Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 424 422-No Escape

Chapter 424 422-No Escape

As Ethan witnessed the Unicorn Venomous Serpent attempting to flee, a surge of anger welled up within him. 

He vividly recalled a prior encounter when he had sought to leave, only to be viciously attacked by this very creature, thwarting his escape. 

Now, as the tables turned and the Serpent sought its own escape, Ethan was resolute in not allowing it any quarter.

Ethan was a man of clear moral codes, a person who understood the balance of debts and dues. 

He had once shown mercy to the Serpent, ready to walk away from the confrontation. 

Yet, the Serpent, having gained an advantage, was relentless, provoking Ethan and barring his departure. 

This time, Ethan was determined not to repeat his leniency; he was intent on teaching the creature a lesson it would never forget, ensuring it faced the consequences it duly deserved.

Thus, as the Unicorn Venomous Serpent made its desperate bid for freedom, Ethan was quick to react. 

He allowed no opportunity for the Serpent to gain distance, immediately pursuing the fleeing creature.

It was well-known that the speed of the Unicorn Venomous Serpent was extraordinary, making its escape attempt all the more formidable. 

Sensing Ethan's pursuit, the Serpent accelerated, its swift movements almost rendering Ethan speechless.

However, Ethan was not one to be underestimated. 

His speed matched, and even surpassed, that of the Serpent. 

In a swift motion, he accelerated, rapidly closing the gap between himself and the fleeing beast. 

With a swift and decisive move, Ethan raised his hand and struck down upon the Serpent's tail.

The force of Ethan's palm was immense, instantly severing a portion of the Unicorn Venomous Serpent's tail.

At that moment, the Unicorn Venomous Serpent unleashed a ghastly scream, its maw agape, emitting a sound most harrowing and discordant. 

Ethan, taken aback, had never imagined a serpent capable of such a cry. 

This Unicorn Venomous Serpent, he realized, was markedly different from its kin. 

But his astonishment was short-lived, for the wounded Serpent, in a fit of rage from its severed tail and the stinging scent of its own blood, lost all semblance of reason and turned to attack Ethan.

The pain of losing its tail, coupled with the blood's aroma, had driven the Unicorn Venomous Serpent into a blind fury. 

No longer seeking escape, it spun around, its jaws snapping viciously towards Ethan. 

In its angered state, the Serpent seemed to unlock hidden reserves of strength and agility; its speed was now noticeably greater than before. 

Ethan, sensing the heightened danger, swiftly dodged the lethal bite.

The Serpent's first strike missed its mark, but it immediately lunged again, aiming a second bite at Ethan. 

This time, Ethan, relying on the strength of a single leg, leapt away with great agility. 

As the Serpent's jaws snapped shut, Ethan had already positioned himself safely aside, evading the attack once more.

In that instant, the Unicorn Venomous Serpent had clearly lost all rational thought. 

Ignoring the disparity in strength between itself and Ethan, it relentlessly pursued him, lunging forward with another ferocious bite. 

Observing the current state of the Unicorn Venomous Serpent, Ethan's sense of urgency dissipated, giving way to a mischievous inclination to toy with the beast. 

In this round, Ethan decided to stand his ground, neither resisting nor dodging, until the very moment the Serpent was about to strike. 

Just then, with remarkable agility, he darted aside, narrowly evading the Serpent's attack as it lunged at him.

The Serpent's thrice-repeated failures to land a hit ignited an unusual fury within it, a creature unaccustomed to such setbacks. 

Now, the Unicorn Venomous Serpent resembled a startled and uncontrollable wild horse, heedlessly charging towards Ethan, striking wildly in his direction. 

It seemed driven by an unwavering resolve to hit Ethan, abandoning all strategy and technique in its frenzied assault.

Such reckless attacks were bound to be futile. 

The Serpent, despite its persistent efforts, did not even graze Ethan's shadow. 

Meanwhile, Ethan, growing more confident with each evasion, nimbly sidestepped the Serpent's attacks time and again.

Ethan's actions were particularly infuriating. 

He would deliberately avoid dodging until the very last moment when the Serpent was almost upon him, then swiftly move out of harm's way. 

This tactic was not just a physical dodge; it was a psychological blow, a calculated move to dismantle the Serpent's composure.

Under Ethan's relentless teasing, the Unicorn Venomous Serpent was on the brink of a mental breakdown. 

Yet, Ethan seemed to thrive on this game, endlessly engaging in this playful torment of the Serpent. 

He found great amusement in this, seemingly unable to cease his tantalizing maneuvers.

Such actions were a profound torment for the Unicorn Venomous Serpent. 

Beyond the physical strain, the continuous, haphazard onslaught was a significant drain on its stamina. 

In a short while, the Serpent found itself utterly depleted of energy.

Ethan watched as the Serpent's attack pace slowed dramatically, until it no longer had the strength to continue its assault. 

Exhausted, the creature lay on the ground, its mouth agape, tongue lolling out as it gasped for air. 

Ethan couldn't help but find the situation somewhat amusing. 

It was his first time witnessing a Venomous Serpent so fatigued, a clear testament to the substantial toll the battle had taken on its physical reserves.

Whether man or beast, a state of rage often leads to the loss of reason, as exemplified by the Unicorn Venomous Serpent. 

It had attacked relentlessly, without pause, driven by sheer fury. 

Had it not been for its utter exhaustion, leaving it incapable of movement, it likely would have continued its frenzied assault.

Yet, even in light of this, Ethan had no intention of letting the Serpent off easily. 

Observing the Serpent lying motionless on the ground, Ethan approached, a smile playing on his lips. 

He reached out, patting the Serpent's massive, horned head and said teasingly, "You know, your stamina really isn't up to par. How can you be so tired already? I'm not even slightly worn out. Seems like you need to work on your fitness."

As he spoke, even Ethan couldn't suppress a smile, realizing just how provoking his words were. 

He imagined how, in the heart of the Unicorn Venomous Serpent, there must be a burning desire to crush his bones to dust for such taunts.

But such is the nature of disparity in strength. 

The Unicorn Venomous Serpent stood no chance against Ethan, which is why, after having his fill of toying with the beast, Ethan could brazenly approach and mock it without any reservations. 

Under normal circumstances, few would dare to engage in such audacious acts as Ethan did—standing so close to the Serpent's head, unabashedly taunting and even touching it. 

Given the Serpent's formidable nature and terrifying size, most people wouldn't dare approach it, let alone provoke it; they would likely flee at the mere sight of such a dangerous creature.

However, Ethan's actions were beyond normal comprehension, not because he was fearless, but because he understood the current state of the Unicorn Venomous Serpent. 

The creature was utterly drained, incapable of even standing up. 

Moreover, even if the Serpent somehow mustered the strength to rise, Ethan's superior abilities and reflexes ensured that it could not harm him. 

This confidence in his own prowess emboldened Ethan to take such bizarre actions.

Faced with Ethan's almost insulting provocation, even the weakest of creatures would find it unbearable, let alone the Unicorn Venomous Serpent, a creature unaccustomed to defeat. 

Though the Serpent was completely exhausted, Ethan's taunting managed to ignite a spark of rage within it. 

In a display of sheer willpower, the Serpent, fighting against its fatigue, once again lunged headfirst towards Ethan.

All of this unfolded exactly as Ethan had anticipated. 

His actions were intentionally designed to enrage the Unicorn Venomous Serpent. 

Simply ending the encounter without further incident would have been too lenient, in Ethan's view, and insufficient to quell the fury in his heart. 

He was determined to push the Serpent to its utmost limits, to the point of utter exhaustion and beyond.

The horn atop the Serpent's head, second only to its venomous fangs, was its most formidable weapon. 

A blow from it was no trifling matter. Although the Serpent's strength had waned to its nadir, diminishing the force of its attacks, Ethan remained cautious. 

As the Serpent's head hurtled towards him, Ethan deftly sidestepped, evading the attack with ease.

What followed was a move so unexpected that the Unicorn Venomous Serpent could never have foreseen it. 

After dodging the Serpent's charge, Ethan, in a bold and surprising maneuver, swung his arm and delivered a resounding slap to the creature's face.

The impact of Ethan's slap was forceful, the sound echoing with a sharp crack as it connected with the Serpent's face. 

Stunned by this unforeseen turn of events, the Serpent stood frozen, unable to process what had just occurred. 

The idea that it, a fearsome beast, could be struck by a human in such a manner was beyond its comprehension.

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