Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 417 415-It's Not Over Yet

Chapter 417 415-It's Not Over Yet

Seizing the moment, Ethan swiftly rose to his feet and, with a powerful shove of both hands, took advantage of the Stone General's unstable balance. 

He pushed forward with all his might, causing the Stone General to topple to the ground. 

Instantly, a resounding "boom" echoed through the stone chamber.

Using this opportunity, Ethan aimed to repeat his previous tactics. 

He leaped high into the air once again, and as he descended, he drove his knee toward the body of the Stone General, attempting another knee strike.

However, this time, the Stone General had learned from its previous encounter and demonstrated a newfound agility. 

Just as Ethan was about to make contact with its body, the Stone General swiftly sidestepped, evading Ethan's knee strike. 

Though crafted from stone, the Stone General's movements were surprisingly nimble and caught Ethan off guard. 

As it dodged, its body glided horizontally like a massive stone slab, narrowly escaping Ethan's knee attack.

Ethan's strike missed its mark, and his knee collided with the stony surface of the chamber floor, leaving behind a depression the size of his knee. 

Numerous cracks radiated from the impact point, a testament to the immense force behind Ethan's knee strike.

Staring at the hole he had created in the ground, Ethan was astounded that the Stone General had managed to evade his attack. 

It was worth noting that the Stone General's evasion was nothing short of an extraordinary feat, given its seemingly solid, unyielding nature.

Ethan, seasoned and battle-hardened, possessed a wealth of combat experience. He understood the difficulty of evading such a strike and recognized the Stone General's advantage in being more than flesh and blood. 

The way the General slid effortlessly to the side was a maneuver beyond the capability of an ordinary human.

Witnessing the Stone General dodge his attack in such a manner, Ethan couldn't help but think of the potential of mastering this technique himself. 

It would undoubtedly offer an element of surprise in future battles.

As these thoughts crossed his mind, the Stone General once again rose from the ground without any apparent need for adjustment. 

Almost immediately, he launched another punch towards Ethan.

Ethan's reaction was lightning-fast. 

As the Stone General's fist came at him, Ethan leaped up on one leg. 

Catching the Stone General's extended fist, he used the momentum to vault himself upwards, landing deftly atop the General's head.

With the previous encounter in mind, Ethan knew all too well the hardness of the Stone General's skull. 

This time, he wrapped his arms around the General's head and placed one foot on his chest. Using his entire body's strength, Ethan spun around.

This spin, powered by the force of his entire body, was more than a simple maneuver. 

Ethan twisted, turning his body with such force that he wrenched the Stone General's head clean off. 

The strength required for such a feat was immense. 

Ethan was confident that even a general forged of iron would have succumbed to this devastating move.

To the casual observer, it appeared as though Ethan had simply used his hands to wrench off the Stone General's head. 

However, the truth was far more complex. Ethan had employed his entire body in this effort. 

It began with the explosive force generated from his feet against the General's chest, magnified by the power of his waist, arms, and hands. 

All these forces converged in a singular, devastating movement that decapitated the Stone General. 

The immense power behind this action was clear.

With a resounding 'thud', the stone head of the Stone General fell to the ground, rolling several times before coming to a stop. 

Watching this, Ethan breathed a sigh of relief, believing the tenacious Stone General was finally defeated.

In that moment of relaxation, an unbelievable scene unfolded. 

Incredibly, the Stone General, now headless, began to move again, its hands reaching out towards Ethan in a renewed attack.

Never had Ethan imagined such a scenario. 

The Stone General, even beheaded by Ethan's powerful maneuver, was still capable of movement and attack. 

This revelation left Ethan astounded. He had thought the General vanquished, and thus was caught off guard by this unexpected assault. 

Nearly caught by the General's strike, Ethan's seasoned warrior instincts and quick reflexes came to his rescue. 

He swiftly dodged, narrowly avoiding the attack.

In that moment, Ethan felt a surge of apprehension. 

Witnessing such an inconceivable scene – an adversary continuing to fight without a head – was beyond his wildest imagination. 

This was the first time Ethan had ever encountered an opponent who could battle on in such a state.

Upon reflection, however, he realized that the Stone General, being crafted from stone and devoid of life in the traditional sense, might naturally continue to function without a head. 

Yet, in the heat of the moment, Ethan had not considered this. 

It's a common belief that once an opponent's head is severed, the battle concludes. 

Thus, Ethan instinctively thought he had triumphed, which explained his current disarray.

Now, it was evident that the fight was far from over. 

The headless Stone General could still battle on, suggesting that this confrontation was set to continue.

Faced with this indomitable stone adversary, Ethan couldn't help but feel a sense of exasperation. 

The General seemed as enduring as a tortoise, resistant to attack and seemingly unkillable. 

It appeared that this battle might drag on for quite some time.

In that instant, Ethan prepared himself for the ongoing fight. 

He knew that combat situations were ever-changing, filled with unforeseen twists and turns. 

Always ready to adapt, Ethan, with his extensive combat experience, quickly recalibrated. 

Without hesitation, he launched a powerful kick directly at the Stone General.

When Ethan's kick landed, the Stone General's body swayed slightly. 

However, the General's stony form was exceedingly tough. 

Now headless, its center of gravity was even lower, making it more stable. 

Ethan's kick, while powerful, ended up propelling him backward a considerable distance, while the Stone General remained unmoved, its arms flailing aimlessly in the air.

Ethan executed a backward roll, using the momentum to lie down on the ground. 

The loss of its head had clearly impacted the Stone General, whose movements now resembled those of a headless fly – sluggish and uncoordinated. 

Despite its flailing, it failed to land a single hit.

Lying there, Ethan observed the Stone General's stone arms waving wildly overhead. 

He dared not stand up, aware that doing so would put him at risk of being struck by the flailing limbs. 

In that moment, Ethan had a flash of inspiration, recalling the evasive maneuver he had seen the Stone General perform earlier.

With a forceful push from one foot, Ethan slid across the ground, moving directly behind the Stone General. 

He then swiftly rose to his feet and leaped, driving his knee into the back of the Stone General.

Lacking its head, the General's reaction time was significantly slower. 

Ethan's knee connected solidly with its back, producing a dull thud. 

Cracks began to spider across the surface of the Stone General's body, evidence of the impact's severity.

Feeling the attack from behind, the Stone General immediately turned to grab Ethan. 

However, Ethan had anticipated this move and was already prepared. 

Following the knee strike, he smoothly let himself fall, landing flat on the ground.

Simultaneously, Ethan pushed off with one foot, sliding past the Stone General's feet in a fluid motion. 

This series of actions was executed seamlessly, a testament to Ethan's skill. 

Performing such a smooth attack sequence is far from easy. 

Each individual movement is challenging in its own right, and connecting them together only multiplies the difficulty. 

It takes a warrior of Ethan's caliber to execute such complex maneuvers with such grace and fluidity.

But Ethan's assault was far from over. 

As he slid on the ground past the Stone General's feet, he suddenly reached out and grasped the General's legs. 

Then, with a powerful effort, Ethan yanked the Stone General off its feet, causing it to topple to the ground.

Ethan watched as the Stone General's body fell, but he did not let his guard down. 

He quickly rolled to the side, aware of the danger. 

After all, the Stone General was made of solid rock – getting hit by such a massive object would have disastrous consequences. 

Ethan was determined not to be on the receiving end of such a blow.

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