its fangs forcibly removed by Ethan, the Serpent's cry was distorted.

Already harsh and grating, the Serpent's scream was now almost indescribably cacophonous, bordering on the terrifying due to the missing tooth and the pain-induced modulation of its voice.

Listening to the Serpent's piercing screech, Ethan couldn't help but cover his ears.

The sound was like a hoarse-voiced duck, so unpleasant that Ethan had no desire to hear it a second time.

After its outcry, the Unicorn Venomous Serpent somewhat recovered from the initial shock of pain.

It was evident that its anger had reached a boiling point.

The Serpent's gaze upon Ethan was almost fiery enough to burn, filled with an intensity that could have pierced through metal.

If looks could kill, Ethan would have been riddled with holes by now, such was the extent of the Serpent's fury.

It seemed that this time, the Unicorn Venomous Serpent was truly prepared to fight to the death with Ethan.

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